nah. no need. im just stating my point of view. chromis are small fishes that do not need huge quaters and are very sociable by nature. although anthias do need abit more space, for now they should be fine. the rest of ur fish like cardinals and mandarins are slow moving fishes and quite peaceful, and once again, if u see no stress or agression, then just keep it like this until the time comes when u need to remove certain fishes, be it they outgrow their home or when agression starts.
but for now, everything looks good (: and yes that is ALOT of fish for a tank that size. just maintain the water quality and keep a lookout for any signs of social stress. (:
and becareful of ur cucumber. make sure nothing disturbs it or it gets stuck in a wavemaker, pump etc. when they die they can crash ur tank.