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Everything posted by yikai

  1. anyone buying the multibarred angels at iwarna? got 2 pieces only. looked really fat and healthy...at only 1.8 red notes...tempted to buy but heard they are tough feeders. so let it go..
  2. oh lol! it walked away. went to find somewhere it like. tomorrow see if i can find it
  3. how many colours of GSP are there? i have 3 colonies of them in my tank and all are different colour.... would like to get all haha! i know there is one luminous one but that one super ex if anyone see any different coloured GSP (exept brown), haha please let me know wan to collect them all
  4. i dunno...i put it in my tank and it walked away. i guess my majano not happy with its location haha! now dunno where....must let it find its way to somewhere with good light and good flow (:
  5. tot they already in that? see their website put there importer and exporter of bla bla bla -__- anyway..good luck with that lol.
  6. JIMMY IS STILL THERE!!! i tot he was gone but he is not!!!!! saw him there the other day and the boss... was not very happy with the boss's reply...i saw the empty tank which was previously filled with blue tangs..and i just asked casually. "no more blue tangs already?" and the reply i got was "whole singapore only you keep marine fish ah? all sold out already" was quite unhappy and just left the shop....
  7. amby dam expert sia. if he not looking at zoos means he is looking at.....(:
  8. i bought a special coloured and quite nice MAJANO ANEMONE! form pasir ris farm lol..first time ppl buy majano anemone..
  9. iwarna fish shipment. purple queen sunburst 2 paracentropyge multifasciatus!! very beautiful fish and very very good price!!!! alot of bicolour scopas tang ornate butterflies fire fish purple firefish flagfin juveniles emperors korans chromis sailfin tang small - medium sized blue tang kleins butterfly saddleback butterfly triangulum butterfly clowns some pics later
  10. i feed them to my sun coral lol...the small ones...amazingly they get eaten up one leh.
  11. haha. ya ya. the boss also abit haolian...ok very haolian...but he is seldom there. ok enuf. im not going to say anymore. LA LA LA LA im going to ignore this thread. dun wan get into toruble =x
  12. haha yes their stuff are really ex. coral wise is so, but for fish it depends. i bought my moorish idol (still alive for 1.5months and feeds on everything even my fingers) for only 1.5 red notes. and a pellet eating copperbands for 0.8 red note. so i think it is safe to say that certain things are not worth buying while others are. as for their corals, dunno, coz i not enuf money to buy bring home try XD. let us not diverge into a LFS flaming scene shall we (: incase things get out of hands.
  13. that is one of the mainr easons for ur NO3 problems. because u turn off ur pump, waste cannot reach the sump...end up ur fish live in their own filth. also without circulation, water becomes stagnant, O2 concentration levels drop and CO2 rises. CO2 is an acidic oxide that will lower ur Ph. u are keeping big angelfishes right? from ur other thread i see that u have a koran and a majestic. they produce alot of waste becoz they are so big. filtration has to be good otherwise they will foul ur water pretty quickly.
  14. i really hate to say this, and forgive me if im harsh. but from the way i am seeing things, u still have alot to learn about this hobby. firstly from reading the topics u have posted, i have realised that u 1) do not realise the importance of constant running pump providing circulation and removal of waste 2) never plan ur livestock properly and compatibility 3) never understand the livestock requirements 4) from the looks of things, u sound like a new comer in this hobby (correct me if im wrong). If so, u should not be jumping to angels and butterflies so soon...please read up on the requrements of these delicate fishes. and turning off the pump is definately a big no. i dunno where u heard it from but this is bad advice. ok, now that we have established that, let me try to help you with ur problems. using chaeto to solve ur NO3 problem is a longterm plan and you will not see instant results. also u need ALOT of chaeto to make a difference. provide light and GOOD FLOW to ur chaeto. make sure ur chaeto receives flow. infact, if can, blow water at it so that it is moving or tumbling around. they like that. i too am going tru some NO3 problems. the best way to lower it is to do water changes until u reach a satifying level of NO3 u want. then identify the root cause, i.e overfeeding, hevy bioload, minimal filtration. Since u turn off ur power for 1/3 of the day, most likely ur tank is getting stagnant and since u off the pump, water cannot flow to the sump to be cleaned.. ur fish is just living in their filth. cannot do that. Next for clams, T5 is not enuf unless u place them really high up at ur tank. also keep an eye on ur dwarf angels and ur angels..butterflies... if u keeping big angels and butterflies, forget about the clam. ditch it. if u keeping dwarf angels, keep an eye on them too. they can go beserk and one day just eat up ur clam mantles. $0.002 (: feel free to ask questions here... i believe that most of the ppl here will be willing to help you. but please do some research first. this is a demanding hobby and keeping ur livestock alive is very important.
