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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes like i said above, simply stating origin of source is not enough. but everyone here is guilty of that. we can't possible ask every owner of the picture for permission otherwise the whole forum will be pictureless. as majority is taken from the net. so i just hope i dont get caught hehe
  2. i know right! insane! in singapore we can only get copperbands. they're catching scribbled angels and look at the duncans! haha if state source i guess its ok. but some website and books cannot. even if u state source. u need permission from the original poster. yes sharing is caring.
  3. it's nice to share but i'm always afraid of getting scolded for copyright infringement.. as a writer for glassbox design it has made me more aware of my sources. so it's become a recent habit of mine to cite references and sources. although that's no use and it's still infringing copyright laws, it's better than nothing i guess ><
  4. torch corals everywhere a washed up turtle waiting for the high tide to bring it back to sea and tons of zoas once again these photos do not belong to me, they belong to a member on RC and i'm just sharing only.
  5. blue ringed octopus aplenty! in the 2rd photo is a C. muelleri butterfly in the wild. can u spot it? and wild insane sized duncan corals for the picking!
  6. there's the scribbled angel pictured above in a pail.
  7. Some SPS frags collected, and butterflyfishes collected in the tidepool. the butterfly fish seen there is a Chaetodon aureofasciatus and Parachaetodon ocellatus. look at the beautiful scribbled angel and the adult muelleri butterflies. all were caught in the tide. and the wild Moseleya latistellata coral.
  8. Here's a couple of pictures from the tidepools of australia. some amazzzzzzing species!! i took the pics from a member in RC. no copyright intended. just purely sharing. the tiny butterfly is a Chelmon muelleri. an endemic species to australia that is a close relative to the copperband and marginalis butterfy. it was caught in the shores
  9. the one with the long tail? if you're referring to that one then yes it's super gorgeous and it can also be found in Cebu, Philippines. but our Philippine suppliers are all v lousy and cannot get it. whatever is caught will go to U.S.A and Japan.
  10. video of the v v rare and beautiful japanese dragonet (S. ijimai) spawning. this is not red scooter blenny. it's a rare and beautiful dragonet found only in japan and it's much redder.
  11. I posted a picture of this v rare japanese goby before. but i forgot the scientific name. here's a video of it spawning
  12. here's a video digiman posted before on C. katoi. two males in the wild flashing at each other. insane
  13. I have also posted these pics before. Very beautiful hybrid lemonpeels from SRS Vanuatu. SRS Vanuatu is a supplier supplying Vanuatu fishes. Iwarna's vanuatu supplier is SRS Vanuatu. but we've not seen these in a long long long time.
  14. I posted this photo before but i must post it again. This is a super beautiful picture of two extraordinarily rare fairy wrasse. the red one is Cirrhilabrus katoi, a japan endemic. Truly magnificent species and rare beyond words. The other one is a yet to be described species often affectionally known as the "pintail" or "splendid" fairy wrasse. It's very similar to Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus, and is often conferred to it. Thus the temporary scientific name, Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus. Photos from Koji Wada, bluehabour Japan.
  15. no. oxygen depletion can happen but not at such an alarming rate. you have wave makers in the main tank and water circulation around it's enough. without skimmer it's fine even for a week! i have a very strong feeling it's temperature related. the signs all point to temp spike. corals shrunk LPS close SPS bleach slime all point to high temp to over exposure of light. i don't assume it's the second option so it's definitely temp related. a cooling fan is very unreliable and it may have stopped and re-started itself? i don't know.
  16. a skimmer dying will not cause tank crash immediatly. in fact, it will not cause tank crash at all. secondly fish and corals are unaffected by stray voltage. because they are not grounded. electricity can only be felt if it travels to the ground. in humans u feel coz it travels down to the ground via you. i have a feeling it's something with the tank. either an underlying problem, etc. what was your temperature? perhaps your chiller failed and everything died as a result of temp spike.
  17. zeozym wrks for me. soak it in seawater for 6-8 hours. pour it in ur tank and off skimmer
  18. dinoflagellates may not only appear during new tanks! i'm battling them now. zeozym seems to work.. but for diatoms, leave it. they are harmless and the eye sore is only temporary.
  19. world's 3rd potteri x fisheri hybrid. it may not be very beautiful but it's certainly extremely rare. potteri and fisheri, although both are centropuge sp, belong in different complex intra-complex spawning is rare .
  20. reefsae but not easy to keep. fromia and linkia starfishes feed on bacterial and detritus films in aquarium and in small tanks, they tend to starve slowly over many months.
  21. urgh PVC pipe leaking -____-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mengyang_neo


      Yup the PVC glue is good, I used it last time also, after apply I wait for 1 hr before run the pump. Till now 9 mth liao, so far so good. =)

    3. Goondoo


      Lemon, I got the glue if you need~

    4. yikai


      it's fixed. thanks everyone :)

  22. Yea reaL. Many photos of it just search lightning in search box.
  23. Yap. I only want it if it's either a pure blood emperor or a hybrid. If it turns out to b a Koran I'm really not quite interested. I know how to differentiate all of them but this one had me stumped
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