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Everything posted by yikai

  1. im quite happy with myself. for being able to control my urge to buy new corals. instead, take part in small frag sharing sessions (: that way, can still exchange corals and add variety to the tank, a little small bit at a time (:
  2. and i rearranged some corals today. pulled out some liverock inside my structure to make it less dense. and thus some of the coral placement was disturbed. xenia and clove switched places, and feather worm takes center stage. everyone's happy ^^ middle of my scaping is less dense now with a small passageway for fishes to swim in and out. will try to make that passageway bigger. all in time to come..
  3. some yuma frags too! here it is in my yuma corner, and the other pic is a closer shot. can see my irritating shrimp trying to clean my hand.. the yuma is dark purple with green tips
  4. ok camera charged and running again...here some closer pics of the zoo frags. i know i dont have much luck with zoos....but just try a small frag this time of about 5 polyps (: i still have another one but it has not fully open. so din take pics.
  5. have. reef depot sells almost all the kinds of formulas. this brand is by pablo and its really good. have been using it on my moorish idol. results? vibrant colours, impressive growth rates of damaged fins, and of coz. it is still surviving haha
  6. heard tthat iwarna's hawaii shipment postponed again to next tuesday. anyone can confirm this?
  7. they look so prefectly formed that they dont look cut up and mended
  8. and my new frag of dunno waht zoo. was told it was candy apple? can someone confirm? colours not really captured properly. will try again tomorrow. its green skirt and pinkish face. did some frag exchange today with my friend and got a couple of really cool frags! tomorrow then post. sorry for the lousy pic. i using HP cam as my camera no batt.
  9. orange rho still alive yay! dam scared it melt....for some reason. but looking good!
  10. nvm bro. wanted to get it to share with a few friends....bt they all backed out. -.-. sorry to pilot on you. unless anyone willing to share the frags of turqoise mushies, i will be more than happy...
  11. i wanna reerve the first mushroom. turqoiuse one.
  12. thanks angellove! haha. niec meeting u that day. and ur big queen angel was really stunning!!
  13. what kind of anemone is that? looks like a long tentacle anemone, or leather anemone..
  14. really aggressive fish. do re-consider. adding future tankmates with the six line in a 16gallon can cause aggression.
  15. yikai

    Weird Idea

    HAHAHAA OMG ah siang ah siang. u are dam funny. mushroom soup XD
  16. most banggai cardinals are captively bred now. not all are taken from the wild. perhaps should ask the LFS before buying...i have 3 different kinds of cardinals in my 3ft tank all living peacefully. so far no problems.
  17. yikai

    Weird Idea

    yeaaaaaa totally forgot about the temperature too!
  18. omg ur blueface and asfur so cute!! got the baby face. how come all ur fish so cute one ah...i always see angels got the mean face. btw ur asfur is a very beautiful specimen. always see those big ugly asfurs. urs look very nice. vibrant colours and the yellow bar is very clean and nice. if u manage to find a white bar asfur...hehehe!! nice.
  19. yikai

    Weird Idea

    will nuisence algae grow? the water will also get stale because of lack of circulation right?
  20. zzzzzzzz. my tank....where got nice. u compare to other ppl.... summore i running on SUPER SIMPLE BASIC equipment leh -.- dam under powered and just enuf one. so cannot keep all those baeutiful SPS or whatever coral. u should go see thomas_lim tank, or nuclear fibre those are really pro tank.
  21. all form the same rock wat lol. ur tank getting nicer! i love ur super sun inside the cave like a spider lol. add more gems then can TOTM liao XD
  22. well..just didnt wanna be too harsh on him right? (: everyone enjoys a tnak full of fish...hopefully he got my "hints" without feeling offended....what i was trying to hint to him was that although it may be alright, for now, action needs to be taken soon for the welfare of his livestock. im sorry that my point did not get across well and i should have just said it straight to avoid all this fuss.
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