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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i prefer adult guentheri. there are 2 more adults there but too big. so no choice got the small one. the colour is really refreshing. pale cream and the light orange. it's like a delicious desert!
  2. 2 new additions today. a flabelligobius shrimp goby from coral farm and a juvenile guenther's butterflyfish. the guenther's butterflyfish is only a 2 inch baby
  3. yes orange. the choati is SUPER TINY! this is post larval stage choati wrasse. insane! it's by liveaquria
  4. coral farm also has 2 guenther's butterflyfish (Chaetodon guentheri) quite rare.
  5. coz we only put the nice ones mah! haha! dont think anyone wanna see ugly fish right?
  6. AT hybrids do not develop teardrop. the picture you posted is a normal AT. here's a hybrid AT x powder black most people think that a hybrid will show equal amounts of traits from both parents. 50%-50%. but if you study genetics, that's not always the case. in the case of the achilles tang hybrid, the achilels tang only lends the orange pigment on it's tail to the offspring, and zero of the orange teardrop genes. but i prefer the AT hybrid over the normal AT. the tail is very special.
  7. copp's aberrant grey/white purple tang it kept it's color. it looks almost SILVER! amazing!
  8. here's some photos of them in more natural settings.
  9. this used to be a super rare fish but now can be found already. but it is still extremely rare. goby aficionados don't wait anymore. get it and pair it with a pistol shrimp!
  10. that lemonpeel hybrid looks abit like the ultra hybrid with many circles on the body!
  11. it has appeared before mannny years ago and it's in kiyoshi endoh's book. pure orange without a single hint of stripe or spot.
  12. YAY! Flabelligobius!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. marinebetta


      ya...had to take the first one to get things rolling although it wasn't that good conditon.....went the next day!

    3. yikai


      there were actually two on the day you bought. the other one was hiding and could not be found, but aunty found it eventually and it was sold. this time there's 3.

    4. marinebetta


      told there was only 1, and it was not released....quite a few months ago already.

  13. CF has this fish. it's a razor wrasse, Xyrichthys pentadactylus. quite rare, very charming and interesting fish. the head is a blunt square. it needs a sandbed to dig in and sleep in at night. it looks fierce with sharp teeth but it is reef safe. needs a rather big tank, minimum 3ft. here's a photo of my own one to give you an idea what it looks like.
  14. oh that lemonpeel hybrid is just very nice! very unique. and a superb rusty flame!
  15. Centropyge madness hits japan! Dwarf angel lovers would like the next reefbuilders article i'm writing on

  16. its interesting to note that the yasha goby only start's hovering and go on "watch-dog" mode when the shrimp is out of the burrow. when the shrimp goes back in, the yasha just assumes back it's nonchalant pose. and hardly moves. shrimp back out, it hovers again, and looks out. really interesting video. i've never noticed this behavior before and only realised it after watching this video
  17. not too recent. but i'll write on the bar-less flame angel and the ultra lemonpeel. when did those come in?
  18. the coral beauty is crazy are all these new? can compile them into a new angelfish post for RB
  19. of coz i realised. the bicolor has the yellow margin all along the dorsal fin. not many bicolor have this. it's quite a rare aberration. the flame has spots and short dashes in between every single bar on it's body. very special! i like the flame and the bicolor more than the leucozonus
  20. this was listed as a black phase melanistic longirostris butterfly. but the black phase is extremely minimum, almost nothing at all!
  21. gorgeous! here's one that's not so ultra from LADD. but still v v nice
  22. there something special about that flame angel and bicolor angel too!
  23. (y) means thumbs up! haha. emoticon lingo.
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