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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i think the white patch on the fin is lymphocystis. if im not wrong. its related to water quality. improve it and it will ownself recover.
  2. amby so the green PPE at iwarna is all for shipping one right? i saw it in the tank right at the back back.
  3. ue queen is 21 years old? wow.....magic water.
  4. XD im a dirty lemon. must wash me first before u squeeze me for juice ok? ya correct. rescaping is fun if u know how to do it haha/ cnanot anyhow. wait will be dam depressing. see ur tank in a mess/
  5. ups for u bro! really nice clowns!! the pattern so cute and interesting. like jigsaw puzzle puzzle
  6. omg angellove. ur queens are amazing! and i love that rock beauty. isit still a juvenile? i think i can still see the blue ring on the black part of his body. really nice fish one of my fav. if not for my corals i will get 1 or 2 liao ):
  7. yes i totally agree. i think rescaping u have to do it on a day when u feel happy and artistic with inspiration. i ever did it when i was feeling sad and took it out on my tank and rescaped it lol. total disaster the worst thing is, sometimes u tell urself. ok i just remove this rock, then i put it back. then u remove another one and put it back in its original place. somehow, it CANNOT be placed back in it's original place wihtout looking weird and not the same. haha. 8th world wonder.
  8. i recently did a mini re-scape without killing majority of my current design...i just pulled out loose rocks inside my scaping like jenga and becoz of that, some corals have to be re-arranged. i have to say, the inside of my rockwork now is much less dense and my fish can actually swim tru it lol. the number of fish in my tank has "decreased" because they now swim inside my rocks as compared to before lol... so not all can be seen at the same time as compared to last time. this brings me to the second point. my tank don't have as much fish as i originally thought. time to go LFS-ing X) hahaha jk.
  9. last time i hand itchy go pull out some liverock....then when want to put back everything back to place, suddenly all the pieces dont fit and the whole tank become dam ugly had to spend whole day putting it back together again and until this day, cannot achieve my old scape -.-
  10. hey reefers here's a question for you. have you ever just did a rescape or a mini rescape, then when u finish liao u find that the current scaping is not as nice as before? i think this is very common if im not wrong. anyone wanna share? haha or just because of a crab u tear down ur whole tank and later find out that ur current rescape is not as good as before.
  11. yup. without a picture, we can only guess. but quite likely it is either a sebae or a malu. but i think malu's are abit more uncommon?
  12. Hello, going to collect some ulva from a nice reefer, and was wondering how to secure free floating ulva to liverocks? if i tie them to the rock temporarily, will the ulva naturally stick? how long will it take for it to grow holfast and stick to the rocks. thanks
  13. ): the small ones were cute. bellus are cute also. i saw some left that day dunno if any left. dunno if i should get 2. they dam cute haha
  14. oo. haha very nice queen. actually i saw 2 golden butterflies at jirh marine around 3". dunno if sitll there and i dunno the health.
  15. oh! really? i dunno the strenght for fishes, but when i was in school during chem, 3% was very little, so i assumed it was the same. sorry haha! isit possible to dilute it?
  16. tsk. haven go work still come here talk talk talk lol. go earn money la then can buy more gems.
  17. the blue eye patch on the sri lankan one seems narrower and smaller too. dunno if its like this, or isit confined to this specimen only. wa the queen angel in the first pic, is the blue really like this in real life!? dam nice la. cyan colour.
  18. mind selling some ulva? =x again, so sorry for off topic here.
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