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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes as cool guy mentioned, it's based on individual fish. but general consensus worldwide view the aggression of level for pylei wrasse to be quite high. also the black mark is difficult to maintain. some specimens will lose the black colouration on the dorsal fin and tail.
  2. for the chromis. the pylei wrasse is not for sale yet as it's a new item in CF's cebu shipment. so they need to catalouge it in the database and set a price first. most probably out by tomorrow. It's the cebu variant for the pylei fairy wrasse. Iwarna occasionally have and sells for about 1 red note. i'm not sure about CF. could be more expensive. the cebu variants have a black tail border and a black spot about 2/3rd down the dorsal fin. the scrawled patterns make the fish look nice. but this fish is one of the most aggressive fairy wrasses.
  3. you have a M. smithi right? the white ones. those are nice too. Their bites are toxic. they have venom glands above their hollow teeth and can inflict painful bite. but they are reluctant to do so and won't attack for fun. it's used as self defense or a last resort.
  4. yup a little tray of sand is good enough those tapao plastic container. grade 0 or 1 please. anything coarser is not good for them.
  5. you'll love it there. i suppose to stay home and study today but had to visit my friend in marsiling so luckily can tompang there last minute. next time if i going i'll let u know. can tompang. but not so soon. exams
  6. hey nice! the colour looks exactly like this face yah it is pus coloured indeed. yes CF. was surprised to see it and so i decided to buy. not expensive anyway. this fish has made me appreciate the fangblennies more. of course, the king of them all from Japan. Meiacanthus kamoharai. ohh man i want it so badly.
  7. CF new philippine shipments have tons of chromis "vanderbilti" The real scientific name is Chromis nigrura but there's not many photos online. I say vanderbilt chromis because it looks virtually identical except for the tail. here's some pics... and also cebu pylei fairy wrasse at CF.
  8. i love the dirty disgusting green colour it has. although not bright green or bright yellow, the pus coloured fish is very interesting. and yes, hulk like.
  9. After battling dinoflagellates for a few weeks, there's finally light at the end of the tunnel. Situation has improved alot. Anyway, found this blenny yesterday. It's a rare and beautiful fish that's presumably endemic only to Tonga. Meiacanthus tongaensis. The tongan fang blenny. The genus Meiacanthus comprises of many species and many of them are available to us. But this one is uncommon and i've not seen it before. In fact, i did not even know it existed until today, when i mis-ID it as M. mossambicus from Africa. But after checking fishbase and google, the identity is M. tongaensis. The dirty yellow body is nice and the eerie ectoplasmic green head adds a spooky and mysterious touch. Not to be confused with the pure yellow canary blenny.
  10. Oh yes! CF also has one Anampses neoguinaicus (China wrasse) at only 3.5 red notes. damn good price. but not an easy fish.
  11. O. M. G. I saw a 3 inch hairy grab. the size of a small fairy wrasse. It's hiding in my rocks. damn time to trap it. that thing's HUGE!

  12. LCK - flame angels - french angel juveniles - royal gramma - flame hawk - lemonpeel - atlantic blue tang that's all i could remember CF - multicolor angels including a pair - naoko fairy wrasse - exquisite fairy wrasse - multilineatum basslet (Liopropoma multilineatum) - rosycale fairy wrasse - bimaculatus anthias (female) (Pseudanthias bimaculatus) - Mccosker's flasher wrasse - Flame fairy wrasse - Flame angels - Multibarrred angels - Yellow tang - Yellow scopas tang (Brown tang, but yellow variation) - Male Bellus angel - Female caudovittatus swallowtail angel (Genicanthus caudovittatus) - Griffiths angel - Black tang - Powder blue tang the rest are more common and regular items.
  13. CF also have some exquisite fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus) from Indian Ocean. the colouration is unique. Yellow dorsal and one of them has a pure red anal fin. I've never seen this colour variation before.
  14. A few people have SMSed me regarding the ID of the butterfly at CF, i'll post here so everyone can know. It's a dusky or yellow snout butterfly, Chaetodon flavirostris not easy to keep and absolutely not reef safe. LCK came in many before during their australian shipments.
  15. hooded wrasse from coral sea is the same as the aussy variant. the one u posted is a female,
  16. the one you pictured is a male. the light yellow one behind is female. when the male is displaying to the female, it will change colour to this. anthias can "flash" like fairy wrasses when displaying.
  17. Biochoeres is a new genus in which some of the former members of "halichoeres" are being placed it. it's not really recognised internationally yet. so for terryz reply above, please google Halichoeres chrysus and Halichoeres leucoxanthus but for very precise taxonomy and scientific nomenclature, they are regarded as Biochoeres chrysus and B. leucoxanthus. The old genus of "Halichoeres" is very messy and many species inside are being reclassified into new genus. The old "Halichoeres" was regarded as a dumping ground for most wrasse and now the whole genus is being split apart. but for simplicity sake, just search "Halichoeres" because most of the information is listed under the old name.
  18. I'm beautiful in my way, coz god makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

  19. $2000 for this goby. absolutely ridiculous! haha. yes i agree its beautiful though
  20. Dinoflagellates driving me to the brink of insanity. Feel like decomming the tank when i come home after a long day to see whole sand bed and rocks BROWN. damn infestation

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RedStar


      I used to have those, the whole tank was brown for 2 months... then i gave a try to the volcano sand Iwarna brought in, within 2 weeks ALL brown stuffs were gone!!! Not sure what was the link though...

    3. kueytoc


      Time to take stock of ya tank...reduce livestocks,maint regime, etc. Ya tanky (1 yr?) couldn't cope with ya nutrients load resulting in imbalances in ya overall system.

    4. yikai


      I have very little fish in my tank... Impossible to have high load. I stock selectively and I dont anyhow buy fish. I do regular water changes. Dinoflagellates is not caused by PO4 and NO3.. It's a tricky and elusive algae that many ppl eve established tanks can get

  21. Acanthurus polyzona then. V similar to convict tang but found in the Western Indian Ocean instead.
  22. convict tang. Acanthurus trostegus
  23. interesting u mention that. someone on RC just asked me if there is such thing as any cold water cirrhilabrus. i told him i honestly do not know. but i assume katoi and lanceolatus require cool water since they're from japan. but i said i dont know coz i've never kept one and almost no one except koji wada has kept one. so i can't say on their ability to adapt. but all cirrhilabrus regularly offered to the trade can adapt to warmer tropical temperature around 27-28C. i also said maaaybe the super deep water ones like blatteus and claire may also need cooler water. but then again no one knows coz no one has ever seen them before in the wild, much less in the trade.
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