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Everything posted by yikai

  1. haha. lucky i guess. mine died and i never try anymore
  2. are u using MH? im planning to try a montipora, but scared my flourescent cannot supplement its lighting requirement
  3. dunno about pasir ris. I tell you what shop closed. Ji reh closed, sealife closed, reefdepot closed, marine life was closed, but now open until 8pm. dam sian. today go go go never bring home anything =(
  4. have heard that its not very hardy. usually just die for no reason. i guess u guys have alot of luck =( mine always die..
  5. Bubble coral is quite easy to moderate. They need calcium though, for skeletal growth. Also, u need to feed them like once a week, or once every two weeks. Though its not very detrimental if u forget. However, i suggest something like zoos or mushrooms first. Easier. Bubble coral may give u some problems like tissue rejection, which may rot and foul ur tank, If you dont take care. Becareful of bubble coral's sweeper tentacles, if you put it in high flow area, the sweeper tentacles will grow long and sting nearby corals. Other than these, bubble coral very beautiful and quite easy to keep.
  6. just went all over SG today. most of the shops closed except aquamarin @ katong. Got red cheek anthias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG la i love that alot.
  7. I solved my algae problem using a sandsifter goby. Keep churning the sand, algae cnanot grow haha
  8. Same. i cannot keep zoos. dunno why. Can keep starpolyp, clove polyp, mushroom, hammer, but cannot keep zoo
  9. i hate my snails lol. One of them die coz nothing to eat. i clean the algae everyday from the front 3 panels of glass. But they dam stupid, behind alot of algae, don wan eat
  10. Love the falcula. where did u get it from? seldom see it in LFS/LFF. Nice cuban hog. One of my all time favourites
  11. the fire fish looks exquisite! nicer than those i see in shops
  12. u mean GO? that time got one big shipment just recently haha! they so ON ah!
  13. i love starfishes. especially the linckias and fromias species. I hate chocolate chips.... bad experience with them. FEED all the chocolate chips to harlequin shrimp lol! =)
  14. but my stupid snail dam fat and heavy leh lol. wont squish the polyps meh? everytime i see, i so heartpain leh T_T. last time crawl all over my zoos, clove....dam sian
  15. that was what i tought too. arent they like some rare endangered thingy. how come can keep as pets? O.O
  16. never see in the trade before. But what i heard is that they prefer cooler water and dimly lit waters. Hmm.... is it like rare or endangered? lol. Sentosa have alot. They very blur one. swim swim will knock everything, so if u want rockwork, make sure its firm. But prefer not to put rocks bah, give them more swimming space
  17. shouldnt all shipment be done before CNY? coz CNY alot ppl go visiting right? fish shop also close? O.o Haha i dunno, but seems like some LFS had their recent shipment already, so i dont think anymore shipment coming in this week. Anyway! will keep a lookout for anything interesting for you.
  18. i love chromis so much. sorry urs died =( nvm, its only $1/chromis. Take it as a cheap lesson learned lor =( Buy more chromis =) chromis add a dash of colour to any tank!
  19. At the very very beginning of your tank, and this thread, i saw a very nice blue sponge that captured my heart. Every page i turn, i have been on a lookout for that pretty blue sponge.. now i cant see it =( i really like it and i hope its still alive =)
  20. i agree with hermitcrab. Initial health of livestock is always very important. For me, i think henry@Marinelife has very good supply of livestock. So far disease free. Jir eh marine also not bad, bought alot form them so far, no disease. But i have to say those fishes at farms, usually got carry disease... For me i find that the standard at farms are alot different from LFS. Usually if i go farm, i buy corals, and not fishes. Fish i buy from LFS. Just my point of view. However, if u practice quarantine and good measures, doesnt matter where u buy from. Just that if u like me, dun quarantine, then the initial health of the fish is very important. Make sure it has no disease
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