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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yup. as binosage said, those are oxygen bubbles produced by photosynthesizing algae. the bubbles get trapped in the algae haha. this is actually good, give oxygen. but the bad outweighs the good in this case. too much algae growth = bad!
  2. thanks (: i think i buy only US zoos next time ah. all the indo zoos i buy CMI one. haha. the US ones started to stick to the rock and grow new plyps le (: happi
  3. ming69, can i ask u a question since ur the zoo expert? i got 5 zoos, 3 indon and 2 US zoo from iwarna shipment. my indon zoos all CMI one...but my US zoos. (red and green eagle eye), no matter how many times kena topple by fish, no matter how many time kena spit sand on, it still open up nicely and growing summore! but my indon zoo all CMI. isit coincidence? or......something else. my US zoos not attatched to a rock btw. is skin only...i just put on rock let it attatch itself
  4. oo very slick. slips just nicely into that slot
  5. did u see any apogon cynasoma? the yellow stripe cardinal?
  6. after so long, my torch coral finay grew a new head!! i was dam happy, but din wanna take picture show u all coz the head still quite small. guess what...i woke up today find that it had brown jelly disease T_T smelly like hell i faster take out, wash and remove the dead head. lucky my other heads never tio infect. the coral decided that it should grow his new head behind the other heads, where the flow cannot reach it. too bad...it died T.T so wasted lor. was such a nice head. moorish idol gotten ich but still eating very well. very tempted to do copper and hypo but im afraid it might add to the stress and it might stop feeding for good. took me some effort on my part to get it feeding on everything off the shelf...perhaps i should wait and see if it could fight the ich off by itself, just like what my other fishes did. now all immune liaoz also, my goby keep spitting sand on my elegance coral thus, it started to close up and open less. i cant remove the goby coz no body wants it and cannot kill it coz its too inhumane. verdict, i moved the elegance to a rock. i am very against putting elegance on rocks and strongly feel that ALL elegance should be placed on the sand. but in my case, haiz...placing it on the rock is the better of two evils. hopefully everything turns out well (: can see my elegance opening up better now. i moved some corals around to fill up gaps and spaces. will post a FTS soon if i have the time.
  7. maybe he sick bah. got one young man mid 20s working at the back and the lady aunty working at front. i think tat one his wife and son helping him run business while he off working awhile. maybe he go hawaii catch fish for us
  8. u mean the uncle with the belly and never wear shirt? i did not see him when i went there 3 times last week. last week being tuesday, friday and saturday. i saw the auntie and i think her son. looks like 20 years old to me. if its the correct uncle tan, maybe he sick? O.o
  9. please ban me from this thread lolz all this zoos and my inability to keep them alive makes me so sad =( where is the GSP thread!? or the torch coral thread! zzz
  10. oh rd sells the finicky fomula? great!! i tot no one brought this one! thanks weisheng!
  11. ooh RD sell? great! coz everywhere never sell. assumed that no one brings them in. thans weisheng!
  12. get rock beauty beautiful fish, and seldom see nowadays! used to be super common last time, but now, cant find much haha but i hear they are hard to keep?
  13. haha good u know lor. last time i buy, then no time to feed it coz of school. end up die =(
  14. thanks chamty all nice frags welcomed in my tank XD of coz i feel bad getting it for free. will try to giv u some blue mush too. reserved by wilson and pauline liao. but i see if i can squeeze some for u >.>
  15. haha thanks. Just that, shipment of 4 in few months and at only 1 shop seems like little to me. i remember 10 years ago, where rock beauties are so common! use to see one in almost every farm/shop. then again, 10 years ago there were many fish farms, and some of them illegal one.. i love rock beauties but survival rate quite dismal from what i heard. but with care and proper husbandry, i guess its as easy as any other angel i cannot keep rock beauties....i keeping corals. already pushing it with my coral beauty and moorish idol le haha. anytime they feel like it...can wipe out all my corals =x ur friend's tank must be beautiful with those 2 swimming inside FOWLR? or reef tank.
  16. wa. lol. dun need to so kua zhang la. just use a syringe and inject it with concentrated solution can liao. i did that to mine and it works. the thing will just melt off. but make sure it really kena the solution. coz when u disturb it, it will go back into the rock. so u need to be fast and need to "inject" the solution. i dunno if doing that will kill ur liverock ah haha! no point. wasting ur calcium solution only =] just need abit to kill it.
  17. looks like aiptasia. a pest anemone. kill it before it spreads. dun rip it off though, the loose pieces of flesh can grow into new ones. inject it with concentrated calcium buffer or lemon juice or just chip it away haha
  18. wilson, np. i would gladly trade my blue/purple mush for ur red ones. i dun have any red ones
  19. like luo han! haha! but the lump is reversed.
  20. what u have there is a non-photosynthetic gorgonian, i hope u know. require alot of feeding. mine died after 1 month =( hope urs makes it. very beautiful when fully open though
  21. i dun think a nautilus is a crustacean? O.o most probably a cephalopod. haha do correct me if im wrong.
  22. Anyone tried aquapharm products before? A friend of mine wants to buy the cure ich from aquapharm. Anyone use this product before? they say its reefsafe, but isit really true?
  23. thanks! i thought it was a colour morph because its white and orange. i tot personatus angel was brown and yellow..
  24. nope. this formula not available yet i think. i also looking for it to feed my MI. but, any formula will do. most finicky fish eat most new life spectrum products. my moorish idol started eating it only after 1 day. first day it ignored it, but slowly it started to eat. im using the all purpose feed with colour enhancing one. for carnivorre, omnivore and herbivores. the logo has a flame angel on it. most NLS food are equally good i guess u read the ingrediants haha. got alot of delicious stuff.
  25. haha. of coz ur tank nicer luh! got SPS leh!! my tank where got look like this tank O.O mine no sps. all LPS haha. $20 for GSP is normal price. in fact i bought mine for $25, and $20. i got 2 pieces. dun worry they are super hardy. take care of it more and u will be rewarded with green grass haha XD
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