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Everything posted by yikai

  1. with extreme quarantine measures, you can eradicate every single ich parasite. but it's very unlikely and many tanks that do quarantine their fishes also have very very low levels of ich that manage to slip through, but do not show up due to the low amount and healthy fishes.
  2. qt corals is abit extreme but yeah... some ppl do that.. it's unecessary though. the amt of ich that the coral habour cant do anything to healthy fishes. and most ppl qt corals for other things and just qt for ich also as an incentive
  3. 8 weeks of fishless tank to combat ich. but if u do this means ur future fish u adding in has to be ich free. otherwise u r 8 weeks will be in vain. so that means quarantine all new arrivals and de-ich them. or alternatively u can do the dump and hope method which many of us do. dont qt fish but add v v v v slowly and dont let the parasite problem get out of hand. a slowly stocked tank with appropriate fish is possible without qt.
  4. ahhh. my male is also courting the female now every night. trying to spawn and they did it once or twice but now practising. when my rusty flame come i dunno how.. the male is v aggressive.
  5. v nice! what happen to ur flame harem?
  6. if it's a koran i'll spiral into misery. i dislike korans very much and paying $XX for it is.... but yes the minute i know it's a pure blood koran i'm removing it and giving it a better life. anywhere except my tank!
  7. the face is extremely koran and the back, although looks like an emperor, could be a koran too. the only way is to wait for it to grow bigger. don't have to wait for it to grow into an adult, just slightly bigger. koran angels have opaque tails and in about 1 or 1.5 inch more, the tail should start becoming solid with no clear areas. if by then the tail still harbors the transparent edge, it's not a koran
  8. i like the stress colour as well. dark, makes the stripes stand out more.
  9. thanks but at this stage i really do not know if it's a hybrid or not. it's definitely not a juvenile emperor so we can rule that out. it's either a pure koran, or a koran x emperor. i've posted on RC and hopefully some more knowledgable people can chime in. here's one from my friend in thailand. my fish looks just like this and it's also a "weird koran".
  10. here's a pic of juvenile koran and one of juvenile emperor. the fish i posted above doesn't look like koran nor an emperor.
  11. here's a closer look of it.. it's darker because it's exhibiting it's stress colouration. clown tangs turn dark when stressed. the lines on the face are very variable.. you can't expect every clowntang to be carbon copies. there's always slight variation. it's a very normal, run of the mill clown tang. nothing special about it. cheers. oh yes, the photo you show of the clowntang is turning it's head slightly to it;s right. so it appears shorter than it normally is.
  12. Hello people, with the help of Digiman and friends, i've obtained this interesting Pomacanthid fish. We believe that it might be a hybrid between Koran and Emperor. P. semicirculatus X P. imperator. The main thing that strikes all of us is, of course, the large completed circle near the tail. Only the juveniles of emperor angels carry that ring and no other juvenile angel have that colouration. Pure korans however, at times, may develop a complete ring near the tail area but usually only on one side, rarely both. this specimen has complete rings on both side. not only that, the dorsal and anal fins do not look "koran-ish". the stripe pattern and the tail is unlike korans, which should have more stripes and a darker tail at this stage of it's life. at the end of the day it's difficult to explain but just by appearance, i have a hunch it might be a "hybrid" what's your take?
  13. Its CNY and all i can think about is Crick's central dogma of molecular biology. ahhhhhhiz.

  14. less than or around $100. it's rare but not expensive. attenuatus flasher wrasse is from africa. digiman picked up an exciting fish for me today. i've yet to see it. will collect from him later and update photos
  15. hmm.. i've tried praziquantel as a fluke treatment before and it failed terribly. despite being said to work. if it's indeed flukes, a quick FW dip is usually confirmatory. the flukes will drop out and FW dip should get rid of most, if not all.
  16. Paracheilinus attenuatus clearly one of the most beautiful flasher wrasses of all time.
  17. why add praziquantel may i ask? it does not cure ich
  18. if it's really so wonderful. how come thousands of reefers are still battling ich everyday? it's too good to be true. there is no medication that is reef safe and cure itch. no easy way out. watever kills ich, is not reef safe.
  19. too many tangs in one tank, there's your problem. white spot outbreak. agree with digiman. ich killed your fish
  20. so essentially. dirty water from FOWLR goes into reef tank to be cleaned by clams clean water from reef tank by clams goes back into FOWLR tank. so essentially, replacing water. problems i think would arise 1) take the clams v long to clean the water 2) keeping nothing but clams? isn't that a waste of money 3) you will need 2 very huge tanks to see any significance 4) the clams cleaning the water is a very debatable topic. might as well use macroalgae to clean the water? like chaeto?
  21. ahh i was just searching through plectranthias on fishbase yesterday and was wondering what this fish looks like! now there's a pic.
  22. not all hybrids are beautiful. you must know that. but not all beautiful hybrids are rare. lemonpeel produces many beautiful hybrids but the hybrids can far outnumber the parent species in some areas! flame angels also produce many hybrids with rusty angel but the hybrids are not rare. but some hybrids are just super super rare and owning it is just. omg. like the multicolor hybrid. true its not beautiful. but a rare fish connoisseur will understand that 1) there is only ONE of it in the world 2) multicolor angels are not prone to hybridisation unlike lemonpeel which shares many similar fish in the same complex. 3) the range of the two speices do overlap but even in the same area, multicolours are usually deeper water fish while multicolour is shallower. so taking all these into consideration and still manage to produce a hybrid is very amazing. and for such a rare hybrid to be found and caught in the marine trade is even more amazing! so i appreciate the fish for that and not the beauty. because a pure multicolor or a pure coral beauty will outshine that hybrid in terms of appearnce by 100x. but cannot win the hybrid in terms of the origin and story behind the fish. every fish tells a story and many a times, the story is what makes the fish unique. not the fish itself. but you're right. it's a very ugly dwarf angel and if i had a chance to choose, i rather a more common rusty x flame angel hybrid. although the multi color hybrid will make me famous, it will not make me happy! so i rather a rusty flame!! where is my rusty flame!
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