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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my yellow wrasse very timid. the minute i put anything into the tank, he hide in the sand, come out only 1-2 hours later... very problamatic.
  2. i am VERRRRRRRRRRRRY interested. dragon wrasses are one of my all time favourite wrasse. they are not very hyper active like yellow wrasse.... and their oclour is simply amazing. But i need to remove my yellow wrasse first. Any ideas how? haha.... i dont want to remove all my rocks.. too painful to put back and very messy, very stress for my fish also. How did u remove ur wrasse? maybe i can use the same approach
  3. where did u buy the liverocks from? im interested
  4. So tempting!!!! but i already have one yellow wrasse. i dont mind substituting it though, but the yellow wrasse super hard to catch... must remove all rocks to catch it HAIZ if only i remove my yellow wrasse, ill take ur dragon wrasse anyday
  5. I only buy cured live rocks, because i dont have a separate area to cure uncured ones. =( and i live in condo, not very big condo. Im afraid the smell of the curing liverock will drive me insane.. and the neighbours. lol
  6. Ur rockscape looks much better now... That flat piece of rock has aloooot of potential =) if you know what i mean... u can put some very nice corals there... and when they grow big, can cover the whole rock
  7. lmao.... i like ur strategy. Nice choice of fish. Hope everything goes well for you =). so many big angels inside a 3ft cube tank. if u can accomplish that, it will be a sight to behold!
  8. copperband is the most reefsafe butterflyfishes out there. However, this doesnt mean it is 100% reef safe. But out of all butterflies, this is the best choice for reef tanks.
  9. A cleaner wrasse is the last fish u should put in a nano tank. It needs to be housed with many fishes so it can pick parasites and necrotic tissue from many fishes. If you can feed ur cleaner wrasse prepared food, then the chances of survival will be much much higher. I bought a cleaner wrasse from marine life, and has since eaten everything i throw into the tank, except pellet and flake. Hope this helps, but even so, i still wont reccomend this fish for a nano tank. Do add more rocks, it not only will help beautify ur tank, but it will provide assistance to denitrify ur tank, and also make ur fish feel more at home and secure. The sea fan u have added looks non photosynthetic to me... which means u will have to feed it and this will increase ur bio load... If u wan corals, try something easy which requires little maintenance and feeding, such as mushrooms and zoos. Hope this helps. In the mean time, jiayou and strive towards a successful tank. Everyone starts out small at some point and grow and learn as u make more mistakes. If u dont make mistakes, u will never learn. The reefers here in RC forum are more than welcome to share pointers and tips, along with knowledge on how you should do things. I look forward to seeing a healthy lively tank! Dont give up!!
  10. Oh thank you. BTW i heard flame angels from christmas island/coco island always carry parasite. is that true? are flame angels even found there? i read on wetwebmedia. flame angels from hawaii and MI are the best? so far, i cant really differenciate where they come from, i just know that certain areas the colour from intense/faded. The one from marqueses has no black bars?
  11. good luck with gonio... mine survived for like 3 weeks, then the tips of the tentacles started to become black, even though it opened up really well. knowing that it is a near impossible coral to maintain, i everyday at the back of my mind worry that anytime it will rot and crash my tank. in the end, i gave it to my cousin... i think it died liao the gonio >.< Perhaps im just unlucky with that. Hope urs bloom until jing jing you wei, ping ping an an, bu bu gao fen, nian nian you yu, gong xi fa cai. haha just crapping =) but enjoy ur gonio. Pink ones quite uncommon and very pretty
  12. How come ppl like true pers so much? O.o i see on RC forum, 9/10 ppl clownfish is true perc. Mine is false one. =) i prefer orange and white, true perc sometimes got alot of black.
  13. How do u keep ur zoas looking so healthy? -.- my zoas always look so limp and weak. especially when it closes up during the night. the stalks of polyps all look so lembeh... water flow nia the whole thing spread and open.. When morning, they open up nicely...but not compact. I feel the polyps like very soft. zzz i got no luck with zoas... ppl say so easy to keep but mine all so... zzz one
  14. Just want to know where u buys get ur live rock from. Please discuss about the quality of rock from where u got it? I will start the ball rolling. I got my LR from jir@h marine for $8/kg. Quality is quite normal as far as live rock goes.
  15. Thanks. Have been looking for a flame angelfish for quite some time, everytime i see its either reserved, not healthy, or dead -.- last time i saw in one LFS. dun wan mention name, one flame angel full of white spots... also still for sale. In fact, the whole shop infected with white spots. fish all dead or dying. My first visit to that shop, and i told myself i wont go back there again. Hopefully they do something about it bah. BTW, what is MI? what shop is that? isit ML? marine life? that shop henry quite nice. =) his LS all very healthy
  16. i use the one from jir@h marine >.< dunno what reefmax salt.... quite ok leh so far... my fishes still alive and healthy lol..
  17. shuld be phosphate/nitrate too high. Please post this in the nuisence algae forum ty
  18. i dont have a FR... i dunno why its so murky. Everything is fine and healthy though, it just makes my tank look ugly
  19. Yes 5 turbo snails. But nowadays can only see like 2-3. i think the rest all die. i keep cleaning the algae... nothing for them to eat
  20. oh my tian.... that mushroom sibei chioooooooooooooooooooooooooo omg omg omg u where buy from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANDY CANE MUSHROOM???? OH MY GOD LA. so hot man!!!
  21. star polyps like to sway violently in the current. place it somewhere with good flow to let the polyps sway in the current. it will stimulate them to open
  22. no one willing to explain why i have this problem? =(
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