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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i forgot this. very peaceful towards my mitratus and decided not to sell it afterall... sorry everyone.
  2. hooded wrasse in it's relaxed state. not flashing. just minding it's own business
  3. the white terelabrus sp. form maldives. the tail is slightly broken and i'm unsure who the evil culprit is! when not broken, it's diamond in shape.
  4. my roseafascia fairy. u still remember when it was a teeny weeny female? it's a huge male now. but the tail has stopped growing. probably due to it being in captivity. it could grow longer, but no where near it's potential if it were in the wild.
  5. my flame angel male and female pair. finally after 9 attempts. i manage to keep an EASY fish ALIVE! eating pellets like hungry ghosts.. the female is yawning! so cute. so it looks like it has a deformed mouth. this female flame is very rare. it's a pure red morph. this indicates it's either a true hawaiian flame, or a rare red morph from the christmas islands. i've spoken to a few ichthyologists and they agree it's the latter. so no true hawaiian flame but still, indistinguishable! i've made a mistake about pure red flames being ONLY found in mainland hawaii. apparently red morphs do exist in xmas islands and marshalls, but very very rarely also. hawaiian mainland one has thinner bars. for those who dunno how to tell male and female flames, look at the photo. the first one is a female. anal fin is round, blue colouration is very little. male is at the bottom. anal fin is very long, blue colouration much more.
  6. Curious wormfish!! yay!

    1. Digiman


      Hope they survive. Really unusual and beautiful fish. Swims like a serpent but is as peaceful as any goby.

  7. grows very very very very big in the wild. but in the tank it doesn't grow too big. and grows pretty slowly. i think. not many ppl keep it before here. it's a rather new fish in singapore but common elsewhere. should be quite peaceful..
  8. you got a DSLR cam? i need your help to take photos to send to someone.
  9. alot bro. around 20+ more than enough for you to go down when u free. very beautiful, juvenile africanus. and they came in before. but the beauty is shortlived. in a few weeks to 1-2 months, they will out grow their juvenile colours. very quickly.
  10. in order of appearance. Juvenile Chaetodon robustus. Robustus butterfly. coris atlantica juve africanus angel gold heart trigger sub adult africanus angel bodianus speciosus hogfish.
  11. i hate to sound like a big headed moron but my tank does look nice now. i know i know... self praise is no praise. but i'm terribly proud of my work and it's really a shame i cannot take nice photos of it. i have put in so much effort over the past few months and everything is falling nicely into place for once. so i'm very happy. my mom is thinking of buying a DSLR for herself. and if she does, i'll borrow it but i am also considering saving up for one.
  12. i saw the over the rainbow acro yesterday. omg really insane piece.
  13. I've been offered a position as a writer for glassbox-design.com. to be a writer of a blog which i have so much admiration for, i'm so honored yet humble.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. peacemaker


      Nice! Spell check will be your friend. Hehehe...

    3. yikai


      yes must spell check everything.

  14. do you have nassarius snails? nassarius snails lay egg masses that look like these.
  15. hanor. was tuning my CR to cope with the demands of my now very kh sucking SPS. but forget to tune it down and now spike to 16 -__- do a WC but brought it down to 13 only. tomorrow must do again. so far everything ok. only birdnest some burnt tips.
  16. my hot pink birdnest got stung by anemone and half of the bottom is white now lol. but the top part still pink and is surviving. STN also never spread.
  17. pink birdnest grow very fast for me. green birdnest... i always accidently break them coz they're so fragile! so never get a change to grow!!! arghgh
  18. what happen? i have problems with some digitatas also. all the polyps die off and leave the SPS polyp-less. the sps never stn or rtn, but the polyps just all dissapear. funny right? but recently seem to be ok.
  19. so far ok. minimal burnt tips from birdnest. have to keep up with water changes over the next few days to bring it back down. the rest of the SPS are ok. i must thank cedric for generously giving me three jerry cans full of water during night time. i'm so touched yet humbled by the generous and sincere offer.
  20. wow thanks for the offer! will find something you might hopefully like and maybe we could do a trade? not now coz i'm trying to lower my kh which i accidently raise too high... silly me.. must wait till my parameters go back in order
  21. same. but the mannerism in which they do it is different. when flashing at other males, they usually do that as a form of aggression. to show who is boss. they chase at the opposing wrasse and the fins are usually clamped down or open (depending on the wrasse. some wrasses flash with fins closed while some, open. it's species specific). this one does not last long at all. there's also another type of flashing where the flashing or nuptial colours are exhibited, but the fish just cruises around the tank displaying it, without targetting anything in particular. this i think is to show the whole tank he's the boss. and to attract any potential females inside. when flashing to females, they usually flash around the female. to attract attention. the flashing last longer, and there are pauses inbetween. flashing can even last up to an hour! occasionally they will barge at the female and chase them around the tank. when they do this, they swim very closely to the females as shown in the video i posted. all these are just personal experiences i've encountered. some fairy wrasses have more than one flashing colour. like cirrhilabrus condei, the condei fairy wrasse. it has 2 different flashing colours and no one knows why.
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