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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i used to do that. from one rock, break into many small rocks of mushrooms. But this current mushroom rock very hard. got alot of the polyp the base growing right next to each other. i think i will try othre methods. thanks for the tip! maybe can try
  2. hi, do u mind telling me where did u buy ur frogspawn from? and how much?...i can't seem to find brnching frogspawns now. only those non branching type. Hammer and torch plentiful, but either never notice, or cant find those branching frogspawns haha. would appreciate if you could tell me some info baout ur purchase Currently into euphyllia corals ^^
  3. The mushrooms are solid blue. Only looks purplish tru the glass. i dunno why. If u want some frags for free, i will be happy to give u one or two. Anyway, some are being blocked by the bigger ones. Need to remove anyway. Thing is, i dunno how to frag. Last time, i just take scissors and cut the whole mushroom off from the base and throw it on my rock. It will auto stick lol. If u wanna come over and frag it urself, sure. But dun ask me haha. i dunno how to frag
  4. scared to keep SPS. dun dare to try. and i heard monti caps are expensive...
  5. looks delicious haha. can cook orh lua. jk jk. very beautiful
  6. yay!! i saw my zoos on ur picture!!! i have the one i circles i like it alot
  7. haha hmm....pratas... expensive eh? i'm not really a huge fan of pratas =x hhehe. love euphyllias alot. i like elegance coral also...but recently past few years, i have heard the success rate of elegance coral drop alot..dunno why
  8. happy new year I wanna go henry tomorrow and see his frogspawn...left one..i want it =(
  9. omg so ugly leh! townsend angel looks alot like blue angel..
  10. reborn got alot of yellow watch man few weeks ago. dunno if still have
  11. i dun think there is a freshwater section here haha. I dunno much about freshwater....sorry. U can try qian hu fish farm? near sungei tengah road. They sell alot of freshwater things.
  12. everything looks good! glad to see ur water parameters are great! can add livestock le
  13. hi digiman. u got go to both branches and check? the jln kayu one also? If dun have, maybe henry at marine life got. u can sms him first to check.
  14. NO2 is converted into NO3 by denitryfying bacteria. The more NO2 u have, the more it is converted into NO3, and thus u have alot of NO3. It works like this. So if u have alot of ammonia, all will be converted to nitrite. then u will have no ammonia, and alot of nitrite. when all ur nitrite is converted to nitrate, u will have no nitrite and alot of nitrate. it works like this. all 3 are connected. A spike in ammonia or nitrite will give u a spike in nitrate, and a decrease in ammonia/nitrite.
  15. planted tank...as in? freshwater?
  16. head that sealife coming in new shipment of fire shrimps after CNY. dunno if its confirmed. Those that interested, keep on a lookout! i knw i will...hehe
  17. anyone got keep large angels in a reef tank before? heard some stories of large angels not eating corals.....very unusual
  18. i think it should be reef safe....i ever keep one before. never disturb anything...maybe topple a few corals only bah
  19. maybe catch out the tang and the angel. Wait u rescape then they will stress, get ich easily..
  20. i always rescape with livestock in tank. dunno if its the right thing to do, or i must have been dodging bullets all this time...preferably catch all livestock out first lor...if u wanna rescape with livestock still in, make sure u dun crush them =X. last time i crushed my cleaner shrimp T_T
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