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Everything posted by yikai

  1. zoos are not as easy as u think actually. i used to think the same way...until all of mine died and i gave up on them forever. they are probably win the award of getting the most number of pest on one coral at anyone time contest lol. nudis, spiders, sundial snails, zoapox, are some of the many things u find on zoas lol. quarantine all zoas u buy ESPECIALLY those from farms. some of the varients of zoos need very high lighting too. like those pinks i think.
  2. both are equally nice la. i like all angels. just dunno how to keep only so i admire admire hehe BTW, anyone know if iwarna coming in coral shipment anytime soon? thx
  3. maculosus come in red sea shipment? this batch no have ah? saw plenty of asfurs
  4. reccomend u do drip acclimatisation. the safest, although i dun really care. for me i just do simple acclimatasion like how i would do to a fish
  5. no la. for what give me a lift?? drive here then go back. no no i will meet u at ur house haha.
  6. oh! would love to drop by ur place to "prospect alien territory" and can oso check out them corals...heh. ok.
  7. Emerald mithrax crabs are aggressive and will attack fish when adult i think. crabs are opportunistic. persnonally never seen it in LFS before...very very rare i think. get snails. they're better
  8. TUBEWORMS! i love them. ya wed night im free. let me know the timing though. if its late evening to night, i have to meet u at tanah merah MRT. coz my house got ppl fixing the lights. from wed to fri. anyday also can.
  9. yo wilson haha. cars cars. i last time play tamiya only
  10. actually, many ppl say cleaner wrasses are very hard to keep alive. but i know a few ppl here, and not here, who have kept many cleaner wrases alive for long time. feeding on the standard aqarium fare. just get a good size specimens. smaller ones usually do better.
  11. Labroides Wrasses (cleaner wrasses) are extremely difficult to maintain in the aqarium. there is a very high chance ur cleaner wrasse will die. this is an obligate cleaner in the wild meaning it gets ALL its nutrients from dead skin, necrotic tissue, parasites etc etc it picks off dead fishes. in the home aquarium, there is simply not enuf fish to sustain it. unless u get it feeding on mysis, pellets, etc. if ur cleaner wrasse is not feeding on prepared foods, it is best to house them in humongous community tanks where it can pick parasites and other sustainable food substance of many many fishes. this is one fish that most ppl discourage from buying. majority will not survive unless u are lucky to get a feeding one. if you want a fish to clean ur other fish, u can try Gobiosoma gobies aka neon gobies. or a lysmata shrimp will do the job just fine. cleaner shrimps.
  12. that is alot of clowns..sooner of later they are going to get aggressive. jewels are very very difficult corals to keep. dun feel bad that urs is not doing well. they are very difficult and should not be experienced by the novice aquarist. take this as a lesson learnt. yours looks abit bleached though. 32 deg is quite high. u should use a fan or somehting to lower it.
  13. u are absolutely right. one of them just floated away. the rock came with 4 bristle worms. all kena eaten by my dottyback thankfully
  14. yup. they are nocturnal. if no algae, feed them nori. that is a very beautiful specimen. nice coloured shell. enjoy it bro (:
  15. feeding New Life Spectrum pellets. they are apparently very palatable. moorish idol, mandarina nd cleaner wrasse enjoy that.
  16. brown stuff can be 2 things. either brown jelly, or expelling waste/zooxanthaelle. the 2nd is harmless. first one is very hard to treat. for all euphyllids, they are not terrible difficult to care for. as long as u follow this u should be fine - moderate wave. - ABSOLUTELY NO strong laminar flow. it will tear the tissue off the skeleton - if using MH, place at bottom or somewhere shady. - if using T5, place mid to top. - occasional feeding is fine. mysis will do. if u wan feed prawn, once every 2 weeks is enuf. - never over feed ur LPS. they will die. follow this general guideline and ur euphyllids should thrive. they do appreciate some nitrates. 5-10ppm is fine.
  17. oh btw, in the middle of those mandarin pics is an ugly brown mush that grew out of nowhere -.-
  18. i bought a little sheila for my male mandarin!! they paired off instantly. but im keeping and eye closely incase they go beserk and decide to kill each other. this little lassie is cute as a button! eyes as big as tea cups and with character to match! really FHM model LOL the male often displays to her. first time in a long while i have seen my male mandarin erect all his.."eh hem" fins... they liking hanging out under my xenia tree. hmm...bolly wood much? where coconut trees are replaced by xenia trees. enojoy these couple shots (: truly beautiful seeing them together.
  19. also a royal gramma (to replace my suicidal one ) and a dottyback
  20. some recent aquisitions a new retrofit 3ft light with reflectors. 1x 39W blue, 1x 39W white. 10k bulbs. ATI. very bright and beautiful! / can try keep tridacna clams liao
  21. v nice bubble. green would be nicer. but no complains. its really a beautiful piece
  22. hit and miss. they might eat them. take a look at those vicious teeth (:
  23. there. all those are my acans. why u take foto never ask me for permission!!
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