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Everything posted by yikai

  1. you should be more worried for yellow tangs and banggai cardinals. at the rate we're catching them, they're population have dwindled down by alot. and banning of hawaii fishes have no impact on yellow tangs because they are found outside hawaii and can still be caught just as much. but of course it will help to some degree. as majority of YT are caught in hawaii itself. the main hawaii fishes like fremblii butterfly, potters, basabei, fuscipinnis anthias, ventralis anthias, sanguineus hog etc are not in any threat from over harvesting (as of yet) ! potter's angel is the most common dwarf angel in mainland hawaii. and although difficult, it's not impossible. so it's a shame to see this species eradicated from the face of reef keeping for ever. fremblii butterfly is gorgeous but very common in the wild, because butterflies are unpopular, their population is safe and are not over harvested like other fishes. basabei, fuscipinnis, sanguineus hog and personatus are very deep water and very rare, and only pops up occasionally. in a year only less than 5 will ever be sold. their population remains very stable in the wild due to deep water living and the impact we have on these deep water fishes are far negligable! so to cancel these few fishes off the face of the trade is also not good news. while i agree many of the fishes need some regulation, many others don't. many fishes that come out of hawaii are staple fishes for reefers worldwide. if the total banning of hawaii fishes is put in place, what will the hobby become? maybe a target banning of specific fishes is more appropriate.
  2. why does your johnsoni look so red? is it flashing
  3. there's word going around that the fishes in hawaii will be banned for aquarium trade. We don't know how true it is but this time it's more serious than originally thought. you can read more about it here if that's the case, endemic fishes found no where else except hawaii will be banned and cannot be obtained. this includes the bandit angelfish, hawaiian ventralis anthias, fuscipinnis anthias, sanguineus hogfish, hawaiian spotted toby, fisher angels, potteri angels, basabei butterfly, fremblii butterflies and many others. including the v rare personatus angels. multicolor angels, yellow tangs, lemonpeels, rhomboid wrasse, flame angels, goldflake etc will NOT be affected because they are found outside hawaii, such as xmas islands, marshall islands etc. but they do come in with hawaii fishes via hawaiian shipments. so the prices may increase or be more difficult to obtain, no one knows as of yet. fishes like chevron tangs will be hard to obtain since they are mainly caught in hawaii, although they exist elsewhere. so if the ban is indeed true, we will not be seeing the following fishes.
  4. yes. readers incase you're wondering, there's word goign around that all fishes from mainland hawaii might be banned. so better get your hawaiian endemics now before there's no chance. i'll make a thread.
  5. very impressive stocklist. after CNY when we get our rusty flame angels and my melanistic BLACK longnose butterfly, it will be even better.
  6. very simple and colourful tank with many rare fishes. singapore's only pair of johnsoni fairy wrasse rosae dottyback tapeinosoma dottyback terelabrus sp thiellei clownfish latezonatus clownfish ventralis anthias helfrichi goby do you still have your lotilia?
  7. haha took back the corals liao ah!nice.
  8. this blue stag is my miracle SPS. got it as a completely browned out specimen with only the tips blue. but the colours are coming back now. it will never be as blue as a wild one but hey, better than brown!
  9. i like the tabling SPS at the bottom. but as usual, dunno the name. coloured up from brown to now greenish. hmm... if only i knew my SPS as well as my fish!
  10. What Acropora is this? the body is green, tips is light coloured and the polyps are blue. don't know if it's easy or not. just try bah.
  11. also another rare hybrid but not as stunning. plebeius x andamanensis likewise, will most probably show up and sold as cheap butterflies at the $8 pile. so keep your eyes peeled. philippines and indonesia shipments are my favourites and there's always always something rare and exciting to find!
  12. also another ridiculous hybrid from thailand. Auriga butterfly X vagabundus. if this fish shows up here it will probably be sold at $8 also as cheap butterflies from philippine shipments
  13. Super rare fairy wrasse. Cirrhilabrus lunatus. Sold in thailand from philippine shipments at only $8 USD. unbelievable. Now you know why i train myself to spot gems from common shipments like philippines? lunatus fairy wrasse is almost unheard of in anywhere else except Japan. i've attached a pic of one in the wild.
  14. if you think the above anthias is rare, this is even rarer. Roa jayakari and Decodon pacificus dredged up from the depths of Andaman sea and sold as food fish. The butterfly is a member of the genus Roa, which contains R. modestus, R. excelsa and R. jayakari. All of which only modestus is the most easily obtainable and sold in japan. excelsa is super super ultra rare from the deepest waters of hawaii and jakayari is the same, only that it's found in the indian ocean. Decodon pacificus is so rare i don't even have any information on it. it's a small fish though. both of these fishes have never been caught alive for the trade before. photos from my thai friend.
  15. Unbelievably rare anthias. the first picture is from my friend in thailand and the second is from dr hiroyuki tanaka. these are the sailfin anthias from the genus Ribaulichthys. the first one is R. stigmaticus and the second is R. suzukii. Sailfin anthias has almost appeared in our country before but it did not arrive. keep your eyes peeled as rare fishes like this often sneak in as strays mixed in with other common fishes. the next article on glass box design will feature these beautiful fishes.
  16. most of the fishes posted above have been repeated before in this thread. so if you want to see more pictures, just search keywords like "mauritius" or "piscilineatus" etc.
  17. another super rare fish from mauritius. Rhinecanthus cinereus. this trigger is super rare also. mauritius is home to many incredibly rare fishes like debelius dwarf angel (Centropyge debelius), Opercularis hogfish (Bodianus opercularis), pelicier's perchlet (Plectranthias pelicieri) and the super rare blood stained fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus sanguineus), just to name a few.
  18. this one is also rare but not nearly as rare as the flasher wrasse. It's the mauritian coral beauty with the unusual tail. Many pictures of mauritian coral beauty have been posted in this thread before but none can compare to this individual. super orange and the tail is stunning!
  19. Japan had a new mauritias shipment recently and look what ultra rare stuff they brought in. first up is the extremely extremely rare flasher wrasse. Paracheilinus piscilineatus. this flasher wrasse is a Mauritian endemic that's super rare only a handful have ever been collected. 3 arrived at japan. 1 male and 2 females.
  20. flame angel spawning, vanderbilt chromis spawning, hooded wrasse spawning, anthias flashing. wah...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yikai


      yah edwin. dam horny my fishes.

    3. Eniram


      I think you need my banner that says Nian Nian You Yu

    4. peacemaker


      They are celebrating Valentine's Day early this year... :o)

  21. yah that's what i said mah. singapore copy HK lol.
  22. why not? sting rays do not attack on sight. in fact, they rather flee than attack.
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