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Everything posted by yikai

  1. XD elegance haven open fully yet ley. nvm when it does i will take another photo. the gobies costed me a bomb -__- each for $20, and i also bought 2 randalli shrimps. end up, all the gobies and shrimp lost each other lol. hoping they will find each other and pair up again... they were all paired up just now. dunno why now all separated
  2. haha no problem. just trying my luck if u still had it XD.
  3. when i was keeping freshwater, i used to freeze my dead guppies in a block of ice to preserve them. my freezee will have a special box that was mine, that was filled with dead fish frozen in ice blocks...one day my mom found out and she freaked out. threw all away ): so i buried them from then on haha. but only those with sentimental value la...others i just flush or throw. ):
  4. ya la....bugger. decided not to get rid of it la. nice fish...not many can keep it alive for so long. anyway...i feed my corals mysis now instead of prawns. he doesnt like mysis as much as he likes prawns. the tunze was a second hand one. i dunno why spoil also. the metal axis broke and when asked if can repair, was told it was beyond repair. anyway, its ok (: i got it at a good price and it has served me well for as long as it was with me. thanks for the compliment. my tank where got advance -.- all LPS and softies lolz.
  5. here's the latest tank shot. right side
  6. and thank you for this beautiful brilliant green-pink tipped elegance. (you know who u are. kudos) my camera cannot capture the greeness of it. argh wasted. but its really bright green. v nice. haven open up 100% yet. cannot tahan la. itchy fingers must take foto now. this will be my last elegance. if it konk again, no more liao. 3rd time's a charm. lets hope this one survives well (: so far, 1st elegance died from a goby 2nd one died for no reason. since this one has been with the previous owner for quite awhile, hopefully its more stable and will do well.
  7. good. lucky got no cloves otherwise i go there spend money
  8. oo thats great! thanks (:
  9. new additions today. (: 3x yasha gobies. 2 of them paired up. im guessing ons is male the other female. and the other one is flying solo with a tiger pistol shrimp. the other 2 are pairing with some alpheus randalii pistols.
  10. Recently notice my ric looks abit weird. the mouth is not centered and has shifted abit to the left side. its still healthy and opening. just that the mouth is not center anymore and the right side seems to be getting bigger. any pros out there know if its spliitting? or its just an ugly ric...lol
  11. oh ya hor! i never thought of toilet. ok ok. toilet from now on. the only livestock i buried was my royal gramma. coz he survived super alot of crap that my damsel dished out to him, and survived heavy white spot and fungal infection. when he fully recovered, he died coz he jump out ): i buried him as memory. put a stick there also lol.
  12. if got any of that blue stripe one left ill be happy to buy it XD. $10 for 1 polyp my offer. really nice lol
  13. LCK is the best place to get royal grammas. they always have a constant supply...always go there will have one.
  14. Just wanna find out how u guys discard your dead livestock. fish, corals, inverts, liverocks etc. i live in a condo, and sometimes when i throw dead livestock down the rubbish chute i wonder if it will stink like hell. especially dead corals. so i usually double bag it and tie until super tightly.. how do you guys do it? burn? lol. used to have neighbours who throw down pieces of uncooked chicken and other meat stuff without bagging it. and i can tell u it stinks like hell. and i can imagine corals smelling 10x worse.. for those big and sentimental livestock i bury them in my garden =x dig a huge hole and bury it in my garden in my old house. all my dead pets are there lol..
  15. this kind of angels if im not wrong must have special shipment. carribean or brazil i duno. keep a look out on LFS update threads.
  16. LCk got alot of flame angels, 3 hybrid lemonpeels, one super jet black black tang, one gold flake. din see the bandit
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