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Everything posted by yikai

  1. if the rock of GSP is still avaiable i'll take it.
  2. yes no red shrooms. i had one rock which melted away for some reason. ):
  3. in my opinion, u do not have to tie them too tightly. just tight enuf for the base of the mushroom to touch the rock without it floating away. it should take around 1-2weeks for it to attatched. i tried this with xenia and it took 5 days to stick to the rock. try not to touch and disturb them during this period. they are stressed out from being fragged. yes the original stem will regen into a new mushroom. ignore the curly white stuff. as long as it is not melting, it will be fine. mushrooms are seriously resilient. the string of black stuff it is spitting out is either waste or its own zooxanthellae. if it has 2 mouths, it may split on its own. but this may take awhile. no worries and again as long as it is not melting, i would not get too worried. corals spit out "black" stuff all the time. they do that when they finish digesting a meal, or when u change them to different lighting positions.
  4. yes those are aiptasias. u can try peppermint shrimps, copperband butterfly or seagrass filefish if u want to avoid chemicals. injecting them with a super concentrated solution of calcium or kalkwasser will dissolve them instanty. but becarenot not to get that on ur corals. the 2nd ID is a protopalythoa. commonly known as yellow polyps. they are hardy and can spread very quickly. related to palys and zoas the 3rd ID is a Euphyllia Paradivisa, also known as frogspawn coral. they belong to the Euphyllia family together with hammer, torch, anchor and octopus corals. branching octo is a coloqial name thus u cannot find info on it. try frogspawn corals or just simply type euphyllia paradivisa. the care is similar to hammer and torch. good to moderate lighting and moderate flow. hope i have helped u (:
  5. hi if ur GSP at the background is for sale, i would like a frag too. thanks (:
  6. im obviously too YOUNG to know haha! (:
  7. bought a rock of fairly nice rhos from henry. will be fragging that green with polka dot mushy for u soon. one of them have 2 mouths. dunno if i should let it split or frag haha. anyways, will get one of that for u since u requested for it. let u know soon
  8. i dun get it i dun get it!! what's a clownfish song...
  9. ya those are clavularia. very nice gonio too
  10. very ncie 3ft shallow tank. thats a nice damsel fish too. it will grow out of its juvenile colours into a pure jet black adult.
  11. ur tank looks very big. look like a 3ft. (:
  12. thats not an anthellia but a cavularia if im not wrong. btw very nice tank. i see alot of euphyllids. very impressive!!! !!
  13. moderate wave is enough. sand bed or mid range is fine.
  14. if u do that method of feeding, u have to make sure the bubble is extending its feeding tentacles to "catch" the food. if its not extending the tentacles, then passing food particles cannot be captured and will be of no use. u can try placing a small piece of prawn on the bubble coral and turning off circulation for awhile to let the bubble grab the food. do this until the bubble can auto-extend the tentacles in anticipation of food. check ur water parameters too.
  15. lol kueytoc u dam funny. Great Ocean XD
  16. FTS PLEASEEEEEEE. wa ur cloves stunning. mine growing new polyps but soo slowly. time to get more colonies..
  17. i think u giv them ur bank account also cannot afford ):
  18. this coral up to only recently was believed to be impossible to sustain for a long period of time. but there are reefers who have kept them for many many years. how? goniopora require less than average reef quality systems. as bro amby said, they like "dirty" water. gonios are found in turbid nutrient rich water in the wild. where minuet food particles are abundant. this coral is very hard to keep. "growth" is only considered when u see new calcerous skeleton growing and new polyps emerging. the polyps can greatly expand/contract which lets most ppl believe that it is "growing"
  19. unlike other corals where showing skeleton means its dying, bubble corals when they show their skeletons could just mean that they are not open. i wouldnt worry about it "dying" just yet. check ur water parameters. bubbles are forgiving and they can tolerate slightly lousy water quality. as for lighting, they dun need so much lighting. moderate lighting is enough. feeding wise, it is reccoemeded u feed your bubble once a week or once every 2 weeks with a small piece of prawn just big enough for it to injest. i cannot stress this enough. over feeding LPS will kill them in the long run. have seen ppl feeding their pratas and cynarinas pieces of prawn EVERYDAY. although fun to watch, the LPS will die slowly from exhaustion. my 2 cents.
  20. amby u wan me get premature stroke isit? lol. the 1st clove thing looks dam nice.
  21. pic of ur yumas please!! haha. if i have time i go collect the lemon yellow one from you. =x
  22. no la haha. i tot his blothcy anthias same size as liverock D:
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