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Everything posted by yikai

  1. may i kindly ask what the hell are you trying to do to me!? and then the music. so dramatic summore!
  2. this is the only multicolor x coral beauty in BH's tank. not a very pretty fish but it's legendary.
  3. such tiny ones never show up before. anyway to answer your question on the chatbox. there's no such thing as a venustus x multicolor angel. the range does not overlap and they're from different genus, so cannot hybridise. there is such thing as a venustus x multibar angel though. (first page of this thread, first post). the multicolor x coral beauty there's only one piece in the world and it's in bluehabour's owner Koji wada's tank in Japan. also can search in this thread. the search function only works for one word search so you type (beauty) and you can find it. typing coral, or multicolor will not work so well because these words are used very frequenty in this thread so the results will be better if u type (beauty)
  4. i told u. wont open one. i've never seen one open up before.
  5. some of them are found in kusu island and sisters island. i guess it's assessable to public that's why the photos can be taken. the corals are really gorgeous. look at the zoas and the favias. but i think not allowed to bring home and best not to. singapore's reefs already so dead. this is probably the last glimmer of hope left.
  6. i knew singapore had some nice corals but never this nice!! some of them are super amazing like the blue favias etc. i make no attempt to steal the photos and credit goes to reef watch singapore. for more photos please look them up on facebook and like their profile.
  7. The following pictures are all taken from an organization called reef watch singapore. for more pictures you can visit their profile on facebook and like them. here's some beautiful gorgeous corals. omg.
  8. Angelfish fans check out glassbox-design next week as the super legendary Potteri X fisheri hybrid makes it's appearance in the hobby again! this makes this legendary fish the 3rd that humans have ever seen!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yikai


      the hybrid should look similar.

      potteri x fisher is a super rare legendary hybrid. but it's not the rarest! because 3 are found already.

      multicolour x coralbeauty, queen angel x rockbeauty, majestic x blueface, these are some of the ultra legends. one in the world and no more ever seen

    3. straydum


      how about venustus x multicolour?

      ah i remember the multicolour x coralbeauty came up a few years ago but its really hard to find pictures on the net >.<

    4. yikai


      answered your question in the hybrid thread

  9. i dont think so. A. randalli is found in taiwan and japan. hard to get fishes from there.
  10. I can feel my arteries clogging just by looking at those CNY goodies. Christmas will you hurry up already!

  11. don't need lights. as for letting the water mature, yes. you can choose to cycle or not. it's up to you. there's two schools of thoughts here. a cycled well condition quarantine tank, or a non cycled one that keeps the water clean with regular water changes and regular tests for ammonia. a quarantine tank is very good for getting your fishes well acclimated and feeding and gaining strength before it enters the busy display tank, and for treating diseases.
  12. you will need something to keep temperature cool. a fan will work. also you will need to do regular water changes to keep ammonia levels low. medication incase fishes develop disease.
  13. hahaha. before i slept i was thinking of the rubriventralis complex fairy wrasse like naoko, joanallenae, etc. i was reading a PDF article on the description of naoko fairy wrasse. so the thoughts were probably still fresh in my mind and then i had a dream...
  14. personally i don't see anything wrong with it. but i'll remove the post as requested
  15. yes it's v unique! the ventral fin is stubby and so is the dorsal fin. everything is stubby! the only problem is the orange body colour. it would be better if there's a white belly or a black stripe or something. i fear it will turn black like naoko in bright lights.
  16. OMG A NEW SPECIES FROM THE "RUBRIVENTRALIS COMPLEX" I HAD A DREAM LAST NIGHT ABOUT A NEW SP FROM THIS COMPLEX. in the dream i thought "why always rubriventralis complex? why no cyanopleura or something?" THEN BOOM THIS MORNING I READ THIS!? SO INTERESTING!
  17. NPS cannot bleach because they don't have zooxanthellae mah. so it's naturally white.
  18. GBD clock many less articles per week that's true. Singapore's abit dry on news so I have help from my friends in Thailand and japan, should anything interesting pop up
  19. sorry it takes very long for my articles to be published. eric is a busy man and he needs to pre-read them and water mark the photos first. there's many articles still in pending and queue the next one will be on a very rare anthias. Rabaulichthys sp
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