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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Haha. ok i'll see what i can do. Maybe add more corals to make the front look nicer
  2. My tank now got ich lol. Trying to solve it. Seems like it only attack the fish at night..In the morning, the fish all seem to be ich free. at night, all covered in spots. If i get a tang now, will be problematic lol
  3. Haha. zoos not opening yet =( So far, have no luck with zoos...hope this is not the case lol. Thanks for the comment on my sun coral. Trying to train it to open up during the day.
  4. Haha ok i forgot to mention that the rocks look conjested, but there are alot of space inside. The rock is made like this. Side view | water | water | ( | means rock). From the front u see all conjested, but when u look from the side, there are gaps in between. Like layers. Alternating between rock, water, rock water and finally rock. So from the front view it looks like the rockscape is too packed, but in actualy fact, its not. Haha regarding the overflow, never thought of that lor lols. I live the empty space there with the sand, for my fish to play and feed. There is a sand dollar that refuses to go anywhere but that area haha.
  5. bro, interested in ur fire shrimp. sms 97555430
  6. Not feeding and u still buy?? Hope it starts feeding soon. Moorish idol have high metabolic rates. consume energy very fast. If it doesnt eat soon, u will see it start to get skinny and colours will fade... then ultimately die Jiayou!! Hope u can make it eat fast fast
  7. haha. ok.. i think i need more T5s. 2 white 2 blue enuf? lol
  8. want to buy ur fire shrimp. sms 97555430 ty
  9. Yup. Too blind and lazy to go hunt and eat the inverts that are on the rock. But when i put small inverts like pistol shrimp and sexy shrimp, when its floating down the tank in the water and if its small enough, the trigger will eat. Happen before once
  10. haha no problem. I usually go pasir ris farm every saturday.
  11. Lol...I know T5s are good, but the colours don't really show up as nicely as MH. Thats what i observe..
  12. Thats all for today....Will update with more pictures next time, when i take new photos of my fish, or when i go coral hunting
  13. Yes. I went to iwarna and got 3 US zoos.
  14. My US zoos. Most of the polyps are closed coz i just bought them today, and also i took this pictures at night.
  15. hehe ty. My tank still in the process of stocking corals.
  16. Now some pictures of my corals Sun coral
  17. Coral beauty and Orange cheek goby
  18. Royal gramma and my Banggai cardinals
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