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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. up. Willing to go collect. need algae good and nice algae, up up
  2. PM or sms pls. Need algae badly
  3. Buying any of the following algae. PM me price, and amount. or SMS me at 97555430 (kai) Interested in : sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca) Maiden's hair (Chlorodesmis sp) Or any nice algae. Ty, sms me or put info here, dun pm
  4. It is a pistol shrimp i believe. It looks like a lobster with 2 claws, one of the claws smaller looking and abit curved. Ihad a mantis shrimp, which i removed. Anyway, i removed this pistol shrimp liao ^^
  5. Hey reefers, i have this pistol shrimp in my tank, it came with my liverock, that has been really pissing me off. Recently, my yasha goby and candy stripe pistol shrimp pair, my diamond goby and my yellow coral banded shrimp all mysteriously dissapeard without any trace. I suspect it is that pistol shrimp. True, my missing livestock maybe didnt cost much. The yasha and pistol pair $10 only from pasir ris. diamond goby and yellow CBS both $10 each, but that is not the point. Im afraid that more precious livestock can/will be at the mercy of that nuisence pistol shrimp. It about the size of my little finger. This size. ---------------------------------------- Head to tail And naturally, i want to get rid of it. i know where it lives, but its very difficult to remove it as there are alot of rocks there. If i remove that rock, the whole rockwork will collapse. Is there any other way to remove it without tearing down my tank? And just this morning, i found its shed exo-skeleton. which means it has grown bigger and it has been eating =.= Need to remove it ASAP! Ty and happy reefing, and wishing u all a very merry christmas!
  6. Hey people! I have heard of garlic being used to boost immunity amongst the other myriad of good effects, but i was wondering, will regular garlic juice from a regular raw garlic work? So far, i haven tried any garlic based products or formulas, but am willing to try with a raw garlic and extracting the juice. Is it the same as using a garlic product? Is it safe for the fish if i just use regular garlic juice? Please advice and share your knowledge with me. Thank you
  7. Many of these are obligate eaters, specialist in the food they eat. But if u are able to sustain it in captivity, then kudos ^^ Hope u can enjoy this beautiful specimen and have fun with it.
  8. Hello, i am new here and i was hoping someone could help me? I have kept a copperband butterflyfish for a few months now, he has cleared my tank of aiptasia and feather worms and other inverts. go figure. Im considering on getting a RBTA for my clowns to host, but am afraid that my CBB will decimate it. Can anyone here provide some assistance? Will my CBB kill my future anemone? i really wanna get the RBTA for my clowns Thanks for any help in advanced. i really appreciate it.
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