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Everything posted by yikai

  1. not very difficult. moderate. if you acquire healthy specimen, give them some time to settle down and no stress, they will start feeding. not reef safe.
  2. headache.

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    2. cedricang


      Lemon, think you are under some form of stress...hope you will take it well and transform it to grwoth and strength ")

    3. yikai


      cedric wait till u see my exam schedule. back to back papers 2 weeks.

      then immediately after, i will fly to china for 6 weeks ITP.

      then immediately come back, is school liao! no rest!!! omg.


    4. cedricang


      Well, the saying goes "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going" ^^

  3. i've been trying v hard. i think the LFS also irritated by my pestering lol hehe. everytime i go to LFS, i'm tying to pull connections to get better imports for everyone here. but there are two kinds of limitations. 1) - other countries are paying much more for the fishes so we cannot get them. our market is small and buying power also small, so we are placed at the bottom priority. 2) - not enough awareness. most of the time i try but the LFS don't know what i'm talking about. also the market for fish here is very small and people are more interested in corals. the lack of interest in fish makes it very difficult also. there's only so much i can do and i have a few friends here who are helping me and we are trying our best to make something good appear in our local markets but it's not as easy and we cannot do it alone. so far i've managed to get reborn to bring in marginalis butterflies, iwarna and LCK to bring in marjorie fairy wrasse, and a bunch of other stuff i cannot remember. now we're trying to get rusty x flame angel hybrids, roseafascia, pintail fairy wrasse and other beautiful things into our country but it will take awhile. you will be surprised how much we're missing out. philippine and indo shipments are supposed to be the treasure throve of gems but also we cannot get. so be patient! hope our efforts pay off. again, sorry for the off topic.
  4. Wrote an article on the ultra rare purple boned fairy wrasse. Cirrhilabrus blatteus.

    1. Eniram


      Is this going to be publish on GBD?

    2. yikai


      most probably. i sent it to eric for vetting. if there's no typos and everything is ok, it will be my 2nd article on GBD

