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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Haha ok! thanks! will try it out Dont call me mr.lemon la haha!! lemon will do Im only 17 this year, Mr. sounds so senior
  2. Was hoping you would come here to post renowned angel fish keeper. Ok, im abit confused. I catch out my coral beauty, put in my sump, then put my flame angel in my main tank, then after awhile, put the coral beauty back in? OR..... please elaborate >.< and any advice to catch the coral beauty? Hard...unless i remove all my rocks. My coral beauty average size, around the same size as thoes flame angels, lemonpeels, etc etc that are being sold. about 3"
  3. Any tips on catching it out? i tried the mirror in the bottle trick, doesnt work on it.... need to tear down my whole tank like this....
  4. My bicolour given away liao. Too much aggression caused by Coral beauty. I added it in last summore leh. my last fish that was added in was my coral beauty. still like this. haiz dunno... can please elaborate on the mirror?
  5. sorry to hear about ur six line. Those are very hardy fishes. Hope everything goes well for u!
  6. U saw the zoos? Very nice right? Got 2 pieces, i know one is smaller. There was another one the size of my middle finger to my wrist. I dunno if its still there. Haha! enjoy the suns. Very nice. Mine now blooming at night.
  7. Hello all angelfish pros. I have a quick question. My tank has a coral beauty angelfish, quite established and king of the tank. I tried introducing a bicolour angelfish, but aggression kicked in and became quite serious. I have tried many methods of introducing it, like catching both angels out, re-intro together, re-arranging rockwork, putting it in betta box to let it get used to each other, every method to reduce aggresion, i tried, and NOTHING WORKS. my coral beauty angelfish is just too aggressive towards other angelfishes. Have been thinking of getting a flame angel..... as they are in season now. But i dunno how to let both fish get used to each other. My coral beauty just too aggressive. catching it out of the tank is quite a problem as i will have to demolish the whole tank, and catch it out So to all those angelfish keepers, who have like 20++ angels in one tank, please share with me how u do this. Have to figure this out as quick as possible, as flame angels are currently plentiful in LCK. Otherwise have to wait again long long for the next shipment Appreciate all help!
  8. I have seen this being done before. I dunno how... but i have seen 2 PBT, 1 PBrT, and 1 PBlkT housed together in a 5.5ft tank. I guess its possible, i just dunno how haha Jiayou! hope u can do it
  9. i dunno if its US zoos or not, but the rock the zoos is on is VERY LARGE!!! like from my middle finger to my wrist, that size. The price abit pricey though. Dont want to reveal the price here. Go henry and ask But his shop closed until next week thursday. Hope its still there lor
  10. haha, i have heard of that method. But my aiptasias are too deep and i dont have a needle to inject the aiptasia. This method works tho, but the mixture has to very concentrated, so as to totally melt off the aiptasia from the rock. If mixture too weak, The tentacles of the aiptasia will only be burned and damaged, but completely dead.
  11. yea hopefully Maybe give it some time to acclimate to the new environment. Hopefully can open big big. But mine is some weird pearl bubble coral.. the bubble is not round and smooth. Some of them got bumps on the bubble that kind. not evenly rounded.
  12. The orange colour is the actual orange. It is this bright.
  13. Ok amby bro... this is roughly what the zoos look like. Cannot find picture so i went to draw it -__-
  14. haha yea i go alot of times but never take foto. OK i try to find ah.... then put here the picture. He still have them left, if u wan better chiong. Coz today last day, he closing tomorrow until next week thursday. K brb i go see if can find a photo
  15. I only moved it once because the flow was too strong haha. and quite hard not to touch the flesh area because it open up and cover the skeleton.. so no matter how, some will still touch my hand. Yea hope that it will be ok lol. Bubble corals one of my favourites.... thanks for the advice
  16. you heard right! lol. most peaceful one is niger trigger. I have one now...dun bully my other fish, never eat my inverts also lol. dun mind giving it away if i can catch it lol. will outgrow my tank one day. Anyway yea his choice of fish very nice lol. Golden butterfly, racoon butterfly =) TWELVE royal grammas.... EIGHTEEN clownfish... pei fu pei fu
  17. haha i dnno also. She saturday got outing wif her fren. at like 3PM+. haha. So we go at 12...then have to be back by 3 >.< If the timing too tight for u, we could still arrange our own transport kekeke. I usually go LFS/LFF, 1 hour done liao LOL. go there see, nice, buy, go home =x
  18. hehe yea. i saw also. UP for bro dnsfpl.. nice reefer last time sell me branch rock
  19. Touching a fish with ur hands will also remove the mucus coating right? I heard somewhere...
  20. Hello everyone. Haha, it seems like im always in need of help and experience. Ok, i have recently bought a bubble coral, and its in my tank for about 2-3 days. The bubbles are all inflated, but they are not inflated to their full bubbly potential. They are still abit small, and im wondering why? Also, when i touch it, it feels slimy....When i smell it, there is a smell. Its not those kind of rotten stentch that makes u want to puke, just a strong smell. So far no tissue rejection or exposed skeleton. At first i put it in an area with flow....then i notice the bubbles keep getting trashed by the water. So now put it somewhere with very slow moving water, to almost no flow. They are doing better, but polyps still not big yet. Is this bad? haha need some experience =x
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