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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my zoos does look like the blue eyed dragon, but mine has blue skirtings..same colour as the body. the one in the link has brown skiritings? other than that, everything else looks identical!
  2. haha have tried ur method today. it worked!! suns open. but then close again 2 hours later -.- needs more training haha
  3. haha yea. they can be trained to do that. have also heard of them eating mysis shrimp. but i heard its extremely extremely rare. like 0.001% lol. thanks for the zoo ID. got it for 3 red notes, even though not as spectacular as those real blue blue ones, i still find it very pretty and i'm quite happy with the pricing
  4. haha. they are starting to look much better now not letting them go anytime soon....but when they grow bigger, maybe can get u some frags lor....now still very small bah. wait for it to grow big! hehe
  5. wa so many people want frags. haha. will have to wait for my zoos to grow bigger first lor. currently got 5 ppl asking for frags.... and i am very inexperienced and dunno how to frag properly summore haha. need to wait for my zoos to grow bigger first lor....if you don't mind waiting that is...
  6. u can get frags from fellow reefers as what peacemaker said. most are happy to give/sell/trade with you. if u prefer larger rocks, u can go to LFS and LFF. henry at marinelife occasionally bring in zoos. GO always have zoos, sometimes dont have nice ones, sometimes have those gems. IWARNA also have zoos. But sometimes not nice. I guess it is just luck when u happen to chance upon a nice specimen in a shop, then u faster grab it One thing about zoos, they usually have alot of pests. when u buy zoos, keep a sharp eye for any nudibranch, spiders, snails etc etc. remove thoes visible ones with plyers or toothpick or ur finger nails haha. but be careful not to hurt the polyps. You can dip it in a bucket of freshwater with lugols iodine solution for a few minutes to kill all pests too.
  7. my harlequin shrimp found my linckia starfish devouring it now...... yum yum. honey stars for breakfast lunch and dinner for the next 1 month.
  8. the brain looks ok to me? lol. i dnno...to me it looks ok.
  9. hi pauline u can try golden octopus at serangoon. ALOT of zoos. got some quite nice one if u look carefully
  10. good to know that ur elegance is doing well yes, sometimes, there are a few that are able to bend the rules haha just use what i said as a guideline, dun need to follow exactly. Sticky tentacles are good. means the coral is healthy. Limp and non sticky tentacles spell trouble sometimes. i dunno how come it never sting u. last time, i brushed against it for i think 20 seconds....stick to my hand and was quite painful....
  11. btw nice bicolour angel! its almost as big as ur sohal!!! omg
  12. im sorry. its a typo. i counted the bars and there were 4-5 haha! i dunno the name....but the closest i could get was this. Chaetodon octofasciatus. this one has 8 bars. just minus away 3-4 and it should look very similar to what i saw today
  13. how many polyps do you want? My blue mushrooms have few big polyps. Haven really multiply yet....i also reserving some for bro wilsontan. Will let you guys know when the frags are ready. Hopefully soon bah. i really dunno, now the polyps haven even started growing yet lol. and thanks for the compliment! yea, the past 2 zoos i bought really doing very well!! happy to say that even my US zoos are catching up with the blooming...jsut that keep kena toppled over by snails haha
  14. when it hatch, catch it out and put in separate tank to care for it. more info can be found in the breeding section. If u leave it in the tank, chances are they will die.
  15. haha yea. wallet running dry. must reserve and let my money grow.
  16. ah yes. was trying to find a picture that look like mine and found the one that i posted to be the most similar looking. the one u posted looks more like it. thanks. will look out for more blue zoos next time
  17. mantis shrimps are also known as pissing shrimps! when u buy at the restaurant. It is said that they will pee before u cook them. i saw it on a show once. dunno if real or not haha!
  18. looks a little bit like this dont you think? just that it is not...hopefully can find better more beautifuller (if theres such a word) blue zoos...
  19. actually its 2 small pieces of individual rocks. i just put side by side to make it look bigger. Will let it grow more first and monitor the growth before i decide to separate/frag just bought it today, still dunno if it will do well. but so far, excellent. You will be the first to know if frags are ready haha BTW, do u know what is the name of it? it looks...blue...but not as beautiful as those really really blue zoas i see in ming's tank, or like those that ambystoma always show us.
  20. oh. lost of powder blue and powder brown tang at sea life also.
  21. still have alot of empty spaces here and there...dunno what to put.
  22. super tempting leh....but i got 2 hammer and 2 torch corals liao. i want frogspawn to complete my euphyllia collection. but ur hammer is so irrestable also T_T dillema lols. anyway, bump for u first.
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