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Everything posted by yikai

  1. and the ubbbbbberrrr rare white bar variant of the asfur angel. there also exists a white bar maculosus angelfish that is being captive bred in taiwan. it was a wild caught white bar morph originally. same as the asfur. however, no success with breeding yet.
  2. the yellow bar on the beautiful asfur angel can vary from being super small, to extremely large! the super yellow asfur is one of the few fishes in this thread that made a huge first impression on first glance. it'll be a fish i'll always remember and something i wish i could own. it's amazing because asfur angels are one of the many cookie cutter identical clone fishes where every single one looks the same. so to have an aberrant asfur, is something extra extra special. some fishes like flame angel, coral beauty, etc can have so much variability and aberrations. the asfur angel is just one of the many fishes that are not. so an aberrant one is many times more special!
  3. a rare photo of a juvenile Xanthotis angel and the adult. this is a beautiful species from the red sea region that i really hope to own one day. not to be confused by the similar looking cream angel. the white body with a thick black border is stunning! as the juveniles grow, the white part will slowly grow out and push the predominantly black body colouration to the edge, forming a thick, almost picture frame like appearance.
  4. oh 3 inch plus. i thought they were one inch juveniles with the yellow band still present. was curious as to why wild shipment will have so many tiny juveniles caught and sold. usually only the captive bred taiwan blueline angels will arrive in such small size. but now that you mention they are 3 inches each, it makes more sense.
  5. you mean at coral farm? please post in the LFS update and not here if you're looking for anyfish. but if you want more pictures of black tangs, we have tons!
  6. If they were not who you were taught they would be, would you still believe?

  7. no. u can contact FuEl or aquafauna supplies on the next shipment
  8. all are juveniles? interesting! Vietnam blue-lined angels are all wild caught and this time all juveniles. quite interesting to know.
  9. v cute omobranchus brachiosaurus blenny! reminds me of all the similar ones we caught in the kelong. but those were brackish water and didn't survive in our tanks.
  10. for the record, the super rare albino cyclops deformed shark is real. x-ray, genetic testings etc have proven that it's a severe freak!
  11. how does it look like a hybrid to you? actually i'm v interested to know also. coz tinkeri cannot be found in christmas island. so if it's really a hybrid, does that mean a range extension for tinkeri?
  12. i don't think it is a hybrid. i think it's just a darker variant of the declivis butterflyfish. look at these old declivis i've had. don't they look identical? moreover, the fish is listed as christmas island declivis x tinker. i don't think you can find tinker's butterfly in christmas island. christmas island is in the indian ocean and tinker's butterflyfish is strictly pacific, and found only in hawaii, marshall and johnston islands! so no. i don't think it's a hybrid. just my opinion.
  13. liveaquaria listed this as super rare declivis x tinker's hybrid and sold for $600. really? it looks 100% declivis to me. a very dark version of the declivis butterfly. what are your views?
  14. few fishes can rival the intense orange from the clarion angel.
  15. an unknown triggerfish! too tiny to tell but could be a crosshatch as it was caught in hawaii waters at 90feet. i've never seen these kinds of triggerfish so small before!
  16. this photo of C. niger looks like an aquarium shot! have these been imported before? i don't know! this is a really really rare fish and very little info and photos are available! if it has indeed been caught and sold before, that's amazing!
  17. thanks! one of my favourite butterflies! easy and hardy too!
  18. here are some new photos from SRS vanuatu. SRS vanuatu is a large collector from vanuatu (the largest i think) that supplies vanuatu fishes to everywhere, including singapore, via iwarna. they were the ones responsible for catching the very very very rare nigriocella dwarf angel. here's some new lemonpeel hybrids and an aberrant coral beauty. maybe we can see them in iwarna's vanuatu shipment. if victor decides to order. these photos were sent to victor's email for stock update on their latest vanuatu fishes, and were forwarded to me. so if you really like these and want to see them in the next vanuatu shipment, pls pester victor! *but don't tell him i said that. hehe
  19. i LOVE C. niger! IT'S absolutely gorgeous. i love the white pelvic fins! i've never seen those photos before! are they new? those are some of the clearest and best photos of C. niger in the wild! the next reefbuilders piece from me will be this!
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