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Everything posted by yikai

  1. liopropoma larvae VERY difficult to raise. no one succeeded before. but ppl have successfully bred them to larvae stage.
  2. candy basslets v commonly offered at liveaquaria. u interested? can order from M3MORPH. their supplier has a regular supply
  3. lol....... pls just do a search for my tank thread?
  4. i feed my tank 2 times a day. once in the day once in the evening. in the weekends i can go up to 10 feedings a day. but i do small feedings each time, but many times a day. that is the best kind of feeding you want. do note that angels are grazers. meaning they nip on algae and food throughout the day. one large feeding or 'flooding' is not as good as multiple small feedings. by feeding them small times a day, u keep them busy and u ensure they eat the most they can. your angels will be healthy and happy. and if possible, do a freshwater dip for 5-8 mins on each newly bought dwarf angel. most of them come with flukes especially flame angels, lemonpeels etc. flukes will drop off and they look like white sesame seeds. keep dipping once everyday until nothing comes off. the survival rate will increase drastically. i once did a FW dip on my flame angel pair and a collective number of 76 flukes dropped off from both fish. use RO/DI water if possible to do your FW dip. but i always jsut use tap water. make sure the temp is the same and then just throw in and observe. if they are not swimming, touch them and if they get up and swim, then leave them for 5-8 mins. do not take them out unless they are extremely stressed out. and best to let them rest in a betta box or sump for 1-2 days after purchase before doing the dip. if do immediately from LFS bag, it's too stressful.
  5. oh please. you'll find that dwarf angels are actually pretty safe. my tank have - a pair of spawning flame angel - a rusty x flame angelfish hybrid - an eibli x vrolicki angelfish hybrid - 1 bluestriped butterflyfish - 1 marginalis butterflyfish - 1 declivis butterflyfish - 1 mitratus butterflyfish so many angels and butterflies but my corals are left untouched. softies and LPS. in fact in all my experience so far, i've never seen any angel eating my corals before. keep them well fed and you'll be ok. add in multiple species of dwarf angels to keep them busy and make sure they are well fed. these are the 2 most important things in curbing the pecking. pecking on corals is due to boredom and hunger. u settle those 2, u settle the habit. if u want to keep angels with corals, then deal with the risk. if not, don't keep them at all. that's my very simple policy.
  6. ahsiang, yours is one of a kind. this fish is really super difficult. jsut because you succeeded, does not mean others will. pls don't encourage people to buy it as you've been doing for the past few weeks. it's really a luck thing and many will die. no offense ya
  7. Gorgeous aya and modestus. the prognathodes butterflies are very easy and hardy provided they are collected well! PERFECT aquarium species.
  8. You can mix any kind of dwarf angels you want. main thing you need is space, territory break up and order of addition. and also a lot of luck. a big pile of rocks is not really good for dwarf angels. making isolated rock formations separated by sand is good as it lets them claim territories.
  9. will make a video update of the tank later .
  10. been awhile since i last updated. to answer the questions above, yes springeri damsel is very peaceful. here's a picture of one of my favourite butterflies Chaetodon fremblii. a small juvenile. i bought this about a month ago. very hardy. eats everything.
  11. So many articles to write for reefbuilders. I've never been so happy to be this busy. The irony

    1. Eniram


      Your passion will override the irony

    2. Terryz_


      Good, JY...

    3. cedricang


      Am happy that you are happily busy ^^

  12. i really dunno what the hype with this fish is all about. it's not even that nice or special and its so ex. polleni grouper is so much nicer/ and cost almost nothing compared to this!
  13. i dnt believe it's rare. just maybe not targeted for collection since it's a toby. but maybe uncommon in the wild also. or deepwater or watever reason
  14. its even more gorgeous than leoparda! and rarer! omg i want it
  15. it's the rarer species Canthigaster tyleri. C. leoparada is a pacific species. in the indian ocean (except xmas island), no leoparda is found but this very similar one replaces leoparda. and it's C. tyleri can be found from maldives and mauritius shipments.
  16. hmm! you're right! i did not notice this before! very interesting and true observation!
  17. i hate all holacanthus except rock beauty. but full grown adults are ugly.
  18. gorgeous leh!! i love the darker broken bars at the front! it looks like the one i like form the collage picture!!
  19. Prognathodes aya... super super rare. gorgeous carribean butterflyfish. reef safe too.
  20. here is a collage i made last time. sampling a few of the hundreds that we posted. all so variable! 1st pic from 2nd row is my fav!
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