  15. corals and clams with angels and butterflies? bro i think u need to read up on livestock and livestock compatibility...... it is understood that angels and butterflies cannot coexist with corals. even though it seems ok at first, they will eventually eat the coral up. depends on what kind of corals also...if its noxious corals like leather, they will leave it alone. (btw if its leather, it won't die so easily...so im guessing ur coral isnt leather). and usually they will leave SPS alone, but they might try pecking it once or twice (and i highly doubt that ur dead corals are SPS. ur NO3 lvl is too high for SPS). Clams are a big no no with big angels like koran and majestic. They may nip and eat the clam's mantles. stressing it and the clam will not open. maybe this is the case for u. temperature should be around 26-28. maybe get ur NO3 down to 10-20. and dun add any corals if u intend on keeping those fishes... quite a waste of money unless u have a huge huge tank with many many corals. if in a confined space, eventually they will devour it. my $0.02 clams are not corals. but their requirements are almost similar to some of them. good to high lighting, good flow and clean water if u really want to try angels and butterflies with ur corals, i suggest u try dwarf angels. the best dwarves in my opinion for reefsafeness is golden, coral beauty and flame, and that argi angel or flameback. even then, keeping a dwarf angel is not 100% reef safe. they might still eat ur corals even if they don't initially. but there is a 50% chance they wont, as compared to ur koran with 0% chance of reefsafeness. for butterflies, u might want to try those long nosed variety such as chelmon and forcipigers. the most commonly offered chelmon is copperband butterfly. and forcipiger u can choose between longnose butterfly and the other similar but have a slighly longer nose. that is the long-long nose butterflyfish. these 3 are like dwarves also. hit and miss thing. the best is dun keep any angels and butterflies if u wan 100% reef safe. if u choose dwarves and the 3 butterflies i have mentioned, ur chance of reefsafeness are lowered, but its a definate possibility that they wont eat ur corals. big angels and most other butterflies will eat ur corals indiscriminately.
  16. why do u off the power.......? the pump should be on 24/7. try feeding more nutritious food and veges/seaweed to ur tang to regain its color..
  17. O HI SAW!! lo! isit the smething gutterpost or wat..
  18. cheap mush or not, the colour very nice (: shiny shiny blue haha
  19. im not sure about that. but if threadstarter is reffering to a marine shop next to a coffeeshop, then should be jirhmarine? but the coffee shop close liao i think.
  20. oh only for rhos. btw, that mushy pic i post. the blue colour. isit a what..mush or yuma or wat...why got "tentacle" one. actually look abit like yumas....i only like the colour. if anyone interested, coral farm still got alot..one big rock for 0.6 red note lols.
  21. TEDDY BEAR CRABS ARE CUTE!!!!! the red bean crab also lol. hong dou xia (:
  22. dunno if i wanna frag this one or not. im taking amby's advice on not to frag them so soon after purchase. let them settle and strt growing before i frag (:
  23. i found a 5cm mantis living in my biorings probably feeding on all the uneaten food that was stuck there. its those normal greenish-brown kinds....i have removed all my biorings and the mantis is...well.. ... .. .. .... bye bye liao lol. dunno what to do with it...and ya fierce. i use tweezer try to kiap it he fight with it. thanks for the concern...tank i think ok liao but monitering the next few days. cannot let anything happen to it coz im RUNNING OUT OF TIME!! haha. so must prevent any mishaps before sch starts otherwise...no time liao ):
  24. it is quite an aggresive goby. and they get quite big too. nicer if u got a yasha X alpheus randalli or a banded high fin X alpheus randalli. but i tried 3 yashas and 1 high fin. they always go MIA after awhile -.- too small i think...): the randall goby is a very nice goby. i wanted to try that one too considering all my smaller shrimp gobies always MIA for dunno wat reason. maybe crabs. got alot of big crabs in my tank.
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