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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Thanks! Yes i see two long brown stringy things from their mouth. It looks like a thread, and its swaying in the water. IS that the expelled zooxanthelle? and i found a blue nudibranch on my zoos today... so sian.... and some transparent film thingy that is almost detatched from the zoos. are those the eggs? and also, there are like, 5 very extremely tiny white dots clustered together. very hard to see, but if use magnifying glass, can see. Are those eggs also? My zoos are all opened up now, look like no problem. But i think one of these days i will FW dip it -__-
  2. Yes, u can ask them to demo for u. I know ji@eh marine allow trail feeding. they will be very happy to show u. Henry at marine life also will be very happy to feed his pipefish infront of you. U can ask, if they dont allow, just say thank you and leave.... probably if they dun wan show u means its not eating >.< haha. Usually they will allow. Dun feel paiseh to ask them to show u. Ur the customer, and u are paying good money for their products
  3. OOps, i just realise i accidently click on the SPS instead of LPS.... sorry for the wrong section, but will still appreciate the help!
  4. Are zoos photosynthetic? Do they contain zooxanthelle to help them photosynthesize and make food? I usually feed my corals one or twice a week, and was wondering if this is enough for my zoos? Please help ty. My zoos are blue with brown tentacles and a pink center. Buy from iwarna $5 those kind. please help ty!
  5. This could be a bacteria bloom. Beneficial bacteria is probably multiplying, so much so that u are able to see it. My 3 feet tank also had this. After about 4-5 days, i had the cloudyness problem. Within 2 days it was gone. There is nothing to worry about. As long as u have done everything correctly up to now, things should run smoothly. I would suggest waiting another couple of days to see what happens. In the meantime, let ur tank cycle and dun add any LS. Hope this will help. If its a bacteria bloom, it is good. Means that all ur denitryfying bacteria multiplying
  6. Maybe if they sleeping there or something. Usually wont la. but better to dun take chances la hor =) Put bigger fish lor. dun put those small small fish like catalina goby or clown goby
  7. Still got alot. I only bought 3 pieces. Hope when u go there still got. Lady boss selling $5 each nia. BTW, if u go iwarna, go check out their hawaiin anemone. sibei chio.. Black stem with deep deep maroon red tentacles. super scary. $38 they selling. Heres a pic
  8. Rics / yuma expensive? my budget very low as i only just graduate from sec 4. Now entering JC/Poly
  9. I bought my zoos from iwarna >.< 2 is blue colour with orange/pinkish center, the other is purple with green center... $5 each only lol. lady boss clearing them so i help her clear =)
  10. The zoas were fully open at the LFF. When i brought it home, i examine is very closely to inspect. To be honest, i did not dip =(, but when i place inside my tank, it was clean. except for one polyp with a brown spot. It doesnt look serious. Hopefully they will all open up. The zoas only open like half of the polyp. Perhaps tomorrow.... wwill be better
  11. How long does a newly bought zoanthid take to open? i heard zoos are really easy.... It has been 2 hours and my zoos are still closed/partially open. Last time when i got a mushroom and clove polyp, it open within half hour. Help, are my newly bought zoos dead?? And btw, one of my zoos have small brown blotches on the zoo itself. Is it nothing to worry about? Thanks for the help
  12. Hi, anyone know any LFS/LFF selling green or blue mushrooms? ty
  13. Hello all, i need some help here. Is Montipora Capricornis a difficult coral to keep? Can someone advice me on this please. Have been considering this SPS for awhile now. Fell in love with its beautiful shape. So i was just wondering if its terribly difficult to keep? On a rating of 1-5 can anyone tell me how hard it is? and are there any special requirements? I have read on the web that it requires alot of light, so placement at the top of the tank is good. And, most website say it is moderate to keep. Not easy not difficult. Can any one share their experience? ty!
  14. It is censored. U try lor haha. i dunno why its censored... ##### marine
  15. I used to have a banded pipefish. Mine at first refused to it, but then i started with live brine shrimp. It started eating live brine shrimp, however, as we know, brine shrimp not much nutrient. At first i feed it 100% brine shrimp. Then slowly 90% brine, 10% mysis. When it accidently eat the mysis and realise it liked it, i slowly increase the mysis to 20% and until 100% feeding on mysis. It is quite unusual for anything to not like brine shrimp. Fishes and other marine life usually go crazy for them. You could try again with brine, then slowly sub mysis if it starts eating.... Otherwise, if it doesnt eat anything, could be bad. Maybe if ur tank got alot of pods, it can survive for awhile. Usually when buying this kind of fussy eaters, it is very important to make sure that they are eating well first before buying. Hope this helps u, but if ur pipefish still doesnt wanna eat anything, even the brine shrimp, next time when u buy anymore PF or SH, ask the LFS ppl to show them feeding. If not, dun buy. Good luck with ur fish =)
  16. That is a hybrid skunk clown. Cora farm have? O.o haha. it looks the most "normal" IMO. quite cool
  17. Would you pay $500 for a pair of these? IMO, i find them ugly >.< They look so sad, and like got disease
  18. Oh, got alot moorish idol also. Not sure if eating or not. But i know j@!#$ marine moorish idol always eat pellet food one. last time i saw their moorish idol eat pellet and mysis shrimp. pro leh. I saw some majestic angel, blue face, midnight, keyhole angel also. Eibli angel fish also. Yellow wrasse also have
  19. Promotion ended yesterday, 31st december. They had quite good promotion. can see on their website, the "current promotion and stock". I think today no more promotion liao, but the fishes should still be there! Cheers! =)
  20. J!@#$ marine have new stock. I saw cleaner wrasse flagfin angel koran angel six line wrasse dragon wrasse sexy shrimp flasher wrasse small tiny half inch baby box fish!!! (SUPER CUTE) Bat fish assorted gobies AND THE SUPER BIG SCARY MAROON CLOWNFISH!! I THINK 10" BIG. they got 2. PAIR SIA!! OMG OMG OMG. the size of 500ML water bottle. i dun lie GO AND SEE
  21. From j!@#$ Mar@@! =) They yesterday got new stock. u know they have one maroon clownfish i think 10" big. I SWEAR!!! super huge the maroon clown. same size as a 500ml water bottle. scary leh
  22. Ich is stressed induced. Ich is indirectly intertwined with stress and immunity. If the fish is stress, immunity goes down, ich over takes. For me, the best way is to prevent, and to maintain an ich free environment. It is very hard, i myself have failed many times, but it is the best way to prevent ich. Good nutrition is also key. Make sure that u feed your fishes a very wide range of food, to boost their immune system. I feed my fish pellet, fresh prawns, henry formula, mysis shrimp, and nori seaweed. A little bit of everything a day. Occasionally, my fish will get abit of white spots. I do believe that a tank with seemingy heathy fish, does not mean ur tank is free from white spots. Sometimes, white spots are there, just that u cannot see it, because it is below symptomatic levels. Meaning that the fish is abe to contain the disease and fight it off naturally with its own immune system. That is why good nutrition is so important. I believe that if the white spots are below symptomatic levels, or it is very mild, the fish will be able to fend for itself. Human intervention often stress fish out even more and this ultimately leads to death. In fact, by dosing medicine A, B, C, we sometimes stress the fish so much until the disease from very mild, become very severe. And when the fish dies, we try to blame it on the medicine, or that the disease killed it. Sometimes, all it takes is patience and a little trust that ur fishes can fight their own battles. I try not to "kachiow" the fish as much as possible, unless the disease really is very severe, and almost impossible for the fish to fight off itself, then i go there and treat. Otherwise, with good nutrition and proper parameters, it is usually not fatal for fishes if a little bit of white spots show. they will fight it off themselves. NOTE: this is my own personal experience, everyone has different methods for curing ich.
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