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Everything posted by yikai

  1. blueface and queen will be ok in your sps tank. becareful of the golden butterfly. it will really nip on the SPS. not as damaging as the coral eating butterfly species but it will nip and nip. if too damaging, trap and remove. there are many safer butterfly species with SPS you can try next time.
  2. Posting this on behalf of Fuel and Iwarna. The rare and sought after pintail fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus) is undescribed and also seldom enter the trade. These are currently available in limited pieces and up for pre-order. Interested parties please PM Fuel ASAP. first come first serve basis. limited pieces only, so please do understand if we cannot meet your demand. we will try to bring these in consistently. pricing is competitive and follows the global price scale with U.S and Japan. Alpha male - 300 sub male - 250 females - 200 attached are pics of alpha male in blueharbor Japan, and a female photographed by me.
  3. Rhomboid tail earlei r gorgeous. They usually have to be really alpha to develop it. That tiny griffis is amazing n many times rarer than bandit at that size!!
  4. Gorgeous!!! It's been a long time since such high grade lemonpeels Show up from vanuatu
  5. Chromis earina the spring chromis. Collected or observed throughout the tropical western Pacific, from Puluwat westward to Palau, south to Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Fiji. It was not observed at Rarotonga (Cook Islands), Kiriti- mati (Line Islands), or American Samoa during brief surveys of deep reefs at those localities. A single speci- men was also recently collected by Mark Erdmann (Conservation International) in 75 m depth at Misool Island, Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia. The name earina comes from the latin word earinos, which means the color of spring - green.
  6. Chromis degruyi Observed or collected throughout the Caroline Islands, from Puluwat to Palau
  7. Chromis circumaurea Observed from submersibles in the Marshall Islands and Mariana Islands, but only collected from Yap. deepwater as well. in excess of 100m.
  8. Chromis abyssus. Only collected from the type locality; also observed at similar depths at Augulpelu Reef in Palau. An individual of what appears to be this species was observed and photographed by Mr. Forrest Young at 120–150 m near Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
  9. the following are 5 chromis described in 2008 all in the same paper. First of 5 is Chromis brevirostris. according to the pdf, "This species has been observed or collected from the Marshall Islands southward to Fiji, across the Caroline Islands from Puluwat to Palau, and south to Vanuatu. An underwater photo of what seems to be this species (or an undescribed species very similar to C. brevirostris) taken in Bali, Indonesia, appears as “Chromis sp.” on p. 531 of Kuiter & Debelius, 2006. C. brevirostris was not observed at Rarotonga (Cook Islands), Kiritimati (Line Islands), or American Samoa during brief surveys of deep reefs at those localities." it is also generally abundant in its typical environment, which is characterized by steep slopes and drop-offs at depths of about 90–120 m. Usually found in association with small holes and limestone talus, often in aggregations ranging from a half-dozen to several dozen individuals feeding low in the water column.
  10. yes there are updates, but not now. :-)
  11. many rare fish at house of fins for thei 53rd anniversary splash event. beautiful Halichoeres timorensis, as well as bodianus neopercularis/sp? it's so strange looking.
  12. beautiful. a clip of this fish can be seen at the 20 second mark of this video.
  13. extremely gorgeous piece with almost no grey eibli undertones! no, but we can readily get them from hong kong. but it's expensive. yes hybrid Acanthurus tennenti x A. olilvaceus.
  14. Hawaii shipment at Iwarna - plenty of flame angels, including a handful of good baby juveniles - plenty of flame hawks - potters leopard wrasse - Achilles tang - bandit angels x 3 - black tangs x 5. 2 small 3 big
  15. no it's ok thanks. the branches of yours look a little thicker than normal and i thought they were the atlantic species. the bali ones are easy to get. thanks the reply!
  16. Sagittalarva inornatus is rediscovered and placed in a new genus using DNA barcoding. Known only from a single holotype from its type location in Baja until now. Paper accepted and released in Jun 2013 this year. This fish was described in 1890, and no information or photo or specimen has ever been available until now. using dna barcoding on similar fishes found in galapagos, it has been identified and re-grouped in its new genus. being a v deepwater fish, its range extends more than previously known. type location is baja mexico at 80-150m. paper here: http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2013/f/zt03669p570.pdf
  17. thanks for the link. i have been following it recently! karen is an amazing person and she deserves all the help she can get! i hope to see her one day
  18. do you know what species of gorgonian that is? or rather, from which shipment did it originate from.
  19. ah beng has a 1 inch, or maybe even smaller, juvi regal. aunty shop opposite ah beng has 3 nice female watanabei, around 3-4 inch. also have blue spotted angel, Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus
  20. Good theory aray. I thought the same regarding their deaths. Too many shipping to and fro all over the world in such short time. Small angels and butterflies are very difficult to maintain weight as tiny Juvis. And if thy r not eating, will waste away super quickly as well.
  21. nice and clean tank with good scaping oversight and beautiful corals. will look great as they grow and mature over your reef!
  22. as said before, do not be fooled by the number of success stories on the web. for every one alive, many have died. deepwater paracentropyge are not easy afterall.
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