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Everything posted by yikai

  1. these super lumi green rhos.... glows in actinic like radioactive toxic scum.
  2. finally finish touching up the mess created. the right side of my tank is like a pile of rocks now -.- and some loose frags there awaiting collection. firsty, this is the new clove i got today. funny colour i dunno how to describe too. white outlines and has a dirty green center. ok la not bad. price is quite reasonable. colony is huge btw.
  3. took me 2 hours to get everything back in original position again. but i still failed T_T i think i will do a FTS when i come home in the evening tomorrow la. now busy with some work. my old cloves are all falling off the rock!! i think they are not meant to be glued!? lol i dunno. the new ones are ok. the old one i itchy finger go glue it and i think they are not reacting well to it... argh sian sian. ok nvm tomorrow i see how then i take fts post here.
  4. recently bought 3 yashas and 3 pistol shrimp from coral farm. they have some left that day. yashas are around $23 and the shrimp is $8
  5. ARGH! hands itchy went to touch my tank to rearrange some corals. DISASTER!!!!!! now my coral placement all disturbed and dam ugly now. zzzzzzz pictures LATER -__-
  6. no need to panic over aiptasia. few weeks is ok. just make sure none of them touch ur corals.
  7. please make sure that the slime is coming from the mouth and not from the mushroom flesh. if its from the flesh then probably its melting.
  8. his sump tank nicer than my display tank lol. with all that angels. and did i see a BLACK TANG!?
  9. u are right! everytime i change water my shrimps all start moulting soon after. i think the iodine surge or whatever will stimulate it haha
  10. LIKE THIS ALSO U CAN MAKE JOKE!! LOOOL that identity thing was witty and funny. very nice to see a crab moult outside the rock! usually they hide away to do their thing.
  11. indulgent man....all 3 mouths also u feed
  12. the mouth of a mushroom is quite small and from the pic, i can see that the "slime" is not coming from the mouth, rather from the coral itself! i am very certain that it is melting. take it out to smell. if it smells atrocious, it is melting. and you should remove it because it MAY spread to ur other frags. since ur frags are kinda stressed from fragging now, u want to prevent all bacteria and other stuff from infecting it. take out that red mushroom asap if it is really melting. as for saving it, very hard....i have no idea how. maybe someone might know.
  13. cauliflower for 7 years!? omg. that some serious skill.
  14. i admire your love and passion for ur hobby and ur kids. although precious money and life was lost because of ur children, u forgive them and i respect u for that alot. i know some people who punish their kids for the slightest reason.....sometimes i feel like telling them off but heck what do i know right? im just a kid
  15. yes thank you boxerz for this good write up. gonios are found in water where planktonic life are passing tru them almost 24/7. so they get a continous supply of food. if u try to replicate that in ur tank it will be pretty difficult. and not to mention fouling of water... therefore feeding at least 2 times a day for gonios. if not once a day.
  16. i just got the last part! HAHA. din know u so humerous...
  17. =x cannot imagine seeing 200 sohal in the sea XD sorry my brain very small imagination capacity. anyone see any CLOVE POLYPS AROUND!?
  18. the bubble in ur last pic looks like my fox coral lol. fox corals are delicious too
  19. haha ya those ppl with GF and CO hav to please them and urself. very hard. good thing my mom couldnt care less XD i want a pink bubble lol. i like bubbles....
  20. moorish idols are very hard to keep alive i hope u know that. dont be suprised if it doest live even for a month. as for corals, it is a hit and miss thing. my moorish idol ate all my candy canes in a span of 3 days. and left everything else alone. reef safe with caution. they will however decimate all ur sponges.
  21. the clam in the sump got light? clams need very intense to strong lighting. water change is always a good move. when in doubt, just water change XD. but dont do it too often. get ur parameters to stable levels first, then do water change weekly or biweekly.
  22. put more corals! haha. GSP would be nice (:
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