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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Over dosing iodine will cause a growth in algae.
  2. haha. my maths and humans have always been my weakest. Forever F9. But O level i got a B for both. So im quite happy. >.< Nah, my hobby only started when i was sec 2. Then stop in sec 3, and since beginning of sec 4 i restarted. My maths very weak since primary school liao. Nothing to do with the hobby
  3. Bro fuel, sorry off topic. Thanks for selling me the peppermints. U got any fire shrimps? looking for some fireshrimps for myself and my cousin. If have, can you let me know, thanks! =) UP for bro fuel!
  4. no test kit, no copper. period. NEVER anyhow dose copper. even if your fish dont die from the exposure, they will be severely damaged if the copper is in dangerous levels. Some fish may be able to take it, SOME. If you have certain angelfish/butterflyfish, copper is a definate no. Some species are very vulnerable to copper. Overall, im not a big fan of copper. The margin of error is too slim. Too much, ur fish die. Too little, its ineffective. Best to get a test kit
  5. oh no wavemaker. sorry i assumed he had one
  6. up up please. No more fir shrimps in singapore for sale =( Hoping to buy from fellow reefers
  7. Buying 2 fire shrimps, please offer and state the size THANKS! my number is 97555430 if u need
  8. oh lol. i never keep clam before, coz i dun have MH. i dont think my flourescent light is enuf to keep it. But i always see ppl put clam on sand. =( dunno how to help u sorry
  9. Ph should be around 8.4 i think. 8.8 is abit too high. do a slight water change to bring it down, and then get a new test kit.
  10. the blue zoa is like.... the mother zoa lol. sis ming is like, the mother zoa fragger. pro zoo keeper.!
  11. confirm. u sure cannot stop buying one.
  12. How deep is ur sand bed? Usually i see ppl bury their sand deep in the sand bed to secure it. If ur sand bed too shallow, maybe can place it on a rock near the sand. But make sure it doesnt fall.
  13. One of those common nuisence crabs. Throw it away or put in the sump. My tank got like 20+ -.- It can be quite useful in controlling uneaten food. If you dont mind, u can put it back. Only problem is it might grow big and move ur corals
  14. Maybe u should off the wavemaker at night. At night everything sleep, corals all close, no need flow. On in the morning.
  15. depends. You have some corals right? the goniopora dont need so much current. slight current, enought to wave its polyps, is enough. Blow the current tru the rockscape to prevent any dead spots from accumulating. This will prevent ammonia spike. Flow is not very very important, its not crucial. Too much flow can be quite strressful sometimes.
  16. Yes!! i saw the same one. it looked alot like a scopas tang, but black instead of brown. the tail area there abit whitish.
  17. Hi andrew. That algae is i think slime algae. It is very thick and slimy. Remove it to allow the normal hair algae to grow.
  18. ups for this nice corraline covered rocks!
  19. nice. keep it up. really really want to see fish inside there >.<
  20. I never go to the right hand side of LCK 201 before. Always see the left side. Feel so wasted never see just now. I wanted to buy another royal gramma to pair with mine at home.
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