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Everything posted by yikai

  1. jr marine got some nice acans =) red centre with green outlines.
  2. Hi bro fuel. Have never seen a brazilian gramma in singapore before. Is it rarer than a royal gramma? I suppose so... If i see any, i will let you know ok? I will ask my cousin if he has any. He like those grammas and basslets... will check for u if he have any
  3. Hi. purchased a sun coral today from henry at marine life. Very nice, beautiful big specimen that opens up very very nicely. However, today i notice something. Some parts of the orange skeleton of the coral is grey, instead of orange. I dunno if its spreading.... Is this normal? My coral is still opening very very very well, area with moderate flow, and at the bottom of tank, so not very bright. Is it getting bleached? If it is, i can replace it somewhere else. Please help, i hope its not dying. Just got it today! Is it my water quality?
  4. Bought it at $35 =) From jr marine. They have one more piece there. Henry at marine life also got 3 pieces, not sure about the price. Haha, so far, so good.... doing ok in my tank. Too soon to tell though. =) Very cute bubble
  5. Oh, and welcome to singapore in advanced
  6. Hi, use this map to help you! The left side of the page shows u the address of most fish shops in singapore, and the dots on the map shows u where it is located. Click on the pointers in the map to get more information =) http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=...606308&z=11
  7. I have 2 lysmata wudermanis, im quite sure that its the real peppermint shrimp. Quite pricey also. Each $20. The one u sold me, not sure if its the real one or not. But i'm quite sure i have 2 wudermani's anyway, i'm not really bothered by which one i have haha! i LOVE them all, all very cute and nice. And they all solve my aiptasia problem. Which is good. so, win win situation =)
  8. ooo. Really no blue colour one? =( erm, can show me picture? =) im quite interested haha. can pm me price also thanks. Really cannot try to pair them up? If its possible, better. But if cannot, then its ok. But can show picture? ty
  9. LOL no la =x i go LFS never bring camera. Only got HP. my hp cam lousy like sai! LOL. some lfs dun allow foto taking. not sure, next time i ask
  10. nah. Its no problem. I bought a bubble coral today =) Will let you know how it does tomorrow. Now sleeping haha
  11. Mine is the true peppermint. lysmata wudermani. Anyway, as of today, they have started with the aiptasia eating. Finally. I gave them a little help by killing some aiptasias too. Now my tank aiptasia free =)
  12. Hiz anyone have neon goby? search until want to die liao, both in LFS and on forum. Please let me know if u have some willing to let go. Looking for 2.... i dun wan the gold type one, blue striped one preffered. Pls sms me 97555430 if got, go post here. ty
  13. Yes saw a few PBT at jr marine. Not bad, quite fat and healthy looking. Jr marine got alot of corals today. I think just get only? din see it last week. got acans, candycane, lots of blue sponges, bubble coral (bought one hehe), alot of yasha goby and high fin banded goby (bought one each, and a candy stripe pistol shrimp =)) Went to henry's shop at ML, got orange centered zoos, VERY NICE! elegence, blue mushrooms, some rics, lobo i think, luminous green frogspawn,( i think its the non branching type. not sure), some octo and lots of sun coral (bought one, excited. cant wait to see it open) keke
  14. Hi. Very nice tank. Love the sleek and simple design of it. Just one comment. Ur rockscaping, maybe you can include more caves? Because from what i see, it just looks like all the rock stack on top of each other. May cause dirt to build up over time. Just a suggestion. Don't take it the wrong way =) cheers
  15. haha. i climb ladder and just aim around it. Stick my whole arm into the tank and aim for all the aiptasia. My solution was super concentrated. Don't have to be directly over it, enough to kill it le. From what i see. They just shrivel up and died. Its a good thing i dont have many that are behind the rocks. Majority are infront. I think my peppermint shrimps took care of those smaller ones behind the rock liao. My solution so concentrated that not all the powder can dissolve lol. Left alot of lumps. I just suck it with my syringe, lumps and all, and just inject the aiptasia. Those that kena the lumps of calcium powder one died the fastest. It juts burned away the aiptasia. lol
  16. maybe u can entice it with live brine shrimp first, then slowly wean it into mysis shrimp, and finally pellet. Getting a fish to eat pellet can be quite challenging, but its the highest order of feeding i think.... once a fish eat pellet = eat any food u throw in. Coz pellet is the hardest food to let a fish eat. This is just what i think, correct if im wrong ok? =) Start with some live brine shrimp first... i think that can help alot
  17. Hi reefers! After my aiptasia problem exploded exponentially, i decided enough is enough. My peppermint shrimps have been eating the aiptasia, but not fast enough, and they tend to leave those huge ones alone. So today, i killed them successfully using a method, which i am sure many of you have used before =) Just incase no one here use this method before, i will share. I have a big bottle of calcium powder additive that i occasionally dose to keep my calcium levels up. I mix one teaspoon of this with a small bowl of tank water to make a concentrated solution of calcium. Im sure many use this method before, but they use kalkwasser or smth else... i use calcium additive. Then i take a syringe and blow it around the aiptasia. Dun even need to inject it as its so concentrated. The aiptasia just wither and die =) Im so happy now my tank AIPTASIA FREE! Do share if u have used similar methods
  18. iwarna today shipment. 80 flame angels, 1 black tang, 1 goldflake, lots of barlett anthias, etc etc, go see iwarna's post
  19. lol. u harvest from Singapore water will tio fine or not?
  20. hi thanks for all the tips. My damsel has been caught long ago le haha. forget to close this thread. BTW anyone have expereice with cross' damsel? Very beautiful, but dunno if aggresive!
  21. iwarna shipman today got 80 flame angel and ONE goldflake angel. Maybe ur interested. dunno if still got
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