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Everything posted by yikai

  1. clap clap mark! can use ur fotos haha! (:
  2. iwarna has some fish inside plastic bag. anyone took a look and know what it is?
  3. am not sure what kind of coral polyps they feed on. but in the wild, u can often see them around acropora. sustaining this fish will be very very expensive. if its possible, try returning it to the LFS... how much did u buy it? anyway, if its eating frozen food, that will be good. can sustain it for awhile
  4. yes of coz we as customer have our fualt too. but it will be good for the LFS to treat every customer equally. just becoz one customer is bad does not mean all are bad. i mean, afterall, we want evreyone to be happy at the end of the day (: like i said, just stating the level of customer service i received at the LFS. we too are also at fault. we are only human. at the end of the day, what is more important is wether the seller or buyer enjoys their time at the LFS. and that depends on the 2 parties. we can be real good ppl but if the lfs owner doesnt wanna be friendly and giv good service, then nothing more to say. and vice versa.
  5. yellow wrasse will leave ur inverts alone. mine left my sexy shrimps alone even. not sure about te rest.
  6. doesnt matter if no one support me la. im just stating how i feel...
  7. GSP have very little stinging to no capability at all. but they can release chemicals as a warefare strategy. but, the good thing is. gsp and zoos can grow together without any problems. i have some clove polyps growing in the middle of my zoos too. nothing happen. cloves and gsp same family. only problem u shud worry for is they will compete for space.
  8. not siding with any LFS. just stating my opinion on how i was being treated at different LFS. thats all. (: i believe that service with an extra mile will ensure good customer support.
  9. zoo babies dun look like that. those are star polyps haha
  10. i have to admit their livestock is very good. all very healthy, disease free and eat pellets. BUT, no matter how good, if the service like shit i wun go back there. compare with henry. his service is exellent. even take the time to explain and teach u, and when u sms him regarding problems, he will gladly help u. altho his livestock abit more ex, i would much happily pay the extra money. and iwarna too. the aunty lilian always very friendly. greet me good morning and good afternoon. this is the kind of customer service that we the consumer are looking for mah. not a snappy remark like "whole singapore only u keep marine fish ah?" the end
  11. some sort of clavularrid. most probably star polyps. from the colour i think they are still quite young..when bigger will turn green.
  12. me worse ok? i got them to set up my tank lol. although price is definately cheaper than other places, the equipment very basic. end up hav to keep upgrading -.- and the piping used for my tank is those 16mm so small. can only use one kind of pump. now if wan to change pump have to change the whole piping. really. no brain lol. and the boss talk as if he know alot like that....quite unhappy with them actually. lousy service most of the time i go there.
  13. wa u so near there yet u din go!? haha suan u suan u. erm, the last time i was there they had 3 juv-medium sized regals. dunno if still have u can check with others here.
  14. bro u mean u never go CF before!? omg i tell u, u will die there. fish heaven. its like 3x the size of iwarna. maybe bigger lol. and 30x more variety.
  15. aiya too late liao ): the flame eating some pellets. but very shy...dun dare to come out. scared of the CB! no no not THAT cb...i mean coral beauty :P
  16. bad price, bad customer service...no wonder going into import and export la. -.-
  17. The picture is not clear. it is either a chaetodon octofasciatus (eight banded butterflyfish), or a paracentropyge multifasciatus (multi-barred angelfish) if its the butterfly, it feeds exclusively on coral polyps in the wild. hard to replicate diet if its the angel, it is very difficult fish to feed and is very shy. neither are very easy to take care. poor survival rate.
  18. my new toy (: My 6045 wavemaker spoilt beyond repair. went to buy another one today but was out of stock. so i bought a 6055 instead. very happy with the performance. 2 wavemaker and my return create an upwelling current effect. with an occasional "whirlpool" every 10-15mins or so. look at the water surface being disturbed by the wavemakers. good gas exchange i hope
  19. thank you ambystoma (: not a bad specimen. saw it eating a few mysis. and henry's food. not a bad sign. so far the aggression from my coral beauty is not as disastrous as i expected. some chasing and flaring happen occasionally. the flame now retreats to the back of the tank. hopefully will gain confidence and venture out.
  20. i find aquapharm idodine to be quite diluted. maybe increase it to 3-4 drops daily? or 5 drops per 2 days.
  21. haha ok. tomorrow i go see see. the fish in good condition i suppose?
  22. i dunno which tank. isit near the clams?
  23. nvm la. its already reserved (: tmr i go collect. if for some reason cannot collect coz its sold or whatever, then i wait hehe
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