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Everything posted by yikai

  1. when i updating this thread, i imagine myself walking in the LFS. and this fish is here and that fish is here haha. helps me to remember easier. any idea when iwarna coming in coral shipment?
  2. im joking la...its not chinese med lol
  3. because...it IS chinese medicine! DUN DUN DUN!! lol
  4. ups ups for wilson's LPS. just saw all of them personally and all really healthy! more heahlthy than me i think lol
  5. fell in love with it lol. but sadly it just died T_T. jump out become kiam cai. when i came home it die already. are fairy wrasses good jumpers?
  6. haha! i was joking. i need a chiller and a denitrator first before i spend on this! haha!
  7. oh. ok no worries bro (: who knows, maybe when it grow more small small polyps u can get it back from ur friends haha
  8. actually weekly is abit too much if ur feeding it prawn. prawn meat is very tough and very stress inducing for corals to digest. once / 2 weeks is ideal. if once a week, best to use mysis.
  9. could be form lack of feeding. although this suggesstion is quite debatable. in the wild these corals dun get much food, but they do catch some. torch corals have strong prey capturing ability, as u can see by their long and powerful tentacles. so they can and will accept small pieces of food like mysis and prawn. prolong starvation can cause recession. maybe u can check ur lightings too? if the lighting is not enough, u can supplement LPS with food. without food and light, the LPS will receed and die.
  10. yellowtail damsel is one of the least aggressive damsels. the changing damsels (genus neoglyphidodon) are one of the most aggressive.
  11. if u wan to add damsels can. but add it as ur last fish. that way all existing fishes will have their little slice of the tank to call their own. if u add the damsel first, the whole tank will be his. thats why it is wise to plan the order in which to add ur fishes.
  12. JM is not closing. they're moving to sungei tengah. next to qian hu... zzz near my old house. can go pay them a visit and see their "cheap" good. btw weesy, that blue sea fan u bought needs to be fed hor. its non photosynthetic.
  13. bought it from fragmaster. nice hor.
  14. just came back from SeaLife. very nice selection of hawaii/red sea fishes. Hawaii - v nice flame angels (feeding on dried food) - one big kole eye - alot of yellow tang. small to large - 1 very beautiful potter's angel red sea - sohals - purple tangs. small to large - golden butterflies other misc fish. - LOTS of small cute baby blue tangs, medium, large - yellow bellied regals - black footed clowns (as mentioned by dispar anthias) - maroon clowns - coral beauty - cleaner wrasse - tomato clown - threadfin butterfly - orange shoulder tang - royal gramma - solar wrasse - very nice small africanus. about 3" - big africanus - big emperor - raccoon butterfly - red scooter blennies - midas blenny - koran angels - clown tangs - indian mimic tang - diadema dottyback - i think still got summore. cannot remember all. lots of fire shrimp, boxer shrimp, cleaner shrimp and one golden bodied boxer shrimp. i think friday or saturday they coming in brazil shipment.
  15. if i buy got special discount? XD jk. upz for u. v nice piece of equipment.
  16. 6060 will smash ur glass and cause a tsunami. lol jk, but yes that is very strong for a 2ft. my 3ft im using a 6045 and a 6055 and its already quite strong. maybe a 6045 will be good
  17. very useful for those want to keep angels. if i ever wan to try next time. ill use this article as a guide for sure!
  18. wow very informative article! had a great time reading it. generous reefer who shares experience with evreybody. thumbs up! and also the effort taken into writing this article.
  19. thanks! he is still alive and kicking. ill live with no regrets even if he dies. i have provided him the best care i can give and im sure me and him are very happy
  20. wa....now i must go HK liao. wilson those are some very very verrrry nice zoos. and whats that? RBTA??
  21. thanks fuel! this is the one! very beautiful...wanted to buy 2 and add them in together but i scared they destroyed each other. haiz.
  22. i v long never see king angels in LFS O.O if i see will let u know for sure. but i think if king come, i also last to know
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