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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my bubble corals. wilson if u are reading this, do u remember seeing my green bubble "receeding?" its been doing much better now after dipping it in furan LOL. i dunno how to save it so just tried furan...and it worked. its all puffy and yummy now. and my old pearl bubble....small bubbles...ugly. if u look closely at one of the bubbles on the green bubble, it is heart shaped (:
  2. my new torch. really dam huge...never fail to steal the limelight
  3. my hammer garden. got another one on the right but not big enuf to fit into the pic XD
  4. blastomussa merleti (: branching blastos. finally manage to get a clearer pic. gorgeous ainit?
  5. the flowers of my tank. never fail to cheer me up! and my mom. she loves these.....
  6. since i cannot shop for new gems, ill be posting some of my old gems. these are my favourites. here my elegance and fox. after not opening for 4 days and getting me all worried, here it is finally opening up! the goby is gone and i bet he feels much happier! the fox coral behind also old gem. can u believe the skeleton is only the size of my pinky!? and it can open so big...because of that, always not balanced and toppling. and my MI deciding to pose for the camera XD but dun dare show face. so shy...look at the doral filament!! its longer than the tail already!! kudos clap clap
  7. Have a pair of red striped cardinals for sale, and a pair of seales cardinal for sale. seale's cardinal, BOTH for $5 red striped cardinal, BOTH for $8 only selling as a pair. no separating thanks. i reserve the right to sell to whoeever i want. sms me 97555430. collection will be at tanah merah MRT. eats all meaty foods except pellets. reason for selling, need to clear space to make way for newer additions. colours are more vibrant than photos. seale's cardinal have a purplish/blue eye and mouth highights. camera cannot capture.
  8. very true...after investing so mch money on this hobyy. better buy something i like man...
  9. why do u tink my tank have so many torch,hammer,GSP and cloves? haha. coz those are my favourite corals.. honestly, i dun think there is such thing as "waste money buying stuff" if the item is reasonably priced, and if u like it and u buy it. how is that wasting money? buying something u dun like just to impress people is wasting money. anyway, most people i know dun even have any idea what a coral is -.- they come to my house see soooo many torch coral the firs tthing is "wa so many ANEMONE. why ur NEMO dun go play inside?" i talk about clownfish and they go "huh? simi clownfish." there are some ppl with little or no knowledge in marine. u can impress them with simple things. even better, u can impress them with things YOU LIKE. so its a win win situation (: u like, and u impress them. Those people who know their stuff and get impressed if u buy expensive corals, those are the experienced reefers. Who is to say they don't have a tank that is better than urs? end up u try to impress them, but they leave for home not very impressed, or not impressed at all, because they have a similar but BETTER specimen waiting at home (:
  10. ya thats me....lol cute meh.. ya dun worry i will share my knowledge (: now alrady i trying to share wif ppl...even tho i not as experience with the rest of u here, i still try my best to help ppl when needed haha! (: ya. i agree. angelfish can beserk one.
  11. ya. the duck oso so poor thing
  12. chromis are dam nice! but i feel that need alot of make a nice school. coz i try 5 before...all din school. and grow so fast end up having to sell away.
  13. of coz keep something i like la!! why do u think my tank got 4 torch 4 hammer. coz i love them haha!! and i got so many cheap but fishes that i like!! i dun like black tangs. honestly...if someone gave me a black tang. i will sell it away and find it a better home..no point keeping something i dun like, have to take care of it and in the end does not give me pleasure (: ppl tell me, go coral shipment must buy those exotic ones! otherwise waste money. not true lor. for me, at this point in the hobby, i buy things that i find pleasing to me (: i go coral shipment see clove coral nice i buy haha! then beside it got rare rare RARE PRATA! i leave alone...never even consider XD dun like pratas.
  14. i believe i have posted in the wrong topic...if any mods here please help me shift? ty >.> but it is fish related....lol
  15. another one...a HUGE HUGE HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE STINGRAY. got caught ): such a marvellous beauty!!!! well this is not really cruelty, but thought i share with u guys (: since is regarding fish haha.
  16. animal cruelty!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjm_f1pLaUE...feature=related
  17. Watch this sick person feed the poor duckling to his arrowana! thats dam sad la...the duck slowly drown ): can even hear it chirping for its life under water.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjm_f1pLaUE...feature=related
  18. i dunno if im teochew or hokkien......but this kiam cai thing is the best. yes mock abalone also owns. and that mixed fake vege + fake meat in a can also dam nice. best way to eat kiam cai is to freeze it in the freezer. i do it every night and in the morning, can eat frozen kiam cai. dam ownage. my favourite (:
  19. im bored. come! discuss ur favourite snack at home! when im starving at home nothing to eat, this is my favourite!! my wife, my gf, my life partner. i can survive on this forever!
  20. cloudy eye all this is due to water parameters one...not protozoan infection. improve ur water quality and feed it well and it should recover..
  21. i think is the same leh...only colour diff only. tiger tails will hide inside a rock and only extend his head to suck sand nearby and around it. normal black ones will roam everywhere. i read this on a few websites like liveaquaria.......dun quote me on this
  22. boxer shrimp better be careful hor. try to get a smallish one,...they are dam aggressive. altho some ppl have those kuai kuai ones (: my 3 ft tank...only have clowns X2 mandarin X1 neon goby X1 moorish idol X1 yellow wrases X1 coral beauty X1 cardinals (assorted) X6 varios shrimp gobies and pistol shrimps X3 each cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, sexy shrimp, clapping shrimp, harlequin shrimp, arrow shrimp X2 each leopard wrasse X1 but most of my fish smallish sized one...except the MI and the yellow wrasse. 4.5" ur stocklist, contains quite a few big fish o.O can house all together happily haha but must watch out for aggression and social stress for the fish lor...my tank with my current stock list, sometimes i see them all dart at the same time...like stress due to overcrowding...i dunno also la.
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