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Everything posted by yikai

  1. And the last new addition, a torch coral. It is not opening up as nicely as the hammer is....even though both are euphyllia corals....i thought that both would have fairly same requirements. So far, hammer doing very well, torch beginning to open up a little bit more. Here it is....will keep an eye on it for the next couple of days. Hopefully it get use to the environment and open up nicely for me =)
  2. Also bought a rock full of blue mushrooms. But it looks purplish when looked tru my tank glass, and also when photographed =( It looks blue when i look from the top down, though....but looks purple from glass tru. sianz!! haha. but still nice nontheless
  3. Bought a green bubble coral too! Now i have 2, one green bubble, and one pearl bubble coral. I din quite like the pearl bubble, coz i find the polyps very small compared to the green one. so i went to get a green one and now im happy LOL. Here it is..
  4. Anyway, here are some updates of my tank... Went to GO yesterday and bought 4 corals. First up, my newly aquired 4 head hammer coral. Currently my favourite coral. Opens up very nicely and beautifully. Tip of tentacles are a mixture of green and pink. Got it at quite a resonable price of 2.5 red notes =)
  5. Hi. those pictures are taken during the night. With flash on, thats why looks like in the day. Anyway, am currently training my sun to open in the day time too. Succeeding so far 60% polyp extension during the day. What i do is, throw in minute amount of food every half hour....and let the current blow it towards the sun coral. So for about 2 hours, i throw in about 4 times, small small quantity of food. The sun will sense the food and start to open up. After 2 hours, my sun open up around 60%, then i just throw in the rest of the food to feed it. Mine will remain open, but only for awhile, then go back closing. So far, i think if i keep doing this, the sun will start to open up slowly everyday, and soon, will open up 100% in the day.
  6. ya clearance. the 3 blue zoos are from past shipments, never clear...so now they selling. 5 red notes per rock of blue zoos. but...imo, the blue zoos dont look that fantastic. so i din buy it.
  7. He is doing great. I set up a 1ft tank just to keep him there until my ich is gone for good feeding like a pig. really greedy
  8. The X large frogspawn and torch are quite steeply priced. I bought the small frags with 2-4 heads....2.5 red notes. Wanted to buy the open brain, but din buy coz i bought 4 corals home that day, and wanted to see how they do first before adding anymore new additions. Maybe later this week or next week, going to buy some open brains, maybe 1 more hammer and summore mushies. depending on how my current corals fare
  9. Waiting for my bubble coral to open up. then will post a FTS, along with the new additions i bought yesterday!
  10. haha thanks. dun dare to keep SPS. no MH and no chiller. currently only on air con.. temp around 27-28C LPS seem to do well though
  11. haha yea balck tang more clean looking. np
  12. i think my perimeters are alright...i can keep most corals alive except zoos. bubble, hammer, torch, GSP, clavularia, suns, mushies... anyway, today my zoos look good! all fully opened up and nice. But my T5 light cant bring out their colours. sad
  13. the fire fish colours dam vibrant la!! and the fins....so perky and erect. i love it.
  14. tang experts, please correct me if im wrong ty
  15. Here are what all 3 tangs look like. If im not wrong, the first picture SHOULD be a powder black tang...im no tang expert, but i found these images online and hope it helps u powder blue, powder brown and powder black
  16. dun need to feed it. they photosynthesize. My gsp growing like weed. only 2-3 weeks since i bought it and alot of new polyp growth. Already encroach on my live rock. The coral i have problem with is zoos. suppose to be easy, but i always fail in keeping zoos -.- dam sian dunno why lol. Anyway, give ur GSP some time bah. If conditions are right, should not be a problem. this coral is dam easy...easier than zoos and mush combined lol. Dun keep moving it. will stress it. leave it and give it a few days, maybe a week. if 1 week still not open, then move the thing. Haiz, i also always throw away lfs water....and i put fish inside betta box. i have no idea where my ich came from. Anyway, if all my fish up lorry (touch wood), then i think i make my tank full LPS tank bah. no need fish lol. Or maybe some super easy fish like chromis...
  17. Black tang is not the most expensive. its around $400+-. Many ppl own this, occasionally will come in. the most expensive i think is gem tang, zebrasoma gemmatum. Can go for 2-3K. i dont think singapore ever bring in. may be wrong....but yea. dam ex.
  18. haha. seems like u and ur tuition teacher pretty close. thats good. spread the hobby
  19. I like ur brain. But lazy to collect lol. Usually i go cck saturday night.
  20. haha ok! Even tho its doing well on rock, try put on sb. natural habitat for them hehe! UPZ
  21. u have all the luck with zoos as i can see in ur photos. SO FAR all zoos i buy, all dun do well. Killed 3, and the 3 US zoos i have now, the colours like not so nice. Maybe its my lighting.... so much for super easy...
  22. when u find out when sealife open, please let us all know by posting here please haha! i also want to go
  23. good if he teach maths and reefing haha! if he teach reefing i want sia.
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