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Everything posted by yikai

  1. How can i forget my pair of clownfishes too? Also one of my first fishes. bought it tgt with my cardinals. So far no babies yet.... Here they are playing in my garden of corals haha! so loving
  2. Not to mention my banggai cardinals! Daddy's mouth is full of eggs! (again) the last bath hatched into alot of babies, but i dunno where they all go =( This pair was one of my very very first fishes introduced. Have been consistantly getting pregnant again and again. tsk tsk
  3. In the meanwhile, it is just hanging around with my cleaner shrimps haha! such good friends. the three muskashrimps.
  4. My new addition. A very super big fire shrimp!! thanks to binosage for this beauty. Got it to pair with my other fire shrimp, which is only HALF its size!! they haven found each other yet, but true love will prevail
  5. And my cleaner shrimps. Forever in love with each other. Always pregnant....haha! Babies born in the year of the ox!
  6. Remember to bring your loved ones out for dinner! Like my pair of harlequin shrimps did. always so loving. sharing a meal together!! ENJOY ur starfish!
  7. my lovely pair of hammer corals. Always so in looove with each other haha! XD
  8. Hey reefers! its february! valentines day coming in 2 weeks and this is the month of loooove Here are some couple shots and lovely pics to put us in this romantic mood enjoy the photos! some cute pinkish looking zoos to set the mood the rose of the ocean.
  9. haha i see. sorry cant see properly
  10. haha. still acclimating the fire shrimp. thanks so much. my mother say so ugly -__- she say look like beetle...lol. i like can liao when finish acclimating it and when it finds the other one, i'll take a picture of the pair
  11. what is the white colour coral with tentacles on the top right hand of ur latest FTS? elegance ah?
  12. i think urs is not a montipora digita. i think its an acropora elegans. but then again. im SPS noob..
  13. so far nothing bad yet lor. except for one the polyps look longer so i put higher. my zoos now all are doing fine, just very kiasu lol. scared not enuf light
  14. ty hehe BTW ask u ah, my lighting....i using T5s.... 39W each, got 4 bulbs. 2 white and 2 blue actinic. white light is the 10k one....is it enuf for my zoo? i put my zoo middle high section of my tank....
  15. yalo so sian!!! my torch coral doing so much better haha. but im just wondering, is my light sufficient or not? i very scared not enough -.- haiz
  16. just found nudis on my zoos!! have one casualty =( it ate the 3 polyp frag that i was keeping for pauline..... haiz. im giving her a frag of my other zoo now to compensate. this is dam sian haha. i took out all the zoos to dip and so far, all are pest free. i think. will be monitering closely the next few days!
  17. i dunno....the lights are just those normal T5s....cheap one haha. with nothing fancy. just attatched to the top of my tank.
  18. Hi fellow reefers. have a question about zoos. i notice those zoos that i put at the bottom of my tank grow long and ugly...sometimes polyps fall off. when i place it higher at the top/middle of tank, they do much better. polyps become shorter and more compact. does this mean that they like the light? i am told that zoos looove light, but i am also told that zoos can adjust to different light levels. currently now my zoos all middle high section of my tank where light is quite strong.... my question is, i dun have MH and am using T5s flourescent. is this sufficient for my zoos? all my other corals like torch, bubble. hammer etc etc seem to do well no matter where i put them...only my zoos. they seem to prefer middle to top section. so just wanna know if my lighting is sufficient to keep them long term? total is 4 T5 tubes, 2 white 2 actinic. 39W per tube. that means a total of 78W of white and 78W of actinic.
  19. Haha hehe hoho. after school dun go home ah LOL go LFS. btw thanks alot alot alot for the shrimp means alot to me leh.dam happy now Actually why u dun wan to keep for urself since u also want? i already have 1, just want 1 more to make a pair haha.
  20. yalo...now waiting for school to start. haha. going singapore poly....coz stupid JC dun allow me to take science stream coz i no a maths! boo....so now going poly. start around march-april.
  21. just sms the boss from GO. he say this friday shipment confirmed yay! 9pm at GO. those interested, got blue,orange,green,pink,yellow zoos all kinds of colours. lots of big nice LPS
  22. ahsiang. this friday LPS shipment from GO very big leh....so ke lian u miss =( i also....wallet dam dry. now just enough to buy ONE rock of blue zoo. nothing else le. and confirm have alot of other dam nice colours lor. i saw orange and pink T_T
  23. u mean the tube worm from CF less than a green note? haha cool!! ur feather worm looks very nice compared to mine. mine only $3.....and so ugly haha.
  24. omg is that a zoo growing on ur glass!? amazing. if u need to sell away frags u know who to call
  25. seems like zoos kena alot of shit.....alot of differnet things eat it. and to think it contains palytoxin, one of the most poisonous poison ever made.... i keep so many types of corals, none have pests except zoos. summore so many kinds...really ah....sian ji pua
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