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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks! Yes i loev my flame angel pair too. they spawn nightly!
  2. thanks wilson! yes the scape! there's only 11 rocks in that tank. i use big rocks so scaping is easier. and i like the meandering sand that weaves around the rocks. aiyah video. will do when i have time. v time consuming.
  3. it's hiding :0 i tried a photo but it's v shy. mitratus bullying it but it will survive. tomorrow i put photo. super small and cute! i love it.
  4. and finally, a FTS. its been awhile since i updated a FTS. but things still look kinda the same. PLS DON'T CLICK ON THE PHOTOS. VERY BIG AND I FORGOT TO RESIZE. SORRY BOUT THAT!!
  5. My marginalis butterflyfish. i used to have one v long ago but it died. that was the first marginalis that ever came to singapore. the pioneer batch. this one came from coral farm. the 2nd batch and now is fairly common from australia shipments. it was not feeding enough initially and was on the verge of death. but now it is slowly gaining weight and is healthier and very greedy!
  6. an update on my female genicanthus semifasciatus angel. this fish is super rare and could be the only one alive in singapore now. it used to be quite common many years back but recently, there has been a global shortage! improved in health tremendously. it was almost on the verge of death with ammonia burns, break down stress and collection issues. but now is feeding very well! hope for the best, it's still too soon to tell. the male form of this fish is spectacular for those who know what it looks like!
  7. update time. my harem of "flame" angels. 1 female flame 1 male flame and 1 female rusty x flame hybrid. the 3 fishes interact very well! the flame angels spawn every night. but i won't be surprised if the rusty x flame hybrids starts spawning with the male flame sooner or later.
  8. Love my Genicanthus semifasciatus so much. Worth way more than it's paper value of $33. Not to mention it's rarer than a conspic angel nowadays. Absolutely happy with it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      rare does not equate expensive!!

    3. Eniram


      Beautiful fish

    4. Zoa guy

      Zoa guy

      wow, damm nice sia, also interested in getting one. :P

  9. my female Genicanthus semifasciatus has improved in health GREATLY. very surprised even for myself. fins all healed, mouth has healed, shipping stress and damage subsided to almost nothing and is eating VERY well!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FuEl


      Sounds like ammonia burn while being shipped.

    3. FuEl


      Sounds like ammonia burn while being shipped.

    4. yikai


      ammonia burns, decompression problems, breakdown stress, all common ailments for this fish!

  10. Digiman found a very rare flabelligobius sp. only a few people in Singapore has it and you know who you are! It's my turn next! :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. yikai


      very easy ah. besides location, scotti is a uniform metallic blue when stabalised. each scale is shiny and its uniform.

      the real springeri is just blue like any other blue damsel. no metallic sheen.

      the springeri sp is black with blue blotches everywhere.

    3. kueytoc


      Where did the 'holy grail' flabelligobius sp appear ???

    4. yikai


      coral farm. VERY rare.

  11. the next time you go to japan, you should visit Miyazaki if you have the chance. Wrasse expert Dr. Hiroyuki tanaka lives there. you can visit him and tell him Lemon says hi. japan is the country to go to if you are interested in rare marine fishes. the fishes there are really crazy and un-dreamable. some of the rare fishes they brought in in the past are about 400x rarer than what you posted here. and what you posted here today is already an astonishing feat in the industry!
  12. regarding the sailfin jawfish, i wrote a short piece on it on reefbuilders. you can read it here http://reefbuilders.com/2011/08/08/sailfin-jawfish/
  13. the coral beauty hybrid with multicolor is not new. it's v old but not many ppl know it's existance. u should take a good photo so i could do a nice write up in rb. there's only 2 documented multicolor hybrids. this, and the very recent, multicolor x rusty!
  14. WTH. JEREMY YOU AREVERY LUCKY! the first photo is an unidentified genicanthus hybrid. possible lamarck x melanospilos. V rare and we posted it before. 2nd photo is golden hawk juv africanus. it is transitioning and losing the blue. the blue form is very shortlived. the 4th photo is the v rare snow basslet. digiman has one now. 5th photo is sanguineus hog fish. a very rare hogfish from hawaii islands ONLY. 6th photo is west african marcellae butterflyfish. a juvenile mcculochi clownfish! SUPER RARE AND SUPER EX. GUYANENSIS BUTTERFLYFISH and lastly, golden fuscipinnis anthias. RARE RARE RARE AND RARE! DO get a chance to see the world's only coral beauty x multicolor hybrid in the show tank!
  15. i want to visit them too! a reef builders cover write up on bluehabour's rare fish and shop. that will be so awesome for me to write up on. but going to japan is expensive
  16. "LFS in other parts of the world is like" blue habor is not just any other LFS in any other part of the world. Blue habor is THE lfs in the WORLD. the number of super rare fish they bring in is really, uncoutable. and many species are only brought in once and by them only. the fishes they sell sometimes can be even more expensive than a car. going there in an honour and i hope you got to meet Koji Wada. personatus angel juvenile? earlei wrasse? hybrid coral beauty x multicolor (world's only) and a whole longer list of fishes so rare that no one here can even fathom. jeremy you are really lucky.
  17. very nice. cube tanks seem to have had a spike in popularity after terry and i posted our tank threads. cuboid tanks are really awesome if you do it right!
  18. the golden angel is 8 red notes before discount. after discoun is about 50+to 60. small small specimen, i've never seen one so small. the juvenile colours still there and the lines have not fully developed. it will not feed in the shop given improper setting. if anyone wants to try, a dedicated, peaceful system with lots of matured liverocks or algae is a good start.
  19. yes. this is a yellow-masked angel (female) the male form is very gorgeous but even rarer. the female is often confused with the normal Genicanthus melanospilos, which looks exactly the same except that it doesn't have the black lines on the face, and the black edges on the tail do not join together.
  20. i did that but still sideways. something wrong with my computer i think. anyway thanks!
  21. i really do not know why the photos always appear side ways. but you can still see it clearly. sorry for inconvenience.
  22. don't really have time to update my tank thread via video. SPS and corals are very healthy though. but i did find this fish today. It's the yellow-masked angelfish that i've been waiting for, for 3 years. it's very very rare. this is the 2nd piece that came after a long hiatus. the 1st piece came 3 weeks ago. it's a female. the problem with them is their difficulty. not in feeding or cyanide issues, but in collection. they are deepwater and almost always arrive in bad condition such as decompression problems or sores and break-down issues. this female is in pretty alright condition, except for a little damage on the ana| fin and the mouth has superficial damage. nothing i can do except hope that the condition improves and does not deteriorate. it's extremely rare but very cheap and difficult. fingers crossed.
  23. Finally! Genicanthus semifasciatus. after 3 years, they are starting to reappear here in small small small numbers!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kueytoc


      Where ?...Where ?...Where ?

    3. yikai


      coral farm. but the condition they are arriving in are horrible. need to filter through a few shipments to obtain one that will actually live.

    4. kueytoc
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