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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i wanted to go at 11pm but i dozed off and when i woke up, 10am!! oh well =]
  2. last night i had a dream that LCK got ALOOOOOOT of kings. then i sms bro bigbird. but alas, it was just a dream. maybe it will come true
  3. u can have a nice tank with just LPS and softies. my tank now not a single polyp of SPS, and i find that it looks quite decent. and cheaper also.
  4. but after the discount shud be around 5 red notes right? anyway the flames at CF were v healthy....
  5. live sand contains bacteria, and other small microfauna like pods, and other stuff that improve the overall health of the sysmteim. these little critters in the sand aerate the sand also, making it less compact. cannot use normal sand to cycle tank because they contain no bacteria. however, if u keep liverocks and normal sand together, after while, the normal sand will turn live too. bacteria will live there and other stuff will grow in it.
  6. CF flame angels more expensive. i dunno why. usually after discount will be about 4-5 red notes.
  7. yes maintenance is difficult. will have to remove one light set if i want to do maintenance. no dun hav CR running. manually top up. for me i think CR not very crucial for me since im keeping LPS/softies only
  8. more lighting is always good. but make sure u slowly acclimate ur corals to the new lights. otherwise will bleach. despite my efforts in doing so, one of my hammer showing signs of bleaching too. no la my tank not nice. go take a look at redstar's tank or mr xxx one. v nice
  9. alot at sealife. blue tangs 1" also have. yellow tangs there were some 2" ones
  10. got it from a fellow reefer here. the solar wrasse was very well behaved. but sadly it jumped out. heard they are good jumpers but din expect it to really jump..
  11. successfully paired my royal grammas. very nice to see them swimming together.
  12. ya lor. the first one u gimme. now open quite big. i have already shifted liao (: sorry for giving u such a huge piece...i din know ur tank had no space for it =\ i can compensate if u wan haha.
  13. can offer me the eheim 1260? interested in that
  14. oh my god! those crabs are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the face look so blue and "oh my god" face HAHAHA. i want ):
  15. thank you wilson for the mush frags
  16. my sun babies are not supersun. they are just normal suns. ya they are growing. in a few months time should be like henry's one. but not so much. mine mostly confined to the rocks. henry's one, glass also got.
  17. My clove polyps are spawning! (i think). discovered many whitish egg masses on my cloves drifting away and on it. at first i tot some kind of slug or snail laid them. cannot be nudis becoz the eggs were quite big. can see clearly with the ###### eye. so nvm i just sucked them out and throw away. 5 mins later, the eggs were produced again! i was quite puzzled la. if its indeed a snail or slug, cannot be everytime i suck out, it lay back? so on closer observation, the eggs were coming from the polyps! there are a few threads on reef central discussing this. apparently its not uncommon. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...hreadid=1601720 well, guess there will be baby cloves all around my tank soon. so many baby suns everywhere liao. now cloves. tank going to be overrruned with baby corals. of course, this event has not gone unoticed. my yellow wrasse snacks on those eggs whenever he is near them. ill be lucky if any of thema ctually grow though.
  18. steal my acans! i will get very angry haha. jk
  19. no la. i go iwarna only see clove and mushies. i dun think old birds interested in those XD
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