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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i dun think so. friday i only saw one. im not sure if they only bring in one or more than one. but quite likely its either sold or dead >.< inside the tnak got alot of aggressive fish housed together with it. u can try though.
  2. and finally my commando. battling with ich but still going strong. JIAYOU!!! YOU CAN MAKE IT!! dont die on me now!! NOT NOW AFTER ALL WE HAVE BEEN TRU!!!!!!! WO HUI YONG YUAN SUPPORT NI!!
  3. and my 2 clapping shrimps found one same house. on my elegance coral!! (: thanks to henry for these wonderful beauties. i had 3 but one MIA. thats the problem with small shrimps...always MIA-ing. ):
  4. im not sure if the epoxy thingy is safe...thus im letting it dry outside of water first. it smells kinda weird >.< update on my WAVEMAKER!! my torch corals have responded really really well to the wavemaker. previously, my purple torch refused to open for 1 week. i tot it was dying. but after installing the wavemaker! Look at how happy he is!! open up nicely no thanks to my wavemaker. a really good investment indeed! thanks for those who convince me to get it XD
  5. I'm going to be a father!!!! Finally after 3 weeks, my banggai eggs have hatched and i can see the baby fish inside the mouth. this is the 4th spawning since i got them and i intend to try to raise the fry IN tank this time. Thus i have made a special toy (: a custom made sea urchin lolx. here are some pics of my banggai and my urchin. if u see really hard u can see some white and black lines inside the mouth. those are the babies. sorry for lousy pic. hard to take
  6. but i have seen emperor angels in reef tanks O.o dunno how thy do it
  7. all the genicanthus angels are reef safe. all the centropyge angels are reef safe with caution. out of all the centropyge(dwarves), the more reef safe ones are flame, coral beauty, flameback and golden. the not so reef safe ones are bicolour, lemonpeel. all the pomacanthids(big angels) are not reef safe. this is how i find the reefsafeness of angels. dunno how many agree with me on this.
  8. lol ray i din buy it!! read carefully haha. i say i did not get it ): im quite sure my MI will eat it....so i decided not to buy. altho $35 is dam good price..
  9. omggg ur candycane is AWESOME!!!
  10. white zoos?! very unusual indeed. upz for u!
  11. i have only one space left in my tank for fish. u saw my tank. very crowded lolz. but im not going to add any fish so soon. waiting for my MI to stabalise first. its only been 10 days and there is still ich on it, albeit lesser. i want immunity to go up and almost "ich free" first. the window for fish mortality is about 2-3 weeks. after this trying period is over, my MI should be immune and healthy like my other fish liao. then i might consider adding another fish as my last one. im still contemplating. copperband or yellow longnose butterfly. both are almost reefsafe, and gorgeous. but im not sure which to choose. i like copperband colour, but i like longnose shape -.- cant they mix together zzz. in my experience, finding a feeding copperband is not very hard (: henry is one place and if u look hard u can find those that are feeding. not a problem. now just waiting game, and also need to decide which of the 2 BFF im going to choose. ): If my MI mati within the next 2 weeks. Then i guess can add both lor HAHA. no im just joking. touch wood lolz. but my MI keep picking on my candycanes. Thats why i did not get the open brain from fragmaster today. what a steal! $35 for a bicolour red open brain!!! but im almost 100% sure my MI will eat...it seems to have a liking for LPS. esp those meaty ones like candycane. The blue face yellow ring zoo if u manage to bring it back frm the grave will be quite nice. I believe i posted some pictures in my earlier pages. They were doing well suddenly just deteriorate. anw, goood luck wif ur project hehe. next time i got more mush/zoos or what not can spare a frag, ill look for u lolz (:
  12. haha. work ur magic on those zoos!! they should be alright in ur tank bah. inside mine already so pek cek. im sure with a little TLC u can restore them back! good luck!
  13. one of the less reef safe dwarf angels. more likely to nip corals
  14. at first i tot the female one was a blue trost trigger. din know they are a pair...until i saw the face. no blue troat.
  15. clingfish hard to survive in captivity ): hope urs does well!! try get it to feed asap. (: very cute one. the red one nicer than black one!! good choice
  16. thats good. my MI still suffering from ich. but its feeding well. so...hoping for the best la
  17. ur black tang got ich? my tank alos got ich. super annoying
  18. corals - hammer, bubble, torch, anchor, alveo, prata (alot), yellow ginopora...hint hint -.- fish- anthias, sailfin tang, assorted butterflies (all eat corals and SPS only), bluestripe pipefish, mandarins, scooters, lemon peel, some other common fish. all these as of yesterday.
  19. After finally finishing their linkia starfish for 3 weeks -__-, they are hungry again and today, its a chocolate chip COOKIE! no, a starfish for them, cookie for us \\
  20. went to henry's today and he told me its not my water condition? its some bacteria infection that happen to ONE mushroom and spread. if it was my water quality, henry said my torch and elegance and other corals will go down first. mushy are hardy. so my corals are ok he told me its not water lor. its the mush....anyway. soaking everything in furan now. no bacteria
  21. oh i bought epoxy today also (: dunno if i should epoxy my corals...wait want to remove very hard.
  22. dun get those active fast swimming fish. consume alot of energy thus eat alot thus produce alot of waste. example are anthias, tangs, angels and wrasse. for ur tank, u can consider cardinals, gobies, clownfish. all these are relatively small and not big eaters (: yes dont get damsel. u will regret. u could have a tank with nothing but shrimp gobies and pistol shrimps (: someone here have done it and its really cute hehe. imagine, yasha, banded high fin, randalls. hehe. possibilities are endless. just dun add big eaters and big crappers (:
  23. anyone see any more longnose butterfly at AM? (: my fav bf fish. thought of going there to admire it later keke
  24. caught in the act!...my hungry brittle star and my cleaner wrasse tag team steam food from my elegance. the winner....brittle star haiz, after i see my MI eat my candycane, i decided not to buy the open brain from fragmaster. wait end up kena eaten also. feel so bad for last min back out.
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