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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hey bro ray and wilson...i went to pasir ris today to check if anymore of the red/purple brain. left a few, but not all are in good condition. manage to find one decent piece =] hope it turns out as well as urs. haha. here it is just 5 mins into my tank....waiting until either tomorrow or maybe a few days before it opens up fully. also bought myself a leopard wrasse as my last fish. going to take a break soon. my school starting in 2 weeks and i will have almost no time to reef, let alone post in this forum (: haha. when school start will just be maintenance maintenance liaoz. tank now coming together quite nicely and have everyone in SRC to thank (: cant seem to bring out the colour of the coral though. camera doesnt do justice.
  2. i think few years ago rock beauty use to be more common right? i dunno if its me or wat but i see them lesser nowadays...showing up maybe few times in a few months that kind. not really a staple fish for the industry. but yea its really a beautiful fish and very hard to keep =\
  3. ok some updates on iwarna and pacific marine. iwarna - pratas, smallish size very cute. zoos leopard wrasse other common fish, not really interesting. highlight is the leopard wrasse bah...very cute and i bought one to try >.> 1 red note i thought might as well give it a shot haha. pacific marine - some left over elegance, octopus, hammer, brains. (the purple and red one...lucky still have after 1 week. bought one) blue line angel...not sure the name. its brown with yellow tail and horizontla blue line. assorted butterflies angels etc etc. nothing much over there too.
  4. How much do u think this is worth? someone told me clarions are about 5-6k each? is that true? if so...then this tank costs a bomb!
  5. isit!??! i never see for so long liao leh!! ): i think i ###### eye liao. haha. i want to buy but not reef safe right...): sianz. maybe later i go to see see....very nice fish,
  6. haha! are u two real life brother? XD
  7. actually got alot of coral u never put. blastos are very popular too! i think most ppl like SPS better? i dunno...but i love LPS. but one thing abt LPS....sometime they open, sometime they dont. when they open very nce. when they close, dam ugly. whereas SPS, open or close also look the same XD
  8. hmm...AM? heh...nothing much to say. very big shop though. yay rock beauty!!!!!!!!! i cannot buy but at least i can go and see its beauty! (:
  9. FINALLY ROCK BEAUTY!!!!! wow tot this guy is a gonner! glad to see it in RD's shipment!!! haha. this fish deserves more recognition than this.....being imported only once every few months to a year! what happen to u man mr RB! <3
  10. i also want this goby. never see in LFS b4....thing is its not even rare! maybe we can special order
  11. wa nice blastos! wats the last one...the one after the blasto
  12. she already bagged a nice watermelon favia liao wors!! very on one she lolz
  13. pauline u must faster haha. otherwise nice gems canot get.
  14. wahaha...strange habits indeed...i dunno how to frag zoo so i use my fingers to rip them apart form the colony...so far so good but i need to learn to do it properly for the health of my corals and myself. hmm...i never gotten stung by corals before....i think my skin too thick. only kena stung by an elegance once not too long ago on my forearm. not that bad la..feels weird and later on had some marks on my hands. funny...till this day i wanted to know what a coral sting feel like on my palms...sometimes i will run my fingers tru my torch and hammer....like as if u using ur hands to comb someone's long hair like that. but no feeling lehz...so i dunno if my skin too thick or my coral is lousy stinger lolz...i have seen fishes steal food from my elegance with no problem!! never get stung! my corals singing capacity all zero liao -.- actually smelling my bubble coral's mucus is not strange la haha. is curious i smell all my coral. i remember what each and everyone of them smell like....so no one can steal my coral haha! i smell and i know its mineeeeee XD jk jk... but really. do smell ur bubble. experience u will not forget..
  15. most people leave the top of the ovreflow exposed. actually, the more surfac area the water comes into contact with the air, the better the oxygen content of the water. but evaporation also higher. usually overflow box inside ppl put filter wool la, biolbal etc etc etc. these things help to make the water trickle and flow into smaller smaller streames. so more of the water exposed to air so more gas exchang take place (: even in ur sump tank. when ur water flow from the overflow box into the sump, there is still splashing and streaming of the water. more air exchange haha. all this i think put together no need bubble liaoz. but i still see some ppl put bubble inside the tank.
  16. no la. not clown tang haha. clown tang blue and yellow
  17. nice buy wilson is that yuma or rhodactics? if its rhodactics, awesome colour and form!
  18. cateye very nice. i still looking for a nicely shaped one hehe. hmm...my bubble seems to be growing too! theres a new head sprouting out...head includes a mouth too. i din know bubble can grow new heads -.- one of my fav coral. BTW, have u ever smell ur hands after touching bubble corals? there is a very dam weird and strong smell that will confirm make my head dizzy one. i dunno if ur bubble like this...but mine will. i think its the mucus the bubble coral produce. heard that xenias also produce smelly mucus. lolx. next time u touching ur bubble that time try smell haha. i get headache everytime i smell it..
  19. if u have overflow its better. water is exposed to the air and the overflow compartment all the filter etc etc break the water current into smaller drips and streams. thus more surface area for gas exchange
  20. i love ur bubble. really my fav thing inside ur tank >.< like this more than the prata >.< im so in love wif ur bubble haha! how u get it so big!! it grow? or u buy like this already.
  21. go learn a few of the scientific names lor haha. i think remembering scientific names easier to identify fish...coz sometime alot of fish have same name like blue tang -.- or the fish they giv nicknames =\ but hard to remember all... ):
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