i feed my tank 2 times a day.
once in the day once in the evening.
in the weekends i can go up to 10 feedings a day.
but i do small feedings each time, but many times a day. that is the best kind of feeding you want.
do note that angels are grazers. meaning they nip on algae and food throughout the day. one large feeding or 'flooding' is not as good as multiple small feedings.
by feeding them small times a day, u keep them busy and u ensure they eat the most they can.
your angels will be healthy and happy.
and if possible, do a freshwater dip for 5-8 mins on each newly bought dwarf angel. most of them come with flukes especially flame angels, lemonpeels etc. flukes will drop off and they look like white sesame seeds. keep dipping once everyday until nothing comes off. the survival rate will increase drastically.
i once did a FW dip on my flame angel pair and a collective number of 76 flukes dropped off from both fish.
use RO/DI water if possible to do your FW dip. but i always jsut use tap water. make sure the temp is the same and then just throw in and observe. if they are not swimming, touch them and if they get up and swim, then leave them for 5-8 mins. do not take them out unless they are extremely stressed out. and best to let them rest in a betta box or sump for 1-2 days after purchase before doing the dip. if do immediately from LFS bag, it's too stressful.