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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hey, anyone of you guys sit on the singapore flyer before? the ferris wheel at marina. Is it nice? because i wanna go there with my friends...but i heard it is closed? any comments? ty
  2. mushroom no need strong light. zoos some need some dun need. ur light, $95..if change abit wasted leh =(
  3. ok thread closed. no one come here
  4. how much u buy ur LED? and bubble coral dun need so much light, dun worry. is bleaching caused by too little? or too much light? i always thought it was too much light
  5. omg la all so nice. any chance for a frag
  6. what kind of anemone shrimp are u talking about? i have 3 sexy shrimps and 2 clapping shrimps. and i dun have any anemones. mine live in my bubble coral and my hammer coral. i dun think they need anemone to survive. maybe they are hiding inside a rock to feel more secure as u dont have anymore anmones.
  7. unless it is natural lor. my hammer the polyp can see true leh. is it normal? if its normal then good lor. if its not normal, then i dunno what happen to it LOL. my other coral all look normal
  8. angellove. got such thing as a reefsafe big angelfish?
  9. all other corals are same. torch, bubble etc. just wondering, are hammer corals the tentacles naturally abit translucent/transparent? coz i can see tru abit. and i tot it maybe bleaching?
  10. cannot post picture now as camera is not with me. maybe later.
  11. i also wanted to wall mount my tv...but ontop got aircon. so cannot... imagine if air con leak. wa tv gone case lol
  12. Hi reefers, would like to know what are the symptoms of a bleaching hammer coral? My hammer coral is those brown with green tips. it always open up very nicely, but i can see tru the brown tentacles. they tentacles of the coral are still brown, but can see tru abit.... is it bleaching? how do i cure it? have tried feeding it pieces of prawn....but it doesnt eat prawn? lol. everything looks very good except the colour. it looks abit transparent...or is this normal?
  13. i think my hammer coral also starting to bleach because of the new lights -.- i can see tru the polyps....
  14. dun ban me for bringing this topic up =x got more badder things in the joke tread =x
  15. Anyone heard of the video called 2 girls 1 cup? it is a video of 2 girls shitting inside a cup and then both of them eat it and vomit and re-eat it. absolutely disgusting.... they play with their shit and rub all over their face.... i find it extremely funny LOL! anyone interested....can pm me and i will give u the link. i dun think AT will allow me to post the link here for u all to see LOL!
  16. gouldian, how come ur ranking is "kindness is not weakness" O.O got such ranking? haha so cute
  17. wa. ppl buy LCD tv and got ppl selling?? i was thinking, sur every hard to find sellers. and then dachkie got one for sale. haha! cool man this forum!
  18. the lights cannot sell as is? must with cabinet? sorry if i ask so many times.. =(
  19. angelluv, ask u a question. are theere any big angels that are reef safe? i know NO ANGELS can be 100% reefsafe...but are there any large angels that are less prone to nipping at corals? golden butterfly confirm not reefsafe also? the only angel i have is my coral beauty....so far so good but i think it ever taste my zoos befre..keeping a close eye on it
  20. can give more info on ur light? interested. wat brand? what wattage?
  21. O.O u did? haha ps if i din reply. haha u give him bah my tank now the space reserved for some corals on my wish list hehe
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