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Everything posted by yikai

  1. any chance the lighting is for sale? how much is it.
  2. like this i also wan sia LOl! my birthday today!! jk jk. happy birthday, and enjoy you would be favia.
  3. haha i dunno...even if cured, im happy with the number of fish i have inside le now got 1x yellow wrasse, 1x coral beauty, 1x cleaner wrasse, 1x royal gramma, 2x clownfish, 2x banggai cardinal, 1x sandsifting goby, 1x mandarin fish, 1x yasha goby and 1x diagonal high fin bande goby. see so many fish liao haha!! but if i give some of my fish to my cousin's tank, then i can add new one lor.
  4. no problem lor. because i dun have epoxy, that zoo keep falling off. so i just frag abit give you lor. otherwise if the piece too big, more easy for water to blow it off -.-
  5. sis paulin, yellow watchman goby can get very territorial if in a small tank. if u add, u have to becareful of what kind of fish u add next time usually it will chase fish that swim slowly or swim at the sand bed like mandarin fish or other gobies. just letting you know It is suitable for nano and it is coral safe, but it can get aggresive. so u have to keep an eye on him and ur other fishies
  6. i feel like selling my cleaner wrasse. it east anything from pellet to mysis, henry's food and market prawn....i find it dam annoying everytime i do maintenance...it keep biting my hand. very annoying leh. i know it is normal lol, but i really cant stand it. very painful sometimes...
  7. the TOTM so nice lor. all his corals so nice and compact together. so naturally scaped.
  8. see the picture i take...the sandbed so bleached haha! yea it looks whiter also
  9. GO has put up alot of pictures of the highlighted and unique pieces of corals on absolutereef. just sign up and can see liao.
  10. thanks. have done ALOT of research liao. hopefully can sustain the elegance. have read somewhere that the past few years, success with this coral has been declining. Some ppl say its the way they are being handled when shipping, some say its a bacteria, some say its a new virus, called elegance coral disease. whatever the case, if the specimen is healthy and if correct husbandry technique is given, it should be no harder than any other coral.
  11. pictures haha, straight line means full adult ma. adult means big.
  12. hope u can move it soon. corals like brain,plate,elegance, like to be on sand, coz on the rock, they rock might damage the soft tissue. but i think 1 weekend, it can tahan bah.
  13. yea. but i wanna know why the zoos do this haha. only some of mine do this. the rest dont...
  14. i suggest if u not sure or very inexperienced with this, get someone to do for u, or dont do at all. if u accidently cut the byssal glands, the clam will get injured and.....well...
  15. elegance grow in muddy and shallow areas with alot of turtle grass shading it. it needs good lights, but not extremely strong. if using MH, indirect lighting. good lighting, but dun need so strong yes failure rate is high, but i believe if get a healthy specimen, can be quite easy haha. anyway, say wan to buy is 1 thing haha. must see if the ones they selling is healthy specimen or not ma
  16. haha. my loose polyps will float everywhere and stick to rock,sand, etc and open. so cute...but will float away again later.
  17. here is a FTS....does my tank look brighter? i dunno if can see on picture, but in person, it looks so much brighter.
  18. drop by marinelife today and got some new T5 bulbs. also, happen to notice that he has 2 cute shrimps left. henry told me they are red spotted arrow shrimps bought both of them. SO SMALL AND CUTE LA. i love how they float around the tank. here are some pictures of my 2 new tiny shrimps. they are about 1 inch from head to tail.
  19. haha dunno la. water para all fine. my bubble is doing great la. just the skeleton grow algae only O.O dunno if its bad haha. but its all inflated and big now. zoos, some of the polyps drop out and float away. then i see on the rock, on the sand, they stuck there and open....dunno what they doing haha. Other than that, my other corals all still the same lor.
  20. definately not rotting. no smell, and it is firm. but i dunno why they drop off from the mother colony O.O isit they floating away to grow somewhere else?
  21. Hey reefers. i know some of us (including me) have had problems with zoos polyps dropping off the main colony. My sandbed now is strewn with zoo polyps. lol. how come this happen?
  22. replica rock confirm 1 billion % got no unwanted pests lor. like crabs/mantis etc etc. but bad coz i think dun have beneficial bacteria. but i think u can cultivate it.
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