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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my moorish idol also got ich like crazy! mine is worse then urs ok, my ich is appear everyday from morning and even night. the fish is still eating like a pig and i dun wan to treat. i find it pointless coz if i treat it, i have to treat every fish in my tank and let the tank go fallow for few months, i dun have the facilities to do this unfortunately. im just praying that with the immunity, it can fight it off himself. so far all my fishes did that. now see if my MI can or not. good luck with ur ich problem. usually ich kills very fast. so if ur fish surviving this long liao, chances are quite good (:
  2. all of the above. even if it looks ok, it does not grow in my tank. as i have said before, no zoos can do well in my tank. survive can, do well, not really. i know there is "no such thing" as do well or dun do well in someone's tank. but, as u can see, so far all my zoos are not growing, infact gettting worse. except my US zoos the eagle eye ones. so i dun wan try zoos anymore. i also dunno what is in my tank that inhibit the growth of zoos. altho im using T5s, i have seen many many beautiful zoos kept under T5s. cant be water. zoos can tolerate a myriad of water qualities, and if so, my LPS will surely go first before zoos. cannot be iodine problem because i regularly dose iodine. inverts all moulting properly. so i aso dunno whats wrong. i tried salvaging it for a few months liao. too time consuming and my efforts did not pay off. now waiting for macrovan to see if he wants to give it a try.
  3. yep. hope they still have by the time i get there lolz. as i told u, that day i only got exactly $25 enuf for one brain. bought the red one. =\ next time i get the green and purple one
  4. need to scrape away all the algae first haha. my back glass alto of algae
  5. my GSP no chance to spread yet. coz recently i keep changing its position. my goby la...keep throwing sand at it. so hopefully now it settles down it can have a chance to grow. my 2 GSP diff colour. im hoping that i put them side by side, they spread spread and the resulting "spread" will be a mixture of 2 colours (: there is alot of growth but its confined to its own rock. haven spread far yet. (:
  6. wa. nwyk hemsem wor (: next can can get discount ahahaha
  7. this is my almost dead "blue" zoo. Macrovan, this is for u. u can determine the condition and if u wan to try salvage me, sms me and u can come pick it up (:
  8. I wake up every morning to this. beautiful eh? what more can i ask for.
  9. some updates on my brain. so far so good, have not been pecked by my MI. expanded very nicely and have eaten a piece of prawn as of last night. going to get more soon! stay tune (:
  10. pauline thanks alot for the frogspawn (: will try to take care of it and make it grow bigger.
  11. yep. very cute and small. will take a foto and post here for u to see.
  12. din see any neon gobies at AM. but saw alot of engineer gobies. the swim like tadpole and look like one too. neon gobies don't swim much. usually on the floor
  13. ): dun say i cruel leh lolz. its either the starfish die or the 2 shrimp die. =\ at first i din wanna buy the shrimps. but then cannot resist la...so i just bought. i wonder if any other reefers here keep harlequin before? i should think so...well........at least im taking care of them...meeting their nutritional needs. There are many people who buy beautiful things and don't even know they are obligate feeders. like harlequin shrimps, long nose filefish etc etc. if u buy, then u must have the knowledge and responsibility to look after them... and i feel that even if i did not buy these, some other reefer will still buy it and feed it starfishes, or worse! some other people buy and feed it fish food or mysis -.- only to see the shrimps slowly starve... double edged sword. anyhow, the shrimp still need to eat starfish wether in my tank or other people tank, or in LFS tank.
  14. haha. i like the way u say born with artistic cells (: dun giv up bro. the more liverock the easier to scape...i redid my scaping 5 times and till now im not even satisfied -.-
  15. ahaha! i only like maria sharapova!!! awesome (:
  16. oh no. the episode is far from over. brown jelly very infectious and im daaam worried it kill all my LPS T.T only yesterday, i saw one of my hammer coral the tentacle float off...i was like. wa sian...faster change water, take hammer dip in furan for like 1 hour+++ to kill all the jelly or whatever disease. today it looked better...but im still not sure...kill my hammer nvm. kill my torch i will sad. my torch is my bao bei
  17. urgh. tell me about it. im in constant fear of my hammers. sooo scared they get brown jelly disease -__- even tho they look alright, im always afraid they might melt anytime. last time i was dam confident about my hammer la torch la etc etc. then recently the brown jelly incident took a toll on me, now very weary of my euphyllids.
  18. they had like, 30 elegance!? and they were just next to the gonios!!! haha the gonio also nice. but dam big.
  19. nothing. just that brain lor. u got see all the elegance there? i tell u nearly wanted to take my mother's POSB card and pay for every single elegance there. wa i was in elegance heaven man!! the colours were dam exotic some of them...never see before. and they looked really good. i faster buy the brain and zao already. the more i stay, the more heart pain. and did u see the octos? wa...they have the maroon with yellow tip octo. same as my torch. elegance also got maroon with yellow tip. the colours..fantastic man....
  20. actually. i have seen angels with the gill spine skinless and they still surviving. hope that it grows back. (:
  21. camera doesnt do justice to it. i dunno how to take nice photos. colours are much more intense. but hey, for the price i paid. heck ill be happy even if it looked like the one in the picture.
  22. bought the green and red bicolour one. wanted to try one first coz i scared my MI will eat it. so far so good...if in 1 week like this, ill get more! btw did u buy from pacific marine? im almost sure u did....they had the exact same brain u bought with a cone shape base too funny...i left the place at 3.50-4. -__- what kind of nonsence lolz. manage to convince my mum let me go LFS hehe
  23. OMG i know where u got that open brain from!!!! i was contemplating between this or the red ones. nice huh (: hehe. alamak....i think i know where u went. why never see u.
  24. digiman. u know anywhere ever bring in lei trigger b4? that one also very nice...i was looking for one last time when i had my FOWLR. now that u mention triggerfish...i still have not seen that one yet O.O
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