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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i wanted to get it as i was thinking it's going to cost somewhere along 200+. but wow... 400. and the other half of the pair died. so i ditched my plans of latezonatus and now am awaiting my rusty flame and melanistic longnose butterfly.
  2. why don't you catch it out and examine? if it is really glue, you could try peeling it off slowly..
  3. yes it's wild caught. fuel told me iwarna come in one piece like that before. female naoko fairy wrasse is extremely rare. rare is an under statement. the number of mcculochi clowns being sold in the market far out number the number of female naokos. and i dunno why coz fairy wrasses are haremic. for every male caught, at least 4-5 females can be caught also. if not more!
  4. just a reminder to those who wants to buy full barred captive bred latezonatus clownfish from karen brittain, please go to CF now. it will be there shortly because it may be sent for export on Monday. price is rather high but clownfish aficionados might want to consider. wild caught latz are very difficult to keep due to their need for lower temp and high mortality rate from bad shipping and brooklynellosis. a captive bred one is much hardier and karen has acclimated them to 26-27C.
  5. by 8am everything should be unpacked. why need to chiong for YT? everywhere have YT. LCK so many.
  6. Cf got Rhomboid fairy Flame fairy wrasse Potters angel Hybrid lemonpeel Declivis butterfly Multicolor angel Fisheri angel Hawaiian orange tail filefish Yellow tang Kole eye Black tang And one very rare juvenile captive bred full bar latezonatus clownfish. Captive bred from Karen Brittain. Came as a pair but one DOA. The remaining one is sold at 40 red notes to cover DOA. Can't sleep last night thinking about it but alas, its too ex. Clowns aficionados who don't mind the high price can make their way down. It will be gone by Monday to export so be quick.
  7. put the AT inside hong bao and give me. simple
  8. OMG THAT'S GENIUS! what other stuff does your son collect? eh that's pretty cool leh.
  9. who duno! wan to show off your AT nia right orsony!
  10. the pictures do no justice. C. arnazae is a relatively new species. used to be confused with the normal yellow fin tdamsel. these two below are also v nice. Chrysiptera springeri and Pomacentrus alleni.
  11. really v v nice and healthy trio. bo bei zao
  12. walao uncle finally know how to post video liao ah! lol. dam nice AT. no signs of aggression at all. gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS! and i'm not one to complement tangs. i absolutely hate tangs. so i'm making an exception here.
  13. no need to order. CF sometimes have. always hidden at the back and their stress colours are dull and so don't show the true beauty. when in your tank it will be nicer. of coz can't compare to the wild photos i posted. but still v nice.
  14. normal yellow tail Chrysiptera parasema is quite aggressive. but these chromises are rather small and their aggression is mainly enhanced on smaller weaker fish. yes it's very common in ah beng and coral farm.
  15. yup this is also a good website for everyone to see. it shows all the species and even tell you which ones can be kept and which ones can't! a good link bro sunny. thanks for sharing.
  16. Bro yellowtang, the family of damsels and chromises are never ending. there are hundreds of species and it's not practical for me to go through all. but the above are just a sampling of some of them. So please, never discount a family of fishes because of stereotype. Like for example, people always think damsels are fierce. - WRONG! this mentality can prevent you from trying some of the most beautiful little jewels of the sea! but of course, there are MANY damsels that are also aggressive. so must do research first before buying. Some people think all butterflies are not reef safe - WRONG! butterflies and gorgeous and it's so natural in a reef tank. but there are some that are COMPLETELY reef safe! So no more misconceptions and stereotypes! i hope this thread helps to gain some interest and respect for the damselfish family, and not discount them as cheap beginner fishes used to cycle new tanks! remember, nothing is interesting if you are not interested. i hope this helps you!
  17. Chromis vanderbilti. The Vanderbilt's chromis. Super beautiful and my personal favourite. Will fight amongst themselves so keep only a pair. but very peaceful towards other fish. Availability : CF only from time to time. Aggressiveness : 3/10
  18. Chromis retrofasciata A very small and cute chromis. Very common and very cheap. the bright blue eyes are very nice. Availability : EVERYWHERE. Aggressiveness : 1/10
  19. Chrysiptera rapanui Availability : NONE. super super rare. gorgeous but cannot get. i just post here for fun coz it's v nice. Aggressiveness : unknown
  20. Chrysiptera rollandi. This fish has two morphs. one with a yellow cap, and one without. the one with the yellow cap is from fiji and is more beautiful. It's expensive. Availability : LCK sells them from time to time. $50 Aggressiveness : 5/10
  21. Chrysiptera arnazae. This damsel is different from the normal yellow tail varieties. it has a yellow pelvic fin and a yellow anal fin. although it looks normal, the colour is amazing in real life. Availability : Philippine shipment from ah beng. aggressiveness : 3/10
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