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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hmm. $25 isit ok with you? Im going off now, sms me 97555430 if interested. ty
  2. Is it?! oh.. if that is so, im sorry. thread closed.
  3. im a big fan of mushroom and zoas. Everytime i see unique coloured mushrooms i will go beserk. usually mushroom is blue/purple/red.... i never see red mushroom with WHITE stripes... white is like, very uncommon for mushies?
  4. u mean the snail can cloud the whole tank for 3 days in a row?? so powerful!? the snail? and wont this spawn thing pollute my water...? as they are essentially proteins. even with overflow and sump and protein skimmer, this dirty water doesnt seem to clear leh. its really annoying me
  5. could it be a bacteria bloom? i really hate this. my tank used to be crystal clear. CRYSTAL! clear! now... its so.... UGLYYYY
  6. how long will it last? for like 3 days already lehs. im getting quite annoyed
  7. Anyone got tonga branching live rock to sell? Looking for about 5-6KG. Pls quote me the price, or sms me at 97555430. ty
  8. What does a bacteria bloom look like? because for the past few days, my tank has cloudy white water. i suspect its bacteria bloom. is it harmful? how to get rid of it? how long will it take to dissapear?
  9. my clownfish most easy. it will swim into the net even if there is nothing in it -__-
  10. i have kept many tanks before this. last time i keep with my parents... always go LFS with them and our tank was very nice. but then move house, decom. now re-starting agian. ya i will continue la. but now abit sian
  11. thanks!! im really lucky that most of my fishes were in a separate tank when this happened. i am going to sell a niger trigger to a fellow reefer this saturday. very lucky it was in my quarantine tank when this happen. otherwise..... dunno how to explain haha
  12. how come? this is the first time i did it... will not do it again
  13. =( i never notice until they died today. nvm, next time will check carefully!
  14. thanks for the well wishes. yea i will stop stocking for awhile.
  15. i threw all away le. and yes i have a skimmer. the mushroom didnt rot... the rot from the zoa spread to the mushrooms. what did it look like ah... err.. it looks closed, and brown. when u touch it, it will "melt away" and its dam stinko. yea i think real lief experience from pros also very good. About 6 years ago my dad keep alot of marine fish also. he had a 8 ft tank in his office, and i would always go to see during the school hols. At home also got a few marine tanks. i found it very interesting lor. learning abt marine fish. Then when my parents divorce about 4 years ago, my interest stop le. But last year it was rekindled and i found this forum, i was back into the hobby. Now my family sponsor me, i use savings also. I'm feeling much better already la. probably also some stress... collecting O lvl results on the 15th of jan... All this stress add add add i wanna boom liao haha! now my tank looks much better la. water starting to clear, and i find my rockwork not that ugly now. i think if ur in a bad mood, everything is ugly to you! Thanks everyone for cheering me up =) i wish you all the best of luck in ur reefing escapades too!
  16. Sorry for giving wrong advice. all this time i thought euxiphipop were very difficult from personal experience. i have kept before holacanthus and euxiphipop tgt, but my euxi keep dying... then i gave up angels. this was 2 years ago when i was in this hobby with my dad.
  17. I should change it this weekend. my carbon now around 2 months plus le
  18. haha. i remove my zoas when i saw that they were starting to melt. i move the rock, all the polyps drop. lols
  19. yea. some of my zoos were dying. it was a good thing i was in my living room observing my tank... i faster remove lor.. and do 50% water change. now all my 3 zoos infected with the rotting thing.... i did a big water change. dam sian i lost my zoos and mushrooms because of this. I'm not like all you working adults who can go LFS and buy prata, buy acro, monti, etc etc. Im still a student, so i only think about zoos and mushrooms. which is a good thing i guess.. like this then my loss not so much. My LS now back to normal le. eating and swimming. I think good bah. if i had waited any longer, my whole tank will crash
  20. Hi... im feeling very sad and depressed today. this morning i saw my zoas all not doing well.. starting to rot. so i throw all away. my beautiful mushrooms, which are the centerpiece in my tank, also throw coz affected by the rot. i had to remove all my rocks to do a massive water change as the decaying corals stink up my tank.after changing 50% of my tank water, i put back all the rocks. but after trying for 4 hours..... the rock work still looks ugly. Maybe im just not feeling happy, so everything is not looking good to me. After doing all that hard work, i made a big mess on my wooden floors... i faster clean it before my mom came home. Haiz... im just a 17 year old student, not earning money. This hobby sponsored by my family, and also with my savings. Somemore now got recession, business very bad, i dont want to waste my parents hard earn money by quitting. Im hoping my fishes can handle the 50% water change. I had to do it very quickly otherwise the polluted water killed everything. I did not even let the water age for a few days like i normally would. Now my rock work pales in comparison to the original one....and im feeling so sad, having lost all the corals i bought with my savings... Before going into this hobby, i did tons and tons of research... learning the scientific names of fish, coral, what family they belong to, fish compatibility, everything!! but now i dunno if i should continue or not. This hobby suppose to help me relax.. but in the end i become so stress coz of it. I made this thread not to let you guys feel sorry for me, i just want to know.... How many of you have had this problem? Tank suddenly crash because of some problem.... Good thing i reacted quickly otherwise all my fish would have died... then i REALLY dunno what to do liao. I would appreciate it if you guys shared how you came back from this terrible experience..... I think i will put my hobby on temporary hold for now on... need to save summore money to buy new corals. I still need to buy new live rocks to improve my current scaping. its damn ugly and i cant stand it. the more i see it the more depressed i become -.-
  21. i just did a rescape today.... VERY UGLY now. i regret touching my tank in the first place. but good also. when i rescape, i found alot of dirty things inside the LR. I faster do 50% water change and suck out all the debris. Good and bad bah.... good is my water now quite clean. Bad is, my rockscape dam ugly now T_T. I threw away alot of small ugly rocks also, need to go buy more rocks liao. haiz... now recession, so broke liao
  22. It is not microbubble. the dust will settle down on my rocks and my equipment. when i turn on wavemaker, or when fish swim past, will turn into a cloud... It is not algae bloom. the water is not green. i have chaeto growing in my sump, so nitrate levels should be moderate. I did 50% water change and rescaped my tank..... water now very cloudy. will wait a few hours to see if improve
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