  5. you will never see 8 line flasher wrasse here. many countries in asia are contented with asfur, purple tang, sohal tang, maculosus and golden butterflies. that's why red sea suppliers do not send the other red sea fishes here. the people in japan and U.S.A are getting these other fishes from the red sea because they request for them and the market there is bigger. you will be surprised how cheap the fishes below are. 8 line flashers are only around $50, banner fish is 35, white face is about 30 and the red back butterfly is 65. all cheaper than sohal tang, purple tang, asfur angels, but we don't get coz no body knows about them and no body wants them. when ask about red sea shipment, many ppl will say sohal, PT, asfur. but there are many more beautiful and equally common fishes that we don't get to see. like these. 8 line flasher wrasse red sea banner fish white face butterflyfish red back butterflyfish. kluzinger's moon wrasse sankeyi dottyback so red sea shipment still has potential to expand in our Singapore market. sorry for off topic.
  6. you can deworm it in the main tank also. just feed the fishes in the main tank with the food soaked in praziquantel.
  7. yup i remember. i did not know you had so many fish and a small tank. a 2ft tank is too small for the 3 tangs. the clowns are ok. maybe u want to consider doing a large water change and sell the tangs away? they are common fishes and can be gotten again easily.
  8. how big is the tank? the PO4 is very high and should try bringing it down to as close as 0 as possible. although doesn't kill fish, it could be a stress factor.
  9. bacteria will always be present in small amounts. they go out of control and spread when water quality is low. if you have good water parameters and do regular water changes, it should not be a problem.
  10. treatment only. once my fish is de-wormed, i stop feeding them praziquantel.
  11. iwarna sells praziquantel. just pour some into a little cup or spoon, and put your pellets, defrosted mysis, anything into it and soak for about 10-15 minutes. praziquantel is a medication used for treating internal parasites and flukes. i've found success in using it for internal prasites, but it failed terribly in eradicating flukes. so now i only use it for internal parasite treatments.
  12. yes. as mentioned above, bacterial is most likely the case in which the lemonpeel died. many bacterial infections manifest as bloody red streaks. uronema, bacterial septacemia too. bacterial hemorrhage septicemia can kill a fish very quickly. hemorrhage means the bleeding. septicemia means an inflamation of the whole body which often includes blood poisoning. bacterial simply means the infection is from bacteria.
  13. ok first of all. 1ppm of phosphate is off the roof. normal phosphate readings should be 0. 0.1ppm is already considered super high. so you sure yours is 1ppm? or 0.1ppm. it's not velvet. if it's velvet you will know. velvet appears as tiny white spots all over the body. it's much smaller than ich but more widespread and it covers the entire fish in a light dusty appearance, like velvet cloths. hence the name. your lemonpeel died from bacterial infection, most probably uronema, which show symptoms like pale colouration and bloody streaks on the fish. how many fish are you keeping in your tank. what is your nitrate, nitrite and ammonia levels? is your tank very overstocked? a highly crowded tank with bad water parameters is a festing ground for disease. moreover i'm sure you don't quarantine your fish as with almost everyone else in our local reefing scene. so we need the essential water chemistry listed above and tank information to properly diagnose your current problem, as well as helping you to prevent future mishaps.
  14. yes. the internal parasites are always within the fish even in the wild. but the stress of capture, the limited feedings and everything in our tanks exacerbate the problem. in the wild the fish is stress free and feeds alot and any time it wants. so it's really not a problem for it to live hand in hand. de worm for one course and then no need liao. if you see it still getting thinner despite numerous feeding, then de-worm again. choat's leopard wrasse comes from australia and the australians do not use cyanide to catch their fish. they are very pro-nature. so if the fish is getting slimmer despite feeding, it's most probably internal. so deworm de worm deworm!! i only deworm wrasses and certain angels. rest of my fish i don't. but when i feed food soaked in praziquantel, everyone gets to eat it. so it's a win win.
  15. yes. there is some success. in fact it's not impossible. just need to be lucky and anything but absolute luxury will spell doom for it. and de-worm it! i cannot stress this enough. even if your choat's leopard is feeding like a horse, u need to feed it praziquantel to remove internal parasites. this is very high mortality rate. in this video you can see many choati leopard wrasses. this is liveaquaria's show tank in rhinelander. it's their mix reef tank. and yes, as with all leopard wrasses, they need a relatively thick layer of fine sand (grade 0 or 1 only) to bury in. liveaquaria's video on top is keeping them in barebottom tank though... so i guess it's not a MUST. but it's definitely much better in helping them settle down and facilitate tank life.
  16. red sea shipment always only have these 5 fishes. why can't the supplier catch more interesting fish like mesoleucos butterfly, paucifasciatus butterfly, eight line flasher wrasse, intermedius banner fish etc? so boring and hopeless!
  17. thanks. unfortunately a real heartbreaker as it's extremely difficult to keep. ah yes. the tapeinosoma dottyback was my debut glassbox design article. you'll be seeing more posts from me in time to come.
  18. Macropharyngodon choati This is the choat's leopard wrasse. An Australian species that is seldom seen here. It's also found in New Caledonia, off the north east of Australia. There was a period of time where it kept appearing many times during Australia shipments but now they have seem to stop coming. This one was bought from HK. A reefing friend of mine just came back from HK and bought one for me. Thanks bro if you're reading. Unbelievably cheap in HK. The choat's leopard wrasse is considered by many to be one of the most difficult leopard wrasses to keep. This and the potter's leopard wrasse are the top two in terms of difficulty. With a near 95% death rate. I've tried a few times and this will be my last. It's a healthy specimen, pecking at rocks and showing interest in food. but no feeding yet. It has a little bit of torn fins which should recover nicely with good water parameters so i'm not overly worried about it. The minute it starts feeding i will have to de-worm it using praziquantel. They almost always arrive with internal parasites and not de-worming them is almost a death sentence. But until it starts feeding, i can't do anything. this specimen has a rather large blue operculur spot on it's cheek.
  19. 8 hours? ok that's pretty quick. i did not know that. thanks. i'm guessing it spreads faster in a heavily stocked tank?
  20. you have a trio of laboutei fairy wrasses? wow nice!
  21. just to set the record straight, i don't think it's disease that kill all his fish. no disease kills that fast. in one day. not that i know of at least. most probably water quality issues.
  22. many people don't know that mystery wrasse is the same genus as six line wrasse. both in the same genus pseudocheilinus. if you don't see the scientific name, you won't know. coz they look so different. a mystery is just as, if not, more aggressive than six lines..
  23. if you like fairy wrasses, here's a thread i made and pinned up.. all the fairy wrasses in the world.
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