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Everything posted by yikai

  1. sealife had alot the last time i went. i dunno if have any left. usually cleaner shrimp dam common....everywhere should sell. but recently din see any...except at sealife.
  2. ok thank you i will go there wif my frens
  3. seems like LCK forever got royal gramma one o.O i never see royal gramma anywhere else except LCK before..maybe i just never pay attention
  4. ur this set up super nice.....and i bet super ex also =( so jealous u got all this pro toys lol. my toys....lego only. =(
  5. isit a green radioactive? i have one almost like that...
  6. omg 400 BILLION!! just gimme 0.0001% i will happy le =)
  7. means the mimic tang is copying the looks of the eibli angelfish =) mimic means to follow/copy. so the tang is merely following and copying the "design and pattern" of the angelfish. BTW, just to be sure, is this the fish u saw in the LFS?
  8. wow u reviving a 5 year old thread! hmm....the seaweed so small? >.< maybe u could cut a 500ml water bottle in half, and let it sink into the tank and put the vegggie inside so it wont float around? and maybe ur blenny will go in to eat....i cant think of any suggestion for u...tis is all i could think of haha
  9. i think SG flyer quite ke lian...cost dunno how many MANY MANY million to make...and break down so many times liao =( if only they did not make that thing and just gave me ONE of the MANY MANY million. i will be dam happy lols
  10. omg lemonpeel up lorry? =( i like that fish alot. anyway, u planning to replace those livestock? how come this whole forum, i dun see anyone with adult emperor angel? u be the first to keep la =) i see all juv one.
  11. Just for some additional information, below here i have added 2 pictures. one is a picture of centropyge eibli, the eibli angelfish. the other one is the mimic tang. The one on the right is the mimic tang, aka ur "tiger tang". the one on the left is the eibli angelfish. FYI, mimic tang can mimic lemonpeel angel, heraldi's angel, eibli angel and also the half black angel =)
  12. no such thing as a angel fish and a tang cross. that "tiger tang" u saw is a mimic tang that is mimicing an eibli angelfish.
  13. oh. i tot since it is SUPER RARE. going to be like 1 blue note per polyp LOL like purple death!! anyway, i keep zoos...no luck one la. u better sell to ppl who can take care of it =( sell to me i sure kill it lol.
  14. be sure that when using the rockbonder, the rockwork is to ur 100% liking =) later glue liao.....irreversible....so better confirm first and make sure u like it haha. i have just read about favias and galaxea..seems like both have a very powerful sting especially the galaxea. my tank now only have space for one of them. will have to decide which one lor. no la the blue mushies, its a gift from me to you lor haha. i usually dun charge for my frags coz my frags usually very small. i think i can spare 2 mushrooms to you only =( coz my mushroom haven grow yet, and still got other ppl asking for frag lols. Oh and i would reaaaly appreciate it if you could post pictures of ur favia and galaxea for me to decide =x if too much trouble, no need. i think u ever put pic of ur favia somewhere b4? i will go find it later.
  15. what is RTN? lol..rotten? interested in both, but i need to do some planning first. currently my tank(if u look at my thread) no planning...corals anyhow put. i need to plan space for the future galaxy and favia. also, i need to read up and see hwo to take care of them first haha. dun wan to buy liao then bring home and it die =( but i am interested in both....haha
  16. lol! no i am saying, wait skali u see it is that house how? that one very luxurious T_T. i never go his house b4 la haha. im just saying IF it is that house. wa. shiok liao lor haha =) good luck with ur rescape! hope it turns out nice and to ur expectation =)
  17. oh u live in bedok resevoir? thats good... many of the reefers i meet live in the west. very far for me. last time i also live in the west. near LCK +) my ahma house is in a farm too hehehe. anyway, see when u free or what if u wanna come down frag, or i frag for u, just let me know here =)
  18. i tot nudis eat corals.....those nudis with the filament on top of their heads are for storing poisonous chemicals from the corals? every nudibracnh eat only certain coral/sponge. perhaps those for sale are sponge eaters.
  19. its sad that the number of fish have decline that they have to hybridise.....also too much interbreeding between same species can corrupt the gene pool....i think.or does this only apply to humans....anyway forgot all those things i learn in biology liao. centropyge flavissimis X centropyge eibli? wow...lemon peel and eibli angelfish hybrid. should be nice though =D the white clownfish so scary. =( so sad thye like lab rats lol. so tru so much breeding to get pure white clowns. nice red SPS. dam intense the colour. surely will cost a bomb regarding tridacna costata, i also read this before somewhere on wikipedia i think, that during dinosaur time already have liao. but now getting lesser and lesser...
  20. haha ya lor. enjoying the lime light btw, what fish did u loose =(
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