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Everything posted by yikai

  1. I will try to DIY a box, but i dun have a drill to drill holes. What else can i use to make holes?
  2. Anyone have this problem? My tank water looks "dusty", like have alot of very very small particles floating around the water... making it look very cloudy. My equipment inside my tank, like my magnetic glass cleaner, and thermometer, will always have this very fine layer of dust on it, even though its INSIDE the water!! I dunno what is causing this. Only recently started happening. My protein skimmer is on 24/7 and this problem never happen before. At first i thought it was my sand sifter goby, always stirring the sand. But the goby so small, and it only eat one mouth of sand, and sift, then spit out. I do not think it is sufficient enough to cause the whole tank to be so cloudy. Then i thought it was my yellow wrasse, everytime dig the sand when it scared. It will stir up a cloud of dust and sand, but it will fade away very soon. so i dont think its the both of them. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? Sometimes so severe until the surface of water covered in a film of dust particles/sand particles... very fine like cloudy water. I tried water change, 10% but no use. help pls? anyone? I do not think it is an ammonia spike/nitrite spike that is causing the cloudyness, as everything in my tank is doing very well. Corals opening, and fishes actively eating. It doesnt affect my tank from what i observe, but it just looks unsightly..
  3. all fishes sold and awaiting collection. thread closed ty
  4. Hehe i found it funny =) np. Sg ping pong team wan sui!
  5. Bro, any idea how much they sell the flame angel? Do they look like in good shape? >.<
  6. Collection anytime. Just sms me at 97555430 in advance when u want to collect, so i can prepare the fish. i live at tanah mera crest condominium. Near anglican high school. the road name is pari dedap walk, very near Anglican high school, and quite near tanah merah mrt. address is #02-05, blk 6, tanah merah crest, singapore 486060
  7. The picture appears very bright blue/green because of the camera flash. The real one is dark green/black. It changes colours several times of the day. Sometimes appears black, sometimed dark green, sometimes dark purple. Here is roughly what it looks like in RL
  8. I have kept coral beauties and flame angels with corals before, no problem. But for the lemonpeel and bicolour, they may nip at corals. They are one of the dwarf angels that like to eat corals... most other dwarfs leave corals alone but beware the lemonpeel and bicolour. Big angels from the genus pomacantidae, euphipipox, chaetodontoplus, all eat corals also. Only genicanthus, the swallowtail angelfish, wont, and some dwarf angels. Dwarf angels depends on the individual also. Some will eat some wont. its a game of luck
  9. Just give it a few more days. Sometimes can take up to a week. Dont worry. After 1 week u still dont see, then u can start to worry.
  10. goby reserved. yellow wrasse reserved NIGER TRIGGER OFFER $10 ONLY. pls very desp to sell.
  11. upzz price reduced pls buy. urgent to sell
  12. Yellow wrasse reserved. Prices reduced. Desperate to sell. trigger - $12 goby - $8
  13. NOTE: please quarantine fishes that u buy from me/other ppl. I cannot confirm 100% that they are disease free. They are very healthy in my tank with NO OBVIOUS signs of dieseases. this does not mean they are not carrying anything pathogenic. treat these fishes like as though u bought them from LFS. quarantine them. i dun wanna be held responsible for anything =(
  14. Selling 3 fishes. Yellow wrasse - $12 niger triggerfish - $15 Orange striped goby - $10 Fishes are all about the same size, yellow wrasse eating mysis shrimp and prawn, trigger eating everything.... pellet, mysis, prawn, nori, goby eat mysis and prawn. Pls sms 97555430 if interested, collection is at tanah merah. Will give u more information if interested. Will post pictures of the fish except yellow wrasse. I dont have a photo of it. Please let me know in advance if u want to buy, so i have time to catch my fish. Ty All fishes are around 3 inches.. +- a few CM
  15. This is very good advice. And if you do want to buy angelfish, please ask where it came from. USUALLY specimens from idonesia and phillipines do not do well. most are cyanide caught... unfortunately. Angels from hawaii or christmas island fare better. the difference in handling and shipping of angelfish greatly affects their aquarium lives. Most angelfish are delicate shippers and when they get damaged during catching and shipping, most do not recover. Also, i think angelfish from the sub genus euxiphipop should be given a rating of 2 rather than 3. Alot of them are quite hard to keep. The genus includes majestic, blue face and six barred. I think the easiest out of these 3 will be the blue face... I would give them a rating of 2 rather than 3. But ur right, individuals subject to water quality. so it depends, u can rate 2 or 3. But overall, if ur water quality is lousy, all ur angelfish, no matter what subgenus, will be rated as a 0-1.
  16. Yea >.< sorry for mis-typing. If you are a newbie at the hobby, dun attempt angelfish. But if u have some experience on the hobby liao, but noob with angelfish, then if u really wanna try angelfish, koran angel is the easiest IMO. some ppl think that other angels are easier, but i think koran quite easy. But grow big liao ugly.... grey grey...
  17. And lol btw, funny. u put the bristle worm on singapore ping pong team =x
  18. Bristle worms dont USUALLY, eat fishes. If ur fishes are healthy, they will swim away fast enough for the worm to get near. Bristleworms MAY eat diseased and dying fishes, or dead fishes. rarely, they eat healthy fish. Unless its a eunicid bristleworm or bobbitworm. those are very bad fishi-vores =D
  19. Egg still inside mouth leh. Dont have chance to take pic as the male is always hiding. will PM u when have some pics
  20. Hello, if i buy cured live rock from LFS, do i still need to re-cure it? or can i just str8 away add to my tank.... Currently my tank now, i planning to add more LR, but i dunno if i need to cure or not. Help please ty
  21. A page taken from wetwebmedia shows how 66 fishes, of which includes large angels, dwarf angels, butterflies, tangs and triggers, can be kept on ONE aquarium with ZERO aggresion! This is for your viewing pleasure. Some of the angelfishes seen are very exotic. like the blue striped angel. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_4/V4I...h/Angelfish.htm
  22. I have kept my cleaner wrasse for 5 months. Feeds on everything except pellets...
  23. This is a jellyfish. The very juvenile lava stage of a jellyfish. They wont survive into adult jellyfishes.... will get sucked by the pump. But yes, it is the larval stage of jellyfish
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