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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hi. Sometimes in the morning, i will see my fishes with broken/frayed fins on their fins. But throughout the day, it will heal and by night time, most of the damage tail will heal. Next day, 100% heal already. Then few days later, same thing happen again. Anyonw know whats wrong? I dont think it is fin rot, as my water quality has recently been excellent, after my minor crash, everything has been going well. Maybe something damage it at night? I dunno. But it heals very fast and the problem resurface again
  2. looks abit like scorpion fish. but then could be wrong. but it looks harmful >.< so well camoflage and got those spines. Hope u dun go touch it
  3. Yea it is stupid..... But it does remove ALL the worms. Beneficial bacteria will die also, but not ALL will die. soak the things in freshwater for a short time, just enough to kill all the things. The bacteria deep inside the rock should be safe for awhile. They will multiply and re-grow one anyways..... Im not saying completely immerse EVERYTHING in freshwater for an extended period of time. Maybe for 1-2 minutes. I dont think its that bad.
  4. Anemone die = tank crash. u will need a pro skimmmer to remove all that shit it produce lol
  5. Bristle worm usually harmless one. dun worry. Last time i buy one live rock, put inside my tank. STRAIGHT away one BIG HUGE bristle worm come out. Coz i think diff water quality. Then my 2 cleaner shrimp chiong go there rip it apart and eat it -.-
  6. Go to www.jir@hmarine.com (replace @ with e). It is near ayer rajah food center. In one of those shop houses
  7. Last time i had one mantis shrimp. i no choice had to tear down tank, remove the rock and soak inf reshwater. it immediately come out. VERY hard to remove it any other way. Now i think my tank got a few more inside -.- can hear alot of clicking noise at night. And i saw it clicking my hermit crab before. zzz dam sian
  8. Jack russels are one of the cutest dogs ever. U will surely be very contented with your choice. I saw a few jack russels at SPCA, but not sure if they puppies or adults. I bought mine long ago from a pet shop. They are so cute! Good luck in looking for one. here are some pictures of mine =x
  9. L1R5 means language, and 5 other relevant subjects. Means english (language), maths, science, humans, and 2 other subjects (relevant). Add the total scores of these 6 subjects and u will get ur score for L1R5. So if everything A1, u get 6. which is the best. Same for R4, jsut that u take maths, sci, humans annd one other subject. If ur CCA A1 or A2, u can get bonus points, means u can minus 2 points off ur L1R5/L1R4. so if u get 6 points for L1R5, u minus 2 = 4 points. The lower ur points, the better. If u take higher chinese and pass it, u can minus another 2 points. which will give u 2 points. If u go to an affliliated JC, u can minus another 2 points. So best case scenario is 0 points. Thats the BEST!
  10. Just want to congratulate/console those who received their results today! Those who didnt get their desired results, dont worry! JIA YOU!! you guys can still make it!. I know not many students here, but for those who are reading this, its for you! As for me, i didnt do as good as i wanted to. L1R5 14, L1R4 11.
  11. wa 9 points ah. my only strength is bio and chemistry, both A1. but the rest, all so so... so nervous sia. i keep thinking i will get 20++++. scared scared
  12. haha. how much did u get?? im dam nervous. scared i fail
  13. Im sorry. i dun wan u and me to kena sue. But can only kena sue for defamation ma. this is not defamation, this is just stating the truth. So no one getting sued today =)
  14. $15!? Oh... that seems very cheap. too cheap.. i would be suspicious, probably cyanide caught. Last time i bought a yasha goby for $5, died within 2 days. Way too cheap, usually means something is wrong. Learnt that the hard way =( Anyway, i hope ur fish survives, keep us updated ya? =)
  15. Last time i throw in my clapping shrimp. Str8 away eaten by my triggerfish. Fishes will chiong to anything floating in the water. but when the inverts settle on the rock, they usually either too blind to see, or too lazy to find. Unless ur fish very pro-active, go find own food haha. Mine all lazy like...... Anyway haha, i usually keep inverts inside betta box, then release them at night when everything is sleeping. Hope this helps
  16. Angellove, u talking about me or chercm >.< haha. even though im a student, im a very very responsible reefer ok haha. I only make deals if i know i can 100% pay, and i always very nice to people and my livestock. >.< dun wu hui wo. wo shi wu gu de. haha
  17. U are giving reefing a bad name! I cannot believe you would resort to such trickery. If u cannot pay for an item, DONT buy it. Dont go make deals and then cause problem for other people. Because of you, people will always be hesitant when it comes to making deals with strangers. I myself am just a student, 17 years old this year. I know what is like when people dont trust you, because they think you have not enough money to pay back. And it sucks. I cannot control most of it, because i dont earn my own money, i use my savings. So i can understand if people dont trust me, but i try to do my best to ensure that people will be happy with trading with me, by making deals that i can afford to pay, and meeting at places promptly. But you, you're an adult? (i think), and still you want people to have this mentality towards you. Shameful....
  18. Oh. Well, then i dunno already. Yea.. why dun wan to get the stripey one? peppermint.
  19. It does look abit fat. Can see the outline of the stomach. Probably swim bladder disease. I dont know if there is a cure.... Best is just try to let it enjoy the rest of its life. Feed is a variety of different foods to build immunity
  20. thoe white "slugs" i think are nudibranchs. The reason why they they dun bother ur other corals, only zoas, because they are predatory against zoanthids only. AKA obligate feeders. Dipping in freshwater can kill them, but those hide very deep inside the zoa colony maybe more protected... U could try dipping in lugols solution?
  21. Sometimes not neccesarily need to be bloated. Just try to imprive water quality and feed it good quality food, make sure it eat a variety of food to help it recover... All the best.
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