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Everything posted by yikai

  1. confirmed dyed. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. Oh my goodness! an aberrant swalesi basslet!!! i love aberrant fishes and hybrids. this one is very special. take good care of it!
  3. why so many damsel!?!? are they all same species??
  4. My hybrid angelfish is going to receive a full page reefbuilders article written by me. stay tuned! people with good cameras, i need photographs :) any kind volunteers willing to help? credit will be given when due.

    1. Eniram


      Me me pick me wahaha

    2. Eniram


      Hey I can't find any articles you've written on reef builders, share the link pls

    3. yikai


      they are on reef builders. search under my real name. tea yi kai. i've only written 2 so far but have about 3-4 more content to write. busy with school and exams so i'm a little slow,

  5. from japan if i'm not wrong... personatus is ridiculously rare and cost 20k a pair
  6. this video must be taken in midway atoll right? the only place where they live in such shallow depths for filming.
  7. LFS bring in because people buy. that's the sad truth. u want LFS to stop bringing in? simple. stop buying. no point blaming lfs for bringing in, or blaming reefers for buying. it's related. so just do more research before buying ANYTHING.
  8. ah beng probably doesn't know either. not all LFS know what they're selling. in fact, majority of them do not know about obligate coral eating fishes. as buyers it is out responsibility to learn.
  9. seriously do you take ME for an idiot? Trying to lie to me about FISH? i find that highly disturbing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. braincoral


      cool down!! IT is wkend time!

    3. cedricang


      Hi Lemon, is that chap outright lying or just unintentionally saying something which is factually wrong ?

    4. yikai


      out right lying -_-

      i know the difference between a real lie and ignorance. this guy is a douche.

  10. the chances of that happening is almost as close as the earth plummeting into jupiter in the next 5 minutes. congrats. hope the fish lives with you till a long time do update the progress of the fish.
  11. do what? there's nothing you can do to it. the only thing you should be doing is stop buying fish at your whim and fancy and do research before buying.
  12. How to medicate... If ur qt run hypo then corals how? Ur qt tank should never be connected o any system. Otherwise it'll nit be considered a qt tank
  13. everyone is entitled to their own opinion haha. i feel it's an LPS but some think they are SPS. i think no right or wrong? there are many paradoxes in the marine fish realm.
  14. looks like super glue? did u accidently leave glue there? or is this new.
  15. 2nd reef builders post published on halichoeres claudia!

  16. most websites like liveaquaria classify them as SPS because care requirement and appearance look like SPS... they even classify pectinia under SPS. and pectinia is not an SPS. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+322+489&pcatid=489 by true definition and coral morphology, hydnophora is an LPS.... look at this other link. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/aquarium-fish-supplies.cfm?c=597+322 pavona, merulina, mycedium all classified under SPS. but they are all LPS by true definition. anyway pointless to discuss... some people see it as LPS, some as SPS.
  17. that website is not accurate. that's actually a LPS. but for simplicity sake most ppl just classify as SPS..
  18. my first of many reef builders article published!

  19. writing for reef builders is harder than i thought. but worth it

  20. Iwarna Hawaii arrived Goldflake and declivis butterflies at v good prices
  21. all euphyllia can touch each other. even torch coral with other euphyllia. occasionally a freak incident may happen where they may fight but that's only temporarily and only one or two tentacles. interspecies is ok.
  22. Eibli and vroliki hybrid dwarf angels are very common. but i'm super loving the one i found. very beautiful hybrid

  23. on my way back from bangkok with 2 chrysiptera caeruleolineata. hope my precious cargo of rare damselfish doesn't die!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eniram


      You're just a fish fanatic

    3. yikai
    4. cool guy

      cool guy

      Ahakz... Not for e time bein. Im stil a wrasse n angel lover... Lol!!!!

  24. Omg. Offered a columnist job at reefbuilders. Finally. after working my way from glassbox-design, to reefs.com, i'm now going to write for reefbuilders. Happiness is overwhelming. RB, the vogue of the reefing world.

    1. cedricang


      Congrates !!!

    2. Eniram


      double congrats

    3. yikai


      thanks. have been working so hard to break into the worldwide reefing scene since i started 3 years ago. finally pay off

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