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Everything posted by yikai

  1. I will start with some pictures of my fish.. Not many pictures, unable to capture all as some are hiding, sleeping etc etc. Niger trigger
  2. Hi... Fianlly got the courage to put my tank photos in this thread.. As most of you know, my tank recently had a minor crash, lost most of my corals, and fish contracted ich. Now fishes still have ich, but its under control, and only attacks them at night... Well, i have stocked up on some corals and now want to show you... Comments welcomed, but tank abit empty.. Hope you dont mind. Specs - 3.5ft X 2ft X 2ft tank overflow system with sump Using BM protein skimmer from jr marine..... No chiller, air con on, temp kept at 27-28C T5 flourescent bulbs, 2 white 2 actinic, 39W each Livestock - (Not all are shown in pictures, either hard to capture, or hiding) 1 X Yellow wrasse 1 X Coral beauty angel fish 1 X Niger trigger 2 X False percula 2 X Banggai cardinalfish 1 X Royal gramma 1 X Blue streak cleaner wrasse (1 year old, eats everything including pellet!) 1 X Orange striped goby 1 X Banded high fin goby (paired with a randell's pistol shrimp) 1 X Yasha goby (paired with tiger pistol shrimp) 1 X Mandarin goby Inverts - (Not all are shown in pictures, either hard to capture, or hiding) 2 X Skunk cleaner shrimps 1 X Blood fire shrimp 4 X Peppermint shrimps 1 X porcelain crab 1 X Feather Worm 1 X Randell's pistol shrimp & Banded high fin goby pair 1 X Unknown pistol shrimp (came with liverock) 3 X Blue legged hermit crabs 4 X Turbo snail Corals - 3 X US zoos 1 X Bubble coral 1 X star polyp 1 X clavularia Sp 1 X Sun coral 1 X Blue sponge
  3. haha. bought 3 US zoos....so far only one open. The rest only 50% open. Will see how tomorrow. Was 100% open in the shop. Somehow, my lighting can't bring out their full colours. I think coz i using T5... iwarna use MH
  4. Had a moorish idol that survived for a month...and it just died mysteriously. I think something in the diet that we cannot replicate. They eat sponges and corraline algae from what i heard O.o
  5. haha. i make sure that the whole thing melt off and drop out completely.
  6. if u want to play safe, u can throw away. mine also like this and i threw it away. I dun care if can salvage or not. coz mine was those cheap $20+ gonio....rather be safe than sorry. u better ask some pros first..... dun anyhow throw haha
  7. haha, no tank thread yet. Now quite new. Only 3 US zoos, 1 bubble coral, star polyp, cavularia, sun coral, blue sponge. Then fishes, one coral beauty, a pair of false percs, a pair of banggais, 1 yellow wrasse, 1 cleaner wrasse ( eats anything, and i mean ANYTHING. with me for 1 year), a royal gramma, a sand sifter goby, and a 3" trigger fish...want to sell it/give away.
  8. LOL! eh u cannot tell one, last time i let my coral beauty "see" my bicolour. Nothing happen. 3 days later, fight until like what.. But yea. throw away the coral beauty LOL JK. but flame looks MUCH nicer -.-
  9. Haha lemon boy!!! CUTE NAME!! CONGRATS on ur healthy baby boy!!!! and NICE flame angel. Wanted to get one today also, but need to settle my coral beauty and his aggressive temperament first. Maybe i should get a cupboard.....
  10. Is there any smelly rotting stench? Or any slimey stuff? Are polyps retracting? It could be its expelling its zooxanthellae to adjust to ur lightning conditions..... If the polyps are closed, very smelly and slimy, probably its dying. If not, just leave it and observe..... shouldn't be a problem unless the got smell, slimy and closed polyps
  11. just came back from iwarna with bro binosage. hes a nice guy haha! Iwarna left 1 lemonpeel, 3 flame angels... 2 very nice moorish idol but i dunno if for sale. US zoos are now 2.5 red notes each. Very nice, but left all small pieces and colours quite ordinary now.
  12. HAHA! i was at iwarna today.... saw the lemonpeel and flame angel. Want to buy but cannot coz of the coral beauty
  13. Ya probably for export to like sentosa, or those ppl with like 10000gallon tank etc etc lol. btw ur zoos, blue one ah? not bad
  14. wa... ahlee....so nice sia ur tank...make me jealous only. u wan make me eat vinegar ah lol. chi cu
  15. huh? lol. dunno what u mean. That day i was in a hurry haha. So din notice anything. hehe
  16. yikai


    Heard about that also. Carbon may release all toxic substances that is absorbed when its max out its capacity. Not sure about this, but thats what i heard. I bought my carbon from jr marine and henry's at ML.
  17. OG? haha bro i think u type. GO la Haha, sorry i dun wan to reveal price. u sms henry?
  18. cant remember what u look like.. haha. Never notice =x
  19. i think shud intro all 3 simultaneously. But very hard coz u need to get all 3 at the same time, or at least keep them in separate holding areas until u aquire all 3. Then u need to quarantine also. Powder tangs are super ich magnet...aggresion will lead to stress, which will lead to ich. Then make sure all are feeding. Also, ur tank must be quite large, maybe 4-5ft? 3 feet definately cannot. Make ur rockwork with alot of caves and overhangs, deep and very secure rockwork to provide sense of security and depth. This are the few advice i can give u, not sure if its correct, but i think it makes some sense. good luck
  20. Very nice and neat. All my chemicals and additives dump in sump tank. Messy everything -.-
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