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Everything posted by yikai

  1. up. no one got neon goby? =( look so hard can't find!
  2. haha good! no need change water anymore! now just need to find one fish that eat nuisence algae, white spots, aiptasia, nudibranch.... all these in one fish XD
  3. One last thing to add, if you want to try this coral, try the star polyps. the one which is green in my first post. Those are hardier, and are very hard to die. haha! If you want to try this coral, i strongly reccomend. It is way way WAY easier than goniopora, it doesnt require much care, and it can tolerate most ighting conditions. If u place it higher towards the light, it will be more green. Lower light levels will make it more brownish. Happy to help!
  4. Here, to show u the hardyness and speed at which the clavs grow. I have circled the small baby polyps that are growing. I had this for only about 2 months, all the circled ones are new growth. Alot more, but all closed, hard to see.
  5. Hello. I just took some photos of my star polyps and clavularia. Clavularia family i think, if im not wrong, inclused star polyps, glove polyps, clove polyps. I just took a few photos only, at night, MOST of the polyps are closed, so it doesnt look very very nice now. Trust me, in the day time, it looks MUCH better. My last clavularia, was totally closed, so cannot take any photos, so i put a google image of what it roughly looks like. Everything except the last one is mine. Haha, most of them closed la, and im quite a noob coral keeper. This is just roughly to show you how they look like. And yes, clavularia spp are VERY hardy. Will withstand most light and water conditions, will even grow rapidly and encrust over liverock. If u look closely at my clav, the one that look like a small flower, u can see many many small small baby polyps sprouting out. I dunno if they are closed or open, but in the morning, alot of them are very visible. Ok enuf talking, here are the pictures u requested for! =) Last pic is not mine, mine is closed, so went to google to find a close match to the one i have. Rest are mine
  6. haha ok. didnt know u always deal with him mah. sorry to cause misunderstanding ok? =x
  7. OMG LA. i feel so hurt =( i was only joking.... if you cannot tell. haha. sorry if it seems like i was serious, but im not.... i felt hurt that u call me irresponsible haha. but im not, dont worry. im just trying to say that my tank is abit overcrowded now, trying to remove some but so hard -.- I thought that maybe my "joke" would cheer you up..... but im sorry if you got it the wrong way.
  8. Hi. I have seen an emperor angel with full adult colouring, the smallest being around 5 inches. I have only seen ONCE, and its very rare to find a small but adult coloured emperor. Unlike some angels, most emperors i see attain full adult colouring at really huge adult sizes. The only angels that i see adult colouring in small 3-4 inch specimens are the blueface angel, majestic angel and queen angel. I have seen many times 3-4 inch fully adult coloured specimens for these 3 angels, but very seldom, infact only once, seen it on an emperor. Why dont u get 2 juv. emperor angels? i love the colouring for the juv form also haha =) Adult also very nice tho
  9. Dun like squamosa leh. Very boring the colour =( i prefer maxima or crocea. But not sure if they can tahan in my tank. I will place them right at the top on the liverock, very near the surface, about 4-6 inches below the surface. I dun want to try unless i know they can survive.
  10. haiz wnted pic 3 lols. if he play u out, i want =x
  11. Nice! hope you have luck with the coco worm haha! Mine ie so fast -.- no luck with them. heard its quite hard to survive too@
  12. ##### had some large emperor angels few days ago. Dunno if left any
  13. I like the actinics =x haha. The white light makes it look very warm and yellow. dun like. As it is, when i on my white and blue lights together, already look so warm. haha. I wanted 2 actinics and 1 white >.<
  14. It is preferable to buy a fish that is already feeding. Angels and butterflies can be quite hard to food. You can try henry's food. My fishes seem to love them
  15. Thanks. I don't feed my peppermint shrimps because they are always hiding during feeding times. Hopefully my aiptasia will be gone soon. Will be patient and give them some time
  16. Hi! i have only fourescent lights, and im wondering if i could attempt maybe... a crocea clam? or a maxima? I am using T5 flouresent bulbs, 2 actinic and 2 white bulbs. I think 39w each. If im not wrong... Is this sufficient lighting for a maxima or crocea? I intend to put it right at the top of my tank on a piece of liverock so it can receive as much light as possible.
  17. haha ok thanks for the advice. just hope it do it job asap. aiptasia growing so fast.. Last time i no aiptasia one. then i see ppl everyday complain about aiptasia, then i wish i tio aiptasia lol! just to know what it feels like... now i really tio.. and it sucks. shud not have made that wish.
  18. sorry to hear =( im hoping some of my fish will die too -.- Over crowding the tank and so hard to catch them out... best is for them to DIE!!! especially my triggerfish -.- i take out net only hide inside rock. cant even sell it to ppl....
  19. haha!! omg no. my tank inside now, only have 1 bubble, 1 candycane, alot of mushrooms, star polyps, some zoos and some clavularia spp. I very scared to try corals. I research research research about corals ALOT, but dont dare to try haha!! So knowledge about corals have some, but experience with most corals, none. Happy to help you in whatever way i can =)
  20. My tank 3 feet, and my rockscape got plenty of overhangs and caves. I dont see why i cant keep more than 2 dwarfs togethr. Its the coral beauty. Very aggresive. I have seen people keeping 3-4 dwarfs in a 3 feet tank. My coral beauty just cannot allow this. I try every method already. lol
  21. Very interested in the candy coral. How long has it been with you, and is it in good condition?
  22. haha. next time do HW b4 chiong to lfs. I wednesday go again bah. Buy blue mushroom from henry
  23. See if i can catch it out haha! Very hard... Must tear down tank. Dunno how to trap it. Very hard to trap this fish. Male always have eggs, so always hiding. very secretive. See how haha! if cant catch out, maybe dun sell bah. will let u know how it goes